为什么似乎不必要地触发G1 Full GC ?


java version "1.7.0_09"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_09-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.5-b02, mixed mode)


-server -Xss4096k -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:PermSize=512m -Xms30G 
-Xmx30G -Xnoclassgc -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods 
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=48m -XX:+UseStringCache 
-XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit -Duser.timezone=EET 
-Xmaxf1 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+DisableExplicitGC 
-XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy 
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:+UseG1GC 
-XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=10000 -XX:+PrintGCDetails 
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xloggc:gc.log



{Heap before GC invocations=206 (full 8):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 18323299K [0x00007fc6eb800000, 0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce6b800000)
  region size 8192K, 768 young (6291456K), 31 survivors (253952K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 145771K [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000)
   the space 524288K,  27% used [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce7465af18, 0x00007fce7465b000, 0x00007fce8b800000)
No shared spaces configured.
2013-01-16T11:45:31.290+0200: 20430.451: [GC pause (young), 0.54738500 secs]
   [Parallel Time: 510.7 ms]
      [GC Worker Start (ms):  20430451.7  20430451.8  20430451.8  20430451.8
       Avg: 20430451.8, Min: 20430451.7, Max: 20430451.8, Diff:   0.1]
      [Ext Root Scanning (ms):  22.3  68.3  21.8  20.8
       Avg:  33.3, Min:  20.8, Max:  68.3, Diff:  47.5]
      [Update RS (ms):  21.6  0.0  23.6  23.7
       Avg:  17.3, Min:   0.0, Max:  23.7, Diff:  23.7]
         [Processed Buffers : 77 0 18 55
          Sum: 150, Avg: 37, Min: 0, Max: 77, Diff: 77]
      [Scan RS (ms):  19.6  0.1  19.3  19.6
       Avg:  14.7, Min:   0.1, Max:  19.6, Diff:  19.5]
      [Object Copy (ms):  439.1  434.2  437.8  438.4
       Avg: 437.4, Min: 434.2, Max: 439.1, Diff:   4.9]
      [Termination (ms):  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
       Avg:   0.0, Min:   0.0, Max:   0.0, Diff:   0.0]
         [Termination Attempts : 1 1 1 1
          Sum: 4, Avg: 1, Min: 1, Max: 1, Diff: 0]
      [GC Worker End (ms):  20430954.5  20430954.6  20430954.5  20430954.4
       Avg: 20430954.5, Min: 20430954.4, Max: 20430954.6, Diff:   0.1]
      [GC Worker (ms):  502.7  502.8  502.7  502.6
       Avg: 502.7, Min: 502.6, Max: 502.8, Diff:   0.2]
      [GC Worker Other (ms):  8.0  8.0  8.0  8.1
       Avg:   8.0, Min:   8.0, Max:   8.1, Diff:   0.1]
   [Clear CT:   2.6 ms]
   [Other:  34.1 ms]
      [Choose CSet:   0.1 ms]
      [Ref Proc:  27.4 ms]
      [Ref Enq:   0.2 ms]
      [Free CSet:   5.4 ms]
   [Eden: 5896M(5896M)->0B(5688M) Survivors: 248M->456M Heap: 17893M(30720M)->12208M(30720M)]
 [Times: user=2.12 sys=0.02, real=0.55 secs]
Heap after GC invocations=207 (full 8):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 12501684K [0x00007fc6eb800000, 0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce6b800000)
  region size 8192K, 57 young (466944K), 57 survivors (466944K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 145771K [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000)
   the space 524288K,  27% used [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce7465af18, 0x00007fce7465b000, 0x00007fce8b800000)
No shared spaces configured.
{Heap before GC invocations=207 (full 8):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 19058524K [0x00007fc6eb800000, 0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce6b800000)
  region size 8192K, 727 young (5955584K), 57 survivors (466944K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 145775K [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000)
   the space 524288K,  27% used [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce7465bdd8, 0x00007fce7465be00, 0x00007fce8b800000)
No shared spaces configured.
2013-01-16T11:46:26.619+0200: 20485.781: [GC pause (mixed), 1.42356500 secs]
   [Parallel Time: 1385.9 ms]
      [GC Worker Start (ms):  20485786.6  20485786.6  20485786.6  20485786.7
       Avg: 20485786.6, Min: 20485786.6, Max: 20485786.7, Diff:   0.1]
      [Ext Root Scanning (ms):  22.1  70.0  22.2  21.3
       Avg:  33.9, Min:  21.3, Max:  70.0, Diff:  48.7]
      [Update RS (ms):  9.9  0.0  10.9  11.2
       Avg:   8.0, Min:   0.0, Max:  11.2, Diff:  11.2]
         [Processed Buffers : 13 0 25 17
          Sum: 55, Avg: 13, Min: 0, Max: 25, Diff: 25]
      [Scan RS (ms):  324.6  276.4  324.6  324.6
       Avg: 312.5, Min: 276.4, Max: 324.6, Diff:  48.2]
      [Object Copy (ms):  1021.1  1031.2  1019.8  1020.5
       Avg: 1023.1, Min: 1019.8, Max: 1031.2, Diff:  11.4]
      [Termination (ms):  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
       Avg:   0.0, Min:   0.0, Max:   0.0, Diff:   0.0]
         [Termination Attempts : 6 5 5 1
          Sum: 17, Avg: 4, Min: 1, Max: 6, Diff: 5]
      [GC Worker End (ms):  20487164.3  20487164.3  20487164.3  20487164.3
       Avg: 20487164.3, Min: 20487164.3, Max: 20487164.3, Diff:   0.0]
      [GC Worker (ms):  1377.7  1377.6  1377.6  1377.6
       Avg: 1377.7, Min: 1377.6, Max: 1377.7, Diff:   0.1]
      [GC Worker Other (ms):  8.2  8.3  8.3  8.3
       Avg:   8.3, Min:   8.2, Max:   8.3, Diff:   0.1]
   [Clear CT:   4.4 ms]
   [Other:  33.3 ms]
      [Choose CSet:   5.5 ms]
      [Ref Proc:   5.0 ms]
      [Ref Enq:   0.2 ms]
      [Free CSet:   9.1 ms]
   [Eden: 5360M(5688M)->0B(5784M) Survivors: 456M->360M Heap: 18616M(30720M)->11359M(30720M)]
 [Times: user=5.56 sys=0.01, real=1.42 secs]
Heap after GC invocations=208 (full 8):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 11632594K [0x00007fc6eb800000, 0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce6b800000)
  region size 8192K, 45 young (368640K), 45 survivors (368640K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 145775K [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000)
   the space 524288K,  27% used [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce7465bdd8, 0x00007fce7465be00, 0x00007fce8b800000)
No shared spaces configured.
{Heap before GC invocations=208 (full 8):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 11632594K [0x00007fc6eb800000, 0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce6b800000)
  region size 8192K, 45 young (368640K), 45 survivors (368640K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 145775K [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000)
   the space 524288K,  27% used [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce7465bdd8, 0x00007fce7465be00, 0x00007fce8b800000)
No shared spaces configured.
2013-01-16T11:46:28.060+0200: 20487.222: [Full GC 11359M->8807M(30720M), 32.4879420 secs]
 [Times: user=45.41 sys=0.21, real=32.48 secs]
Heap after GC invocations=209 (full 9):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 9019206K [0x00007fc6eb800000, 0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce6b800000)
  region size 8192K, 0 young (0K), 0 survivors (0K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 145775K [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000, 0x00007fce8b800000)
   the space 524288K,  27% used [0x00007fce6b800000, 0x00007fce7465bdd8, 0x00007fce7465be00, 0x00007fce8b800000)
No shared spaces configured.


{Heap before GC invocations=105 (full 4):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 12638024K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 56 young (458752K), 56 survivors (458752K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 147352K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  28% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2ab7e61f8, 0x00007fd2ab7e6200, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
2013-01-14T10:31:31.240+0200: 14185.812: [Full GC 12341M->7092M(30720M), 25.3417840 secs]
 [Times: user=35.12 sys=0.21, real=25.33 secs]
Heap after GC invocations=106 (full 5):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 7262578K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 0 young (0K), 0 survivors (0K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 147352K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  28% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2ab7e61f8, 0x00007fd2ab7e6200, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
{Heap before GC invocations=248 (full 11):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 12262418K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 37 young (303104K), 37 survivors (303104K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 152608K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  29% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2abd082e8, 0x00007fd2abd08400, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
2013-01-14T13:01:39.869+0200: 23194.441: [Full GC 11975M->7331M(30720M), 28.6147390 secs]
 [Times: user=40.31 sys=0.03, real=28.62 secs]
Heap after GC invocations=249 (full 12):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 7507920K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 0 young (0K), 0 survivors (0K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 152608K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  29% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2abd082e8, 0x00007fd2abd08400, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
{Heap before GC invocations=399 (full 19):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 13016093K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 54 young (442368K), 54 survivors (442368K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 155475K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  29% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2abfd4c70, 0x00007fd2abfd4e00, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
2013-01-14T15:31:36.484+0200: 32191.056: [Full GC 12711M->7543M(30720M), 29.5013210 secs]
 [Times: user=41.39 sys=0.06, real=29.50 secs]
Heap after GC invocations=400 (full 20):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 7724994K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 0 young (0K), 0 survivors (0K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 155475K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  29% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2abfd4c70, 0x00007fd2abfd4e00, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
{Heap before GC invocations=476 (full 26):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 14622246K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 27 young (221184K), 27 survivors (221184K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 156716K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  29% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2ac10b2b0, 0x00007fd2ac10b400, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
2013-01-14T18:46:41.545+0200: 43896.117: [Full GC 14279M->8107M(30720M), 31.6936770 secs]
 [Times: user=44.40 sys=0.18, real=31.69 secs]
Heap after GC invocations=477 (full 27):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 8302054K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 0 young (0K), 0 survivors (0K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 156551K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  29% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2ac0e1fa0, 0x00007fd2ac0e2000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
{Heap before GC invocations=522 (full 34):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 16096219K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 30 young (245760K), 30 survivors (245760K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 156869K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  29% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2ac1315d8, 0x00007fd2ac131600, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.
2013-01-14T22:31:40.711+0200: 57395.283: [Full GC 15718M->11933M(30720M), 42.0857250 secs]
 [Times: user=60.13 sys=0.07, real=42.08 secs]
Heap after GC invocations=523 (full 35):
 garbage-first heap   total 31457280K, used 12219927K [0x00007fcb22800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2a2800000)
  region size 8192K, 0 young (0K), 0 survivors (0K)
 compacting perm gen  total 524288K, used 156869K [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
   the space 524288K,  29% used [0x00007fd2a2800000, 0x00007fd2ac1315d8, 0x00007fd2ac131600, 0x00007fd2c2800000)
No shared spaces configured.




请参阅分析器图像,在24/5和25/5之间的中间位置有两个不必要的Full GC:s。更重要的是,它们破坏了服务器的可用性,因为它们每次持续60秒:




你的每一个设置应该有一个坚实的理由在这里…不幸的是,其中一些没有,例如 -XX:+UseBiasedLocking (used for combination of tenured and young generation GCs, but G1GC is capable to handle both) -XX:+DisableExplicitGC (its unpredictable, in my experience its never restrict explicit gc calls)

请使用/调整相应的下面提到的设置,以获得最佳效果,我给你的基线前进,希望这些设置将为您工作:Java G1生产中的垃圾收集


