



如果有人能以正确的方式替换我的注册代码,并教我如何在WPF ViewModel类中使用它,那将是非常棒的!谢谢


public interface IDBContext{}
public interface IUnitOfWork{}
public interface ISomeEntityService{}
public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
{ T GetSingle( Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate ); }
public class DBContext1 : IDBContext
    public DBContext1(connString) : base(connString){}
public class DBContext2 : IDBContext
    public DBContext2(connString) : base(connString){}

public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
    private readonly IDBContext context;
    private readonly IDbSet<T> dbSet;
    public Repository(IDBContext ctx)
        context = ctx;
        dbSet = ((DbContext)context).Set<T>();
    public T GetSingle( Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate )
        return ((DbContext)context).Set<T>().SingleOrDefault(predicate);
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
    IDBContext ctx;
    private Dictionary<string, dynamic> repositories;
    public UnitOfWork(IDBContext context)
        ctx = context;
    public IRepository<T> Repository<T>() where T : class
        if (repositories == null)
            repositories = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
        var type = nameof(T);
        if (repositories.ContainsKey(type))
            return (IRepository<T>)repositories[type];
        var repositoryType = typeof(Repository<>);
        repositories.Add(type, Activator.CreateInstance(repositoryType.MakeGenericType(typeof(T)), ctx));
        return repositories[type];
    public int SaveChanges()
        return ctx.SaveChanges();
public class MyUnityBootstrapper : UnityBootstrapper
    protected override void ConfigureContainer()
        Container.RegisterType<IDBContext, DBContext1>("Context1");
        Container.RegisterType<IDBContext, DBContext2>("Context2");
        Container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Repository<>));
        Container.RegisterType<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
public class SomeEntityService : ISomeEntityService
    private IUnitOfWork uow;
    public ConsumerService( IUnitOfWork _uow )
    { uow = _uow; }
    public SomeEntity GetSomeData( int id )
        return uow.Repository<SomeEntity>().GetSingle( x => x.Id == id);
public class SomeViewModel : BindableBase
    private readonly ISomeEntityService someService;
    public SomeViewModel( ISomeEntityService _someService)
        // when I call someService, I want to make sure it is using either
        // DBContext1 or DBContext2 based on some condition I can set here.
        // This is where I am totally stuck.
        someService = _someService;
    // get the repository instance with an id of 1000
    someService.GetSomeData( 1000 );
    I could do something like this.  But I am afraid, I am violating 
    two of the best practices recommendations.
    1. I am creating a dependency to my IoC Container here.
    2. I am using the container as a Service Locator
public class SomeViewModel : BindableBase
    private readonly ISomeEntityService someService;
    public SomeViewModel()
        var container = SomeHowGetTheContainer();
            1. Call Container.Resolve<IDBContext>(with the required context);
            2. Use the retrieved context to inject into the UnitOfWork
            3. Use the retrieved UnitOfWork to inject into the service
            But that would be like throwing everything about best practices to the wind!
        someService = container.Resolve<ISomeEntityService>( /*do some magic here to get the right context*/) 
    // get the repository instance with an id of 1000
    someService.GetSomeData( 1000 );


public MySomeEntityServiceFactory
    public MySomeEntityServiceFactory( IUnityContainer container )
        _container = container;
    public ISomeEntityService CreateSomeEntityService( bool condition )
        return _container.Resolve<ISomeEntityService>( condition ? "VariantA" : "VariantB" );
    private readonly IUnityContainer _container;


_container.RegisterType<ISomeEntityService, SomeEntityService>( "VariantA", new InjectionConstructor( new ResolvedParameter<IDBContext>( "VariantA" ) ) );
_container.RegisterType<ISomeEntityService, SomeEntityService>( "VariantB", new InjectionConstructor( new ResolvedParameter<IDBContext>( "VariantB" ) ) );


