Java Unicode Characters

我熟悉ascii的问题。问题是我没有在 unicode 字符中遇到相同问题的经验。例如,如何在给定包含单词的字符串数组的情况下返回最常出现的单词?提前感谢!


    String str = "aa df ds df df"; // assume they are Unicode
    String[] words = str.split(" ");
    HashMap<String, Integer> map  = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    for (String word : words){
        if (map.containsKey(word)){
            int f = map.get(word);
            map.put(word, f+1);
        } else{
            map.put(word, 1);
    int max = 0;
    String maxWord = ""; 
    for (String word : words){
        int f = map.get(word);
        if (f > max){
            max = f;
            maxWord = word;
    System.out.println(maxWord + " " +max);
// Inspired by GameKyuubi. It can be solved using array sort and count the most frequently used word using constatnt space. 
    int max = 0;
    int count = 0;
    String maxWord = "";
    String prev = "";
    for (String word : words){
        if (prev.equals("") || word.equals(prev)){
        } else{
            count = 1;
        if (max < count){
            max = count;
            maxWord = word;
        prev = word;
    System.out.println(maxWord + " " +max);
