"You must include {{ head_content }} inside the <head> tag of your content"
<header class="product_header page_header">
<span class="dash"></span>
{% if cart.items != blank %}
<form id="cart-form" {% unless cart.shipping.enabled or cart.discount.enabled %}class="no_options"{% endunless %} method="post" action="/cart" accept-charset="utf8">
<input type="hidden" name="utf8" value='✓'>
<div id="cart_description">
<section id="cart_items">
{% for item in cart.items %}
<li class="cart_item {% unless item.product.has_default_option %}with_option{% endunless %}" id="item-{{ item.id }}">
<div class="item_image"><img src="{{ item.product.image | product_image_url: "thumb" }}" alt="Photo of {{ item.name }}"></div>
<dt><a href="{{ item.product.url }}">{{ item.product.name }}</a></dt>
<dd class="item_price">{{ item.unit_price | money_with_sign }}{% if item.quantity > 1 %}<span class="item_quantity">(x{{ item.quantity }})</span>{% endif %}</dd>
<dd class="quantity_input">{{ item | item_quantity_input }}</dd>
{% unless item.product.has_default_option %}<dd class="item_option">{{ item.option.name }}</dd>{% endunless %}
<a href="#" class="remove_item" title="Remove item from cart">Remove item</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if cart.shipping.enabled or cart.discount.enabled %}
<section id="cart_options">
{% if cart.shipping.enabled %}
{% if cart.shipping.strict %}
<li id="shipping_option">
<label for="country">Shipping</label>
{{ store.country | country_select }}
{% if cart.shipping.pending %}
{% if cart.country %}
<span class="no_shipping">We don't ship to {{ cart.country.name }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if cart.discount.enabled %}
<li id="cart_discount" class="cart_item">
{% if cart.discount.pending %}
<label id="cart_discount_label" for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>
{{ cart.discount | discount_code_input }}
{% elsif cart.discount.free_shipping %}
<label for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>
<p>{{ cart.discount.name }}</p>
{% else %}
<label for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>
<p>{{ cart.discount.name }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="cart-update">
<button id="update-btn-footer" class="update-btn button disabled" name="update" type="submit" title="Update your cart total"><span>Update total</span></button>
{% else %}
<section id="cart_options" class="solo_update">
<div class="cart-update">
<button id="update-btn-footer" class="update-btn button disabled" name="update" type="submit" title="Update your cart total"><span>Update total</span></button>
{% endif %}
<section id="cart_summary">
<span>{{ cart.subtotal | money_with_sign }}</span>
{% if cart.shipping.enabled %}
<li id="cart-shipping-tax">
{% if cart.shipping.pending %}
{% if cart.country %}
<span class="shipping-amount">Select another country</span>
{% else %}
<span class="shipping-amount">Select country</span>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<span class="shipping-amount">{{ cart.shipping.amount | money_with_sign }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<li id="cart-shipping-tax" class="not_set">
<span>Applicable fees apply</span>
{% endif %}
{% if cart.discount.enabled %}
{% if cart.discount.pending %}
{% elsif cart.discount.free_shipping %}
<span>Free shipping!</span>
{% else %}
<span>-{{ cart.discount.amount | money_with_sign }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<li id="cart_total">
<h2>{{ cart.total | money_with_sign }}</h2>
<button id="checkout-btn" class="button" type="submit" title="Checkout">Checkout</button>
{% else %}
<div id="cart_empty">
<p>Your cart is empty! Sounds like a good time to <a href="/">start shopping</a>.</p>
{% endif %}
听起来您的自定义域可能使用IFRAME设置不正确,因为众所周知,这会导致购物车页面重定向到结账时出现问题。你可以使用你的商店名称来测试这一点。bigcart.com URL与自定义域的对比,看看是否是这样。