

        NSLog(@"Selected Team 1 : %@", [[[appDelegate teamRoster]objectAtIndex:1] class]);
        NSLog(@"Selected Team 0 : %@", [[[appDelegate teamRoster]objectAtIndex:0] class]);
        NSLog(@"Selected Team : %@", [[[appDelegate teamRoster]objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] class]);
        NSLog(@"Selected Team : %@", [[appDelegate teamRoster]objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]);


2011-06-22 09:56:54.734 CoCoach[33182:207] Selected Team 1 : _NSIndexPathUniqueTreeNode
2011-06-22 09:56:54.735 CoCoach[33182:207] Selected Team 0 : __NSCFSet
2011-06-22 09:56:54.735 CoCoach[33182:207] Selected Team : __NSCFSet
2011-06-22 09:56:54.736 CoCoach[33182:207] Selected Team : {(
2011-06-22 09:56:54.737 CoCoach[33182:207] Selected Team 1 : _NSIndexPathUniqueTreeNode
2011-06-22 09:56:54.737 CoCoach[33182:207] Selected Team 0 : __NSCFSet
2011-06-22 09:56:54.738 CoCoach[33182:207] Selected Team : _NSIndexPathUniqueTreeNode
2011-06-22 09:56:54.738 CoCoach[33182:207] Selected Team : <_NSIndexPathUniqueTreeNode: 0x703e6c0>


2011-06-22 09:58:30.082 CoCoach[33189:207] Selected Team 1 : __NSArrayM
2011-06-22 09:58:30.083 CoCoach[33189:207] Selected Team 0 : NSCFString
2011-06-22 09:58:30.083 CoCoach[33189:207] Selected Team : NSCFString
2011-06-22 09:58:30.084 CoCoach[33189:207] Selected Team : Koch
2011-06-22 09:58:30.084 CoCoach[33189:207] Selected Team 1 : __NSArrayM
2011-06-22 09:58:30.085 CoCoach[33189:207] Selected Team 0 : NSCFString
2011-06-22 09:58:30.085 CoCoach[33189:207] Selected Team : __NSArrayM
2011-06-22 09:58:30.086 CoCoach[33189:207] Selected Team : (


2011-06-22 09:59:17.825 CoCoach[33192:207] Selected Team 1 : _UITableViewReorderingSupport
2011-06-22 09:59:17.826 CoCoach[33192:207] Selected Team 0 : NSCFString
2011-06-22 09:59:17.826 CoCoach[33192:207] Selected Team : NSCFString
2011-06-22 09:59:17.826 CoCoach[33192:207] Selected Team : Smith
2011-06-22 09:59:17.827 CoCoach[33192:207] Selected Team 1 : _UITableViewReorderingSupport
2011-06-22 09:59:17.827 CoCoach[33192:207] Selected Team 0 : NSCFString
2011-06-22 09:59:17.828 CoCoach[33192:207] Selected Team : _UITableViewReorderingSupport
2011-06-22 09:59:17.828 CoCoach[33192:207] Selected Team : <_UITableViewReorderingSupport: 0x5b3cf30>


2011-06-22 09:58:30.078 CoCoach[33189:207] Team Roster Array: (




- (void)fetchRecords:(NSString *)teamToFind{
    teamRoster = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self managedObjectContext];
    // Define our table/entity to use
    NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Teams" inManagedObjectContext:context];
    // Setup the fetch request
    NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
    [request setEntity:entity];
    // Define how we will sort the records
    NSSortDescriptor *teams = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"Team" ascending:NO];
    NSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:teams];

    [request setSortDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
    [teams release];
    // Fetch the records and handle an error
    NSError *error;
    NSMutableArray *mutableFetchResults = [[context executeFetchRequest:request error:&error] mutableCopy];

    if (!mutableFetchResults) {
        // Handle the error.
        // This is a serious error and should advise the user to restart the application
    // Save our fetched data to an array
    [self setStoredTeams:mutableFetchResults];
    NSLog(@"Number of teams, %i", [storedTeams count]);
//  NSMutableArray *temp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (Teams *diffTeams in storedTeams) {
        NSLog(@"Name: %@", diffTeams.Team);
        NSSet *rowers = [[NSSet alloc] initWithSet:diffTeams.Rowers];
        for (Rowers *roster in rowers){
            if ([diffTeams.Team isEqualToString:teamToFind]) {
                NSString *fullName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", roster.FName, roster.LName];
                NSLog(@"%@", fullName);
                [teamRoster addObject:fullName];
                [fullName release];
                NSLog(@"Team Roster Array: %@", teamRoster);                
    if (![context save:&error]) {
        //This is a serious error saying the record could not be saved.
        //Advise the user to restart the application
    [mutableFetchResults release];
    [request release];

我认为您希望在NSLog参数中使用NSStringFromClass([[[appDelegate teamRoster]objectAtIndex:1] class])

