Dapper.net "where ... in"查询不适用于PostgreSQL

下面的查询总是产生错误"42601: "$1"处或附近的语法错误"。

                @"select manufacturer, model, year, AVG(price) as averageprice, AVG(miles) as averagemiles, COUNT(*) as count
                        from products
                        where manufacturer IN @manufacturers 
                            AND model IN @models
                            AND year IN @years
                        group by manufacturer, model, year",
                new { manufacturers = new[] { "BMW", "AUDI" }, 
                      models = new[] { "M4", "A3" }, 
                      years = new[] { 2016, 2015 } });


 public static string ToInSql(this IEnumerable<object> values)
        var flattened = values.Select(x => $"'{x}'");
        var flatString = string.Join(", ", flattened);
        return $"({flatString})";

PostgreSQL IN操作符不支持数组(或任何其他集合)作为参数,只有一个正常的列表(你用ToInSql方法生成的),对于PostgreSQL你需要使用ANY操作符,像这样:

SELECT manufacturer, model, year, AVG(price) as averageprice, AVG(miles) as averagemiles, COUNT(*) as count
FROM products
WHERE manufacturer = ANY(@manufacturers)
AND model = ANY(@models)
AND year = ANY(@years)
GROUP BY manufacturer, model, year
