


  • NhibernateRepository
  • 会话管理器

我正在使用Unity IOC Container:

this.RegisterType<IRepository, NHibernateRepository>(new PerResolveLifetimeManager());
this.RegisterType<ISessionManager, SessionManager>(new PerResolveLifetimeManager());


  public NHibernateRepository(UserModel userModel, ISessionManager sessionManager)
        UserModel = userModel;
        SessionManager = sessionManager;
    public ISession Session
            using (_lock.WaitToRead())
                if (_session != null) return _session;
            using (_lock.WaitToWrite())
                if (_session != null) return _session;
                _session = SessionManager.GetSession(UserModel == null ? "Task" : UserModel.FullName);
                return _session;


public class SessionManager : ISessionManager
    private static readonly ResourceLock _lock = new OneManyResourceLock();
    public static ISessionFactory Factory { get; set; }

    public ISession GetSession(string userName)
        ISession session = GetSessionFactory().OpenSession(new AuditInterceptor(userName));
        return session;
    private static ISessionFactory GetSessionFactory()
        using (_lock.WaitToRead())
            if (Factory != null) return Factory;
        using (_lock.WaitToWrite())
            if (Factory != null) return Factory;
            string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DomainConnection"].ConnectionString;
            Factory = FluentlyConfigureFactory(connectionString, false);
            return Factory;
    private static ISessionFactory FluentlyConfigureFactory(string connectionString, bool showSql)
          MsSqlConfiguration databaseConfiguration = MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005
            .ConnectionString(c => c.Is(connectionString))
        if (showSql)
        databaseConfiguration.Raw("generate_statistics", showSql.ToString());
        FluentConfiguration configuration = Fluently.Configure().Database(databaseConfiguration);
       return configuration
            .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<ApplicationMap>().Conventions.Add(typeof(Conventions)))
                c => {
                    c.SetProperty("cache.provider_class", "NHibernate.Caches.SysCache.SysCacheProvider, NHibernate.Caches.SysCache");
                    c.SetProperty("cache.use_second_level_cache", "true");
                    c.SetProperty("cache.use_query_cache", "true");
                    c.SetProperty("expiration", "86400");



    Initializing[ (one of my domain objects) #1]-Could not initialize proxy - no Session. 




 public class NHibernateCache2 : ICache
        private static readonly IInternalLogger Log = LoggerProvider.LoggerFor(typeof(NHibernateCache2));
        private readonly string _region;
        private string _regionPrefix;
        private readonly MemoryCache _cache;
        private TimeSpan _expiration;
        private CacheItemPriority _priority;
        // The name of the cache key used to clear the cache. All cached items depend on this key.
        private readonly string _rootCacheKey;
        private bool _rootCacheKeyStored;
        private static readonly TimeSpan DefaultExpiration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300);
        private static readonly string DefauktRegionPrefix = string.Empty;
        private const string CacheKeyPrefix = "NHibernate-Cache:";
        public NHibernateCache2():this("nhibernate", null)
        public NHibernateCache2(string region):this(region, null)
        /// There are two (2) configurable parameters:
        /// expiration = number of seconds to wait before expiring each item
        /// priority = a numeric cost of expiring each item, where 1 is a low cost, 5 is the highest, and 3 is normal. Only values 1 through 5 are valid.
        /// All parameters are optional. The defaults are an expiration of 300 seconds and the default priority of 3.
        public NHibernateCache2(string region, IDictionary<string, string> properties)
            _region = region;
            _cache = MemoryCache.Default;
            _rootCacheKey = GenerateRootCacheKey();
        /// Defines property in order to get the region for the NHibernate's Cache.
        public string Region
            get { return _region; }
        /// Obtains a expiration value that indicates the time in seconds after which an object is automatically 
        /// evicted from the cache.
        public TimeSpan Expiration
            get { return _expiration; }
        /// Obtains a priority value that indicates the likelihood that an object of that region evicts 
        /// another already cached object of a lower priority region.
        public CacheItemPriority Priority
            get { return _priority; }
        private void Configure(IDictionary<string, string> props)
            if (props == null)
                if (Log.IsWarnEnabled)
                    Log.Warn("configuring cache with default values");
                _expiration = DefaultExpiration;
                _priority = CacheItemPriority.Default;
                _regionPrefix = DefauktRegionPrefix;
                _priority = GetPriority(props);
                _expiration = GetExpiration(props);
                _regionPrefix = GetRegionPrefix(props);
        private static string GetRegionPrefix(IDictionary<string, string> props)
            string result;
            if (props.TryGetValue("regionPrefix", out result))
                Log.DebugFormat("new regionPrefix :{0}", result);
                result = DefauktRegionPrefix;
                Log.Debug("no regionPrefix value given, using defaults");
            return result;
        private static TimeSpan GetExpiration(IDictionary<string, string> props)
            TimeSpan result = DefaultExpiration;
            string expirationString;
            if (!props.TryGetValue("expiration", out expirationString))
                props.TryGetValue(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.CacheDefaultExpiration, out expirationString);
            if (expirationString != null)
                    int seconds = Convert.ToInt32(expirationString);
                    result = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds);
                    Log.Debug("new expiration value: " + seconds);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error("error parsing expiration value");
                    throw new ArgumentException("could not parse 'expiration' as a number of seconds", ex);
                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Log.Debug("no expiration value given, using defaults");
            return result;
        private static CacheItemPriority GetPriority(IDictionary<string, string> props)
            CacheItemPriority result = CacheItemPriority.Default;
            string priorityString;
            if (props.TryGetValue("priority", out priorityString))
                result = ConvertCacheItemPriorityFromXmlString(priorityString);
                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Log.Debug("new priority: " + result);
            return result;

        private static CacheItemPriority ConvertCacheItemPriorityFromXmlString(string priorityString)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(priorityString))
                return CacheItemPriority.Default;
            var ps = priorityString.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
            if (ps.Length == 1 && char.IsDigit(priorityString, 0))
                // the priority is specified as a number
                int priorityAsInt = int.Parse(ps);
                if (priorityAsInt >= 1 && priorityAsInt <= 6)
                    return (CacheItemPriority)priorityAsInt;
                /// change for your own priority settings
                switch (ps)
                    case "abovenormal":
                        return CacheItemPriority.Default;
                    case "belownormal":
                        return CacheItemPriority.Default;
                    case "default":
                        return CacheItemPriority.Default;
                    case "high":
                        return CacheItemPriority.Default;
                    case "low":
                        return CacheItemPriority.Default;
                    case "normal":
                        return CacheItemPriority.Default;
                    case "notremovable":
                        return CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable;
            Log.Error("priority value out of range: " + priorityString);
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Priority must be a valid System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority; was: " + priorityString);
        private string GetCacheKey(object key)
            return String.Concat(CacheKeyPrefix, _regionPrefix, _region, ":", key.ToString(), "@", key.GetHashCode());
        /// Gets an object that exist in the second level cache of NHibernate by the specified key.
        ///A unique identifier for the cache entry to get.
        ///Returns an entry from the NHibernate's Cache.
        public object Get(object key)
            if (key == null)
                return null;
            string cacheKey = GetCacheKey(key);
            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                Log.Debug(String.Format("Fetching object '{0}' from the cache.", cacheKey));
            object obj = _cache.Get(cacheKey);
            if (obj == null)
                return null;
            var de = (DictionaryEntry)obj;
            if (key.Equals(de.Key))
                return de.Value;
                return null;
        /// Adds a specific object inside the in the second level cache of NHibernate by using its key and its content.
        /// A key value of an item from the second level cache of NHibernate.
        /// Data for an entry of second level cache of NHibernate.
        public void Put(object key, object value)
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key", "null key not allowed");
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value", "null value not allowed");
            string cacheKey = GetCacheKey(key);
            if (_cache[cacheKey] != null)
                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Log.Debug(String.Format("updating value of key '{0}' to '{1}'.", cacheKey, value));
                // Remove the key to re-add it again below
                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Log.Debug(String.Format("adding new data: key={0}&value={1}", cacheKey, value));
            if (!_rootCacheKeyStored)
            var cacheItemPolicy = new CacheItemPolicy()
                AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.Add(_expiration),
                SlidingExpiration = ObjectCache.NoSlidingExpiration,
                Priority = _priority,
            cacheItemPolicy.ChangeMonitors.Add(_cache.CreateCacheEntryChangeMonitor(new[] { _rootCacheKey }));
                new DictionaryEntry(key, value),
        /// Removes a cache entry from second level cache of NHibernate by a key. 
        /// A key value of an item from second level cache of NHibernate.
        public void Remove(object key)
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            string cacheKey = GetCacheKey(key);
            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                Log.Debug("removing item with key: " + cacheKey);
        /// Removes an object/item from second level cache of NHibernate.
        public void Clear()
        /// Generate a unique root key for all cache items to be dependant upon
        private string GenerateRootCacheKey()
            return GetCacheKey(Guid.NewGuid());
        private void RootCacheItemRemoved(CacheEntryRemovedArguments arguments)
            _rootCacheKeyStored = false;
        private void StoreRootCacheKey()
            _rootCacheKeyStored = true;
            var policy = new CacheItemPolicy
                AbsoluteExpiration = ObjectCache.InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration,
                SlidingExpiration = ObjectCache.NoSlidingExpiration,
                Priority = CacheItemPriority.Default,
                RemovedCallback = RootCacheItemRemoved
        private void RemoveRootCacheKey()
        /// Clears the second level cache of NHibernate.
        public void Destroy()
        public void Lock(object key)
            // Do nothing
        public void Unlock(object key)
            // Do nothing
        /// Obtains the next timestamp value.
        public long NextTimestamp()
            return Timestamper.Next();
        /// Defines property in order to get the sliding expiration time for the second level cache of NHibernate.
        public int Timeout
            get { return Timestamper.OneMs * 60000; } // 60 seconds
        /// Retrieves the name of NHibernate second level cache region.
        public string RegionName
            get { return _region; }


public class NHibernateCacheProvider2 : ICacheProvider
        private static readonly Dictionary<string, ICache> Caches;
        private static readonly IInternalLogger Log;
        static NHibernateCacheProvider2()
            Log = LoggerProvider.LoggerFor(typeof(NHibernateCacheProvider2));
            Caches = new Dictionary<string, ICache>();
        /// Builds a new SysCache through the region and a collection of properties.
        /// regionName: The name of the cache region.
        /// properties: Configuration settings.
        /// returns A new instance of NHibernateCache by using a region of the cache.
        public ICache BuildCache(string regionName, IDictionary<string, string> properties)
            if (regionName == null)
                regionName = string.Empty;
            ICache result;
            if (Caches.TryGetValue(regionName, out result))
                return result;
            // create cache
            if (properties == null)
                properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(1);
            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("building cache with region: ").Append(regionName).Append(", properties: ");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> de in properties)
            return new NHibernateCache2(regionName, properties);
        public long NextTimestamp()
            return Timestamper.Next();

        public void Start(IDictionary<string, string> properties) { //your impl it's not necessary }
        public void Stop() { }

如果您正在使用fluent nhibernate,您可以使用以下配置进行注册:

ConnectionString(builder =>   builder.FromConnectionStringWithKey(connectionStringKey)))
.ExposeConfiguration(c =>{c.SetProperty("show_sql", "true");}).
Cache(builder =>builder.ProviderClass<NHibernateCacheProvider2().

