
  • 本文关键字:成员 约束 访问 函数 是否 f#
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  // Example: property getter as a first-class function
  type Test() =
     member x.Value = "42"
  let t = Test()
  let getter = t.get_Value // works as expected

  // now generically:
  let inline getGetter< ^a when ^a : (member get_Value : unit -> string)> item =
    // call getter
    let value = (^a : (member get_Value : unit -> string) item)
    // try to get getter as first-class function
    let getter = item.get_Value // doesn't compile: "Lookup on object of indeterminate type..."


  type Test() =
     member x.Value = "42"
  let inline getGetter< ^a when ^a : (member get_Value : unit -> string)> item =
    fun () -> (^a : (member get_Value : unit -> string) item)
  let t = Test()
  let getter = getGetter t
  let value = getter()
