

Ext.define('SearchTool.view.main.component.QueryBuilderRow', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
alias: 'widget.builderRow',
requires: ['SearchTool.config.Config'],
layout: 'hbox',
items: [{
    xtype: 'combo',
    cls: 'cboxFields',
    store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
        fields: ['fieldname', 'fieldvalue'],
        data: [
            ['field1', 'FIELD1'],
            ['field2', 'FIELD2'],
            ['field3', 'FIELD3'],
            ['field4', 'FIELD4']
    editable: true,
    selectOnFocus: false,
    forceSelection: true,
    displayField: 'fieldname',
    valueField: 'fieldvalue',
    emptyText: '(Select Field)',
    typeAhead: true,
    value: '',
    triggerAction: 'query',
    queryMode: 'local',
    width: '15%'
    }, {
    xtype: 'combo',
    cls: 'cboxOpers',
    store: operStore,
    displayField: 'opername',
    valueField: 'opervalue',
    emptyText: '(Select Oper)',
    forceSelection: true,
    typeAhead: true,
    triggerAction: 'query',
    shrinkWrap: 1,
    selectOnFocus: false,
    queryMode: 'local',
    width: '15%',
    enableKeyEvents: true
    }, {
    xtype: 'textfield',
    // itemId: 'val1',
    width: '18%',
    emptyText: '(Enter value...)',
    regex: SearchTool.config.Config.qryBuilderTextFieldRegex,
    regexText: SearchTool.config.Config.qryBuilderErrText,
    enableKeyEvents: true
    }, {
    xtype: 'combo',
    cls: 'cboxAndOr',
    store: andorStore,
    minChars: 1,
    disabled: true,
    displayField: 'opername',
    valueField: 'opervalue',
    typeAhead: true,
    emptyText: '(AND/OR)',
    allowBlank: true,
    enforceMaxLength: true,
    matchFieldWidth: true,
    mode: 'local',
    width: '12%'
    }, {
    xtype: 'textfield',
    width: '17%',
    emptyText: '(Enter value...)'
    }, {
    xtype: 'hidden',
    value: ''
    }, {
    xtype: 'button',
    iconCls: 'icon-btnAdd',
    text: 'AND',
    width: '7%',
    handler: function (t) {
    t.up('panel').add({xtype:'builderRow'}); //add new row
    t.up('panel').items.items[t.up('panel').items.items.length -                     
    t.prev('hidden').setValue(' AND '); //to be passed in w/ form
    }, {
    xtype: 'button',
    iconCls: 'icon-btnAdd',
    text: 'OR',
    width: '6.5%',
    handler: function (t) {
    t.up('panel').add({xtype:'builderRow'}); //add new row
    t.up('panel').items.items[t.up('panel').items.items.length - 2].down('button').next('button').next('button').hide();
    t.prev('hidden').setValue(' OR ');
    }, {
    xtype: 'button',
    iconCls: 'icon-btnDelete',
    text: 'DEL',
    width: '7%',
    handler: function (t, e, o) {
    var i = t.up('panel').items.items;
    var l = i.length; //length of the array of items
    if (l > 2) i[l - 2].down('button').next('button').next('button').show();
    i[t.up('panel').items.items.length - 2].down('hidden').setValue(''); //prev row hidden reset
    t.up('panel').remove(t.up('container')); //remove this row


