Coldfusion cookie login




<cfif IsDefined("cookie.username")>
    <!--- a cookie exist, so let's put in this username automatically into the form --->
    <cfset username = cookie.username>
    <!--- a cookie DOES NOT exist, so let's put a blank value in the username field --->
    <cfset username = "">
<cfif IsDefined("cookie.password")>
   <!--- a cookie exist, so let's put in this password automatically into the form --->
    <cfset password = cookie.password>
   <!--- a cookie DOES NOT exist, so let's put a blank value in the password field --->
   <cfset password = "">
<form action="LoginProcess.cfm" method="post">
   <table width="500" border="0">
        <td width="500" colspan="2"></td>
        <td width="250">Username:</td>
        <td width="250"><input type="text" name="username" value="#username#"></td>
        <td width="250">Password:</td>
        <td width="250"><input type="password" name="password" value="#password#"></td>
        <td width="250">Remember Me</td>
        <td width="250"><input type="checkbox" name="RememberMe" value="Yes"
                                   <cfif IsDefined("cookie.username") OR
        <td width="250"></td>
        <td width="250"><input type="submit" name="Process" value="Login"></td>


<cfquery name="qVerify" datasource="SodaWebsite">
    SELECT        *
    FROM           Admins
    WHERE         Username = '#FORM.username#' AND Password = '#FORM.password#'
<cfif qVerify.RecordCount>
   <!--- this user is good, before actually logging them in, see if their information will be saved for next time --->
     <cfif IsDefined("RememberMe")>
         <!--- members wants their information remembered, so set the cookies --->
          <cfcookie name="username" value="#form.username#" expires="NEVER">
          <cfcookie name="password" value="#form.password#" expires="NEVER">
          <!--- member does NOT want their information remember, EXPIRE their cookies NOW so they are deleted for good! --->
          <cfcookie name="username" value="#form.username#" expires="NOW">
          <cfcookie name="password" value="#form.password#" expires="NOW">
    <!--- now that you're done with the cookie, follow the REGULAR login procedures as you regularly do --->

<cfif IsDefined(cookie.username) and IsDefined(cookie.password)>
<cfinclude template="Index.cfm">


<cfif isdefined(Cookie.Username) and isdefined(Cookie.password)>
<cfinclude template="LoginProcess.cfm">


// this belongs in application.cfc, convert to tag-based if you prefer.
function onSessionStart() {
    session.userid = 0;
    if (cookies were valid) { // replace with your cookie check logic
        session.userid = theuserid;
function onRequest(template) {
    if (session.userid == 0) {
        include template="/login.cfm";
    else {
        include template=template;



