
下面的代码块包含一系列函数,这些函数涵盖了Javascript中的面向对象编程。它基于Youtuber的Derek Banas的第三个视频教程。





<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title> Tutorial 3 (Object Orientated Programming) </title>
        <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset = utf-8"/>
            // This tutorial will cover OO based programming
            // Object: Stores variables and the functions to manipulate these variables in one place
            // Class: This is the blueprint that defines what variables and functions each object will
            // have
            // Property: Names given to variables stored inside of objects
            // Methods: Name given to functions that are part of an object
            // The following example will create an Animal object
            // This is also called a constructor since it is a function that is designed to
            // create (construct) a new object
            function Animal()
                // Define all the properties that you want the Animal object to contain:
                // this: "This" is a reference to object that you create
                this.name = "No Name";
                this.sound = "Grrr";
                this.owner = "No Owner";
            // The following will create a prototype for a method that can be used by the Animal
            // object
            // Format is: nameOfObject.prototype.setOwner: this sets the value for the variable
            // function(property that the function will accept)

            // Encapsulation: Grouping of properties and their methods needed to manipulate 
            // those properties
            Animal.prototype.setOwner = function(newOwner)
                // The following checks if a newOwner value has been passed
                if(typeof newOwner != 'undefined')
                    // You now want the value of owner to be the value of owner that has been
                    // passed to it as a parameter:
                    this.owner = newOwner;

                    document.write("Please enter a valid owner." + "</br>");

            // This function will return whatever the name of the current owner is
            Animal.prototype.getOwner = function()
                return this.owner;
            // Set the name of the animal using the previous method:
            Animal.prototype.setName = function(newName)
                if(typeof newName != 'undefined')
                    this.name = newName;

                    document.write("Please enter a valid name." + "</br>");

            Animal.prototype.getName = function()
                return this.name;
            // Set the sound for the object:
            Animal.prototype.setSound = function(newSound)
                if(typeof newSound != 'undefined')
                    this.sound = newSound;

                    document.write("Please enter a valid sound." + "</br>");

            Animal.prototype.getSound = function()
                return this.sound;


            // The following will literally create new Animal objects and probably call these
            // function prototypes by passing in parameters for sound, name, and owner
            var dog = new Animal();
            // ^ This object has now been created and contains the defaults for sound, name, and owner
            // according to the original function
            // Now we are going to set the properties individually:
            // Now, finally use the get versions of the functions by simply calling them via a document.write
            document.write("The name of the dog is: " + dog.getName() + "</br>");
            document.write("The sound of the dog is: " + dog.getSound() + "</br>");
            document.write("The owner of the dog is: " + dog.getOwner() + "</br>");

            // My small goal:
            // Make a cat object instead:
            var cat = new Animal();
            cat.setName("Mr. Buttons")
            cat.setOwner("Crazy Cat Lady")
            // Print the results to screen:
            document.write("The name of cat is: " + cat.getName() + "</br>");
            document.write("The sound of the cat is: " + cat.getSound() + "</br>");
            document.write("The owner of the cat is: " + cat.getOwner() + "</br>");
            function Cat()
                // The following will "inherit" all the attributes of the Animal class:
                // This is a reference to the next cat object that you create.
                // This forces the animal constructor to be called
                this.mood = "Crazy";
            // Superclass: the class you want your new class to inherit from
            // Without the following statement, Cat would become a subclass instead
            Cat.prototype = new Animal();
            // Here we are making the constructor be of type Cat
            Cat.prototype.constructor = Cat();
            // Create a getMood method:
            Cat.prototype.getMood = function()
                return this.mood;
            // Create a setMOood method where the user passed in a mood as a parameter:
            Cat.prototype.setMood = function(newMood)
                if(typeof newMood != 'undefined')
                    this.mood = newMood;
                    document.write("Please enter a valid mood!</br>");


            // Make a new Panda object:
            function Panda()
                this.mood = "Calm";

            Panda.prototype = new Animal();

            Panda.prototype.constructor = Panda();

            // Get Mood:
            Panda.prototype.getMood = function()
                return this.mood;

            // Set Mood:
            Panda.prototype.setMood = function(newMood)
                if(typeof newMood != 'undefined')
                    this.mood = newMood;
                    document.write("Please enter a valid mood!</br>");


            myPanda = new Panda();
            document.write("myPanda's mood is: " + myPanda.getMood() + "</br>");
            theGreatOne = new Panda();
            document.write("theGreatOne's mood is: " + theGreatOne.getMood() + "</br>");

            // The following will determine if myPanda is an INSTANCE of the Panda class or
            // an actual Panda object:
            document.write("Is myPanda an instance of the Panda class?: " + (myPanda instanceof Panda) + "</br>");

            // The following will use "typeof" to determine the data type of the myPanda object
            // and the Panda class
            // As seen by the example, classes are classified as functions in Javascripts
            document.write("What is the data type of myPanda?: " + (typeof myPanda) + "</br>");
            document.write("What is the data type of Panda?: " + (typeof Panda) + "</br>");

            // Method Overloading: Creating multiple different versions or methods that all
            // have a different number of attributes
            // Aka, a different version of a method will be called depending on how many
            // arguments are passed to the function
            setStuff(newName, newSound);
            setStuff(newName, newSound, newOwner);
            Panda.prototype.setStuff = function(newName, newSound, newOwner)
                if((typeof newName != 'undefined') && (typeof newSound != 'undefined') && (typeof newOwner != 'undefined'))
                    Panda.prototype.setStuff = function(newName, newSound, newOwner)

                            case 3:
                                this.owner = newOwner;
                            case 2:
                                this.sound = newSound;
                            case 1: 
                                this.name = newName;
                    document.write("Please enter a valid name</br>");

            document.write("myPanda's new name is: " + myPanda.getName() + "</br>");
            // ^ Work on fixing this

            // Continue at 15:51
            // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVnW7ZMqBus

            // Polymorphism:
            // doAnimalStuff(Animal){ document.write(Animal.getName() + Animal.getOwner()) };



        <p> This is a sample paragraph </p>


Cat.prototype = new Animal();


Cat.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);

document.write("The name of cat is: " + cat.getName() + "</br>");


// Method Overloading: Creating multiple different versions or methods that all
// have a different number of attributes
// Aka, a different version of a method will be called depending on how many
// arguments are passed to the function
setStuff(newName, newSound);
setStuff(newName, newSound, newOwner);


// setStuff(newName);
// setStuff(newName, newSound);
// setStuff(newName, newSound, newOwner);

Cat.prototype.setMood = function(newMood) {
    document.write("Please enter a valid mood!</br>");


相反,做一个throw new Error("not a valid mood")左右。如果它是用户可以输入的东西,那么在UI代码中捕获它,并在那里输出错误消息。它与猫没有任何关系。

Panda.prototype.setStuff = function(newName, newSound, newOwner) {
    if((typeof newName != 'undefined') && (typeof newSound != 'undefined') && (typeof newOwner != 'undefined')) {
        Panda.prototype.setStuff = function(newName, newSound, newOwner) {


Cat.prototype.getMood = …
Cat.prototype.setMood = …
Panda.prototype.getMood = …
Panda.prototype.setMood = …


  • Animal类上定义情绪
  • 引入一个新的子类AnimalWithMood是只有一些动物才能有情绪
  • 如果希望任意类具有moods,请使用mixin模式

switch(arguments.length) {
    case 3:
        this.owner = newOwner;
    case 2:
        this.sound = newSound;
    case 1: 
        this.name = newName;



if (arguments.length >= 3)
    this.owner = newOwner;
if (arguments.length >= 2)
    this.sound = newSound;
if (arguments.length >= 1)
    // do validity checks in this block!
    this.name = newName;



