WSO2 EMM iOS 注册错误:"The Registration Authority's response is invalid"

在Mac(10.8)上安装WSO2 EMM服务器。根据iOS服务器配置指南制作自签名证书: +服务器+配置

能够在iPad (iOS 7)上成功下载并安装自签名根CA。但是,在iPad上安装WSO2配置文件服务时出现错误:





Mar 18 11:55:09 XXXXX-iPad profiled[2191] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Cannot retrieve SCEP identity: NSError:
Desc   : The Registration Authority’s response is invalid.
US Desc: The Registration Authority’s response is invalid.
Domain : MCSCEPErrorDomain
Code   : 22003
Type   : MCFatalError
Mar 18 11:55:09 XXXXX-iPad profiled[2191] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Failure occurred while retrieving profile during OTA Profile Enrollment: NSError:
Desc   : The Registration Authority’s response is invalid.
US Desc: The Registration Authority’s response is invalid.
Domain : MCSCEPErrorDomain
Code   : 22003
Type   : MCFatalError
Mar 18 11:55:09 XXXXX-iPad profiled[2191] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Installation failed. Error: NSError:
Desc   : Profile Installation Failed
Sugg   : The Registration Authority’s response is invalid.
US Desc: Profile Installation Failed
US Sugg: The Registration Authority’s response is invalid.
Domain : MCInstallationErrorDomain
Code   : 4001
Type   : MCFatalError
...Underlying error:
Desc   : The Registration Authority’s response is invalid.
US Desc: The Registration Authority’s response is invalid.
Domain : MCSCEPErrorDomain
Code   : 22003
Type   : MCFatalError
Extra info:
   isPrimary = 1;


