
我正在学习有关如何使用Google Reseller API的教程。我已经来到了关于确定客户是否已存在于Google Apps(步骤2(的部分,但在处理Google_Service_Exception对象时没有卡住。

如果客户不存在,则对 API 的调用将返回 404 错误。我正在使用 Google_Service_Exception 对象$ecode 属性来确定响应是否有 404 错误。但是,当我尝试返回错误代码时,$e->code

try {
 // Call to the Google Reseller API
} catch (Google_Service_Exception $e) {
  if($e->code == 404){
    return false;


致命错误:无法访问受保护的属性 Google_Service_Exception::$code。


require_once 'Google/Exception.php';
class Google_Service_Exception extends Google_Exception
   * Optional list of errors returned in a JSON body of an HTTP error response.
  protected $errors = array();
   * Override default constructor to add ability to set $errors.
   * @param string $message
   * @param int $code
   * @param Exception|null $previous
   * @param [{string, string}] errors List of errors returned in an HTTP
   * response.  Defaults to [].
  public function __construct(
      $code = 0,
      Exception $previous = null,
      $errors = array()
  ) {
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) {
      parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
    } else {
      parent::__construct($message, $code);
    $this->errors = $errors;
   * An example of the possible errors returned.
   * {
   *   "domain": "global",
   *   "reason": "authError",
   *   "message": "Invalid Credentials",
   *   "locationType": "header",
   *   "location": "Authorization",
   * }
   * @return [{string, string}] List of errors return in an HTTP response or [].
  public function getErrors()
    return $this->errors;


只需使用 getCode() 方法:

try {
     // Call to the Google Reseller API
} catch (Google_Service_Exception $e) {
     if($e->getCode() == 404){ // <- Change is here
         return false;

