适用于 Outlook 2011 的 Applescript 可将与源帐户匹配的特定文件夹中的所有邮件移动到其他文件夹

正如标题所述"有关 Outlook 2011 Applescript 的帮助,该脚本将所有邮件从与源帐户匹配的特定文件夹移动到其他文件夹。



tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set topFolder to mail folder "AT&T" of on my computer
set destFolder to folder "Deleted Items" of topFolder
move every message of mail folder "Deleted Items" of on my computer to destFolder
end tell


tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set topFolder to mail folder "AT&T" of on my computer
set destFolder to folder "Deleted Items" of topFolder
move (every message of mail folder "Deleted Items" of on my computer whose account = "Att") to destFolder
end tell


Microsoft Outlook got an error: Can’t make account into type specifier.



tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set topFolder to mail folder "AT&T" of on my computer
    set destFolder to folder "Deleted Items" of topFolder
    set srcFolder to mail folder "Deleted Items" of on my computer
    set selectedMessages to messages of srcFolder
    repeat with theMessages in selectedMessages
        set thisAccount to account of theMessages
        if (name of thisAccount as text is "Att") then
            if (is read of theMessages is false) then
                set theMessages's is read to true
            end if
            move theMessages to destFolder
        end if
    end repeat
end tell
