







现在,我们的项目是用ant pre-ivy构建的,所以我创建了几个宏来帮助开发人员使用Ivy。我们已经用<jar.macro/>任务替换了<jar>任务。它类似于<jar>任务,只是我将ivy.xml转换为Maven pom.xml并将其嵌入jar中。对于这些<jar.macro>任务,我查看了build.xml,以便知道它构建的jar的名称。你可能需要修改它以适应你自己的。



#! /usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;
use feature qw(say);
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Find;
use Pod::Usage;
use constant {
    SVN_REPO        => 'http://svn/rsvp',
    IVY_XML_FILE    => 'ivy.xml',
    SVN         => '/usr/local/bin/svn',
# These are projects we don't want to include, but
# they have 'ivy.xml' in them anyway
use constant BAD_PROJECTS => qw(        # These are projects with an ivy.xml, but we don't want
my %bad_projects =  map { $_ => 1 } BAD_PROJECTS;
# Find the branch or use trunk (First parameter used
my $branch = shift; # This is the branch to search on
if ( not defined $branch ) {
    $branch = "trunk";
my $branch_url;
if ( $branch eq "trunk" ) {
    $branch_url = $branch;
else {
    $branch_url = "branches/$branch";
# Use "svn ls" to find all the projects that have an ivy.xml
open my $project_fh, "-|", "@{[SVN]} ls @{[SVN_REPO]}/$branch_url";
my %ivy_projects;
while ( my $svn_project_name = <$project_fh> ) {
    chomp $svn_project_name;
    $svn_project_name =~ s|/$||;        # Remove the trailing slash
    next if exists $bad_projects{$svn_project_name};
    # See if an ivy.xml file exists in this project via "svn ls"
    my $svn_ivy_project_url = SVN_REPO . "/$branch_url/$svn_project_name";
    my $ivy_file = "$svn_ivy_project_url/ivy.xml";
    my $error = system qq( @{[SVN]} ls $ivy_file  > /dev/null 2>&1 );
    next if $error;             # No ivy.xml
    say " " x 4 . "Ivy Project: $svn_ivy_project_url";
    # Ivy project exists. Create a new "project" object to store all the info
    my $project = Local::Project->new($svn_ivy_project_url);
    my $ivy_xml = qx( @{[SVN]} cat $svn_ivy_project_url/ivy.xml );
    $project->Ivy_xml( $ivy_xml );
    my $build_xml =  qx( @{[SVN]} cat $svn_ivy_project_url/build.xml );
    $project->Build_xml( $build_xml );
    $ivy_projects{ $svn_project_name } = $project;
# Go through build.xml files and look for all jar.macro tasks. Go through
# these and map the Ivy Artifact Name to the project that builds it.
# The Ivy Artifact Name could be from the ivy.xml file. However, if
# the paramter pom.artifact.name exists, the Ivy Artifact Name will be that.
my %jars_to_project_name;
for my $svn_project ( sort keys %ivy_projects ) {
    my $project     = $ivy_projects{$svn_project};
    my $url     = $project->Url;
    my $build_ref   = $project->Build_ref;
    my $ivy_ref     = $project->Ivy_ref;
    my $build_xml_project_name = $build_ref->{name};
    say qq(Parsing build.xml of "$svn_project");
    # Go through all targets looking for jar.macro tasks
    for my $target ( keys %{ $build_ref->{target} } ) {
        next unless $build_ref->{target}->{$target}->{"jar.macro"};
        # Contains a Jar Macro Task: This could be an array reference?
        my @jar_macros;
        my $jar_macro_task = $build_ref->{target}->{$target}->{"jar.macro"};
        if ( ref $jar_macro_task eq "ARRAY" ) {
            @jar_macros = @{ $jar_macro_task };
        } else {
            @jar_macros = ( $jar_macro_task );
        for my $jar_macro ( @jar_macros ) {
            # If there is no "pom.artifact.name" in the jar.macro
            # task, we need to use the name of the module in the
            # ivy.xml file. If pom.artifact.name does exist, we will
            # use that. We also need to find out if the name contains
            # "${ant.project.name}". If it does, we need to replace that
            # name with the name of the build.xml project entity name.
            my $ivy_jar_name;
            if ( not exists $jar_macro->{"pom.artifact.name"} ) {
                $ivy_jar_name = $ivy_ref->{info}->{module}; 
            else {  # Name of jar is in the jar.macro task
                $ivy_jar_name = $jar_macro->{"pom.artifact.name"};
                my $ant_project_name = $build_ref->{name};
                $ivy_jar_name =~ s/${ant.project.name}/$build_xml_project_name/;
            $jars_to_project_name{$ivy_jar_name} = $svn_project
# At this point, we now have all of the information in the ivy.xml file
# and the mapping of artifact name to the project they're in in Subversion.
# Now, we need to go through the ivy.xml files, find all com.travelclick
# artifact dependencies, and map them back to the SVN projects.
# A Hashes of Arrays. This will be keyed by BASE JAR svn project. The array
# will be a list of all the other projects that depend upon that BASE JAR svn
# project.
my %project_dependencies;
say "MAPPING IVY.XML back to the dependent projects.";
for my $project ( sort keys %ivy_projects ) {
    say "On $project";
    my $ivy_ref = $ivy_projects{$project}->Ivy_ref;
    my $dependencies_ref = $ivy_ref->{dependencies}->{dependency};
    for my $dependency ( sort keys %{ $dependencies_ref } ) {
        next unless exists $dependencies_ref->{$dependency}->{org};
        next unless $dependencies_ref->{$dependency}->{org} eq 'com.travelclick';
        # This is a TravelClick Dependency. Map this back to the SVN Project
        # which produced this jar.
        # We now have the SVN project that contained the dependent jar and the
        # svn project that mentions that jar in the ivy.xml project.
        my $svn_project = $jars_to_project_name{$dependency};
        next if not $svn_project;
        if ( not exists $project_dependencies{$svn_project} ) {
            $project_dependencies{$svn_project} = {};
        $project_dependencies{$svn_project}->{$project} = 1;
for my $project ( sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %project_dependencies ) {
    printf "%-30.30s", "$project - ";
    say join ( "-$branch,", sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %{ $project_dependencies{$project} } ) . "-$branch";
package Local::Project;
use XML::Simple;
sub new {
    my $class       = shift;
    my $project_url = shift;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;
sub Url {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $url     = shift;
    if ( defined $url ) {
        $self->{URL} = $url;
    return $self->{URL};
sub Ivy_xml {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $ivy_xml     = shift;
    if ( defined $ivy_xml ) {
        $self->{IVY_XML} = $ivy_xml;
        $self->Ivy_ref($ivy_xml);   #Generate the ref structure while you're at it.
    return $self->{IVY_XML};
sub Build_xml {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $build_xml   = shift;
    if ( defined $build_xml ) {
        $self->{BUILD_XML} = $build_xml;
        $self->Build_ref($build_xml);   #Generate the ref structure while you're at it.
    return $self->{BUILD_XML};
sub Ivy_ref {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $ivy_xml     = shift;
    if ( defined $ivy_xml ) {
        $self->{IVY_REF} =  XMLin("$ivy_xml");
    return $self->{IVY_REF};
sub Build_ref {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $build_xml   = shift;
    if ( defined $build_xml ) {
        $self->{BUILD_REF} =  XMLin("$build_xml");
    return $self->{BUILD_REF};
=head1 NAME
    $ find_depdendencies.pl [ <branch> ]
=over 4
=item *
<branch> - Name of the branch. If not given, it is assumed to be trunk.
This program goes through the Subversion repository looking for
projects that have an C<ivy.xml> file in them. If this file is found,
the project is parsed to see what jars produced by TravelClick it is
dependent upon, and what jars it produces.
Once all of the Subversion projects are parsed. The jars are listed
along with their dependent projects.
The purpose of this program is to build a list of projects that should
be automaticlaly rebuilt when a Jar is promoted to the Maven repository.
This project is dependent upon the following Perl modules that must be
installed before this program can be executed:
=over 4
=item XML::Simple
This project must also be executed on Perl 5.12 or greater.
=head1 BUGS
=over 4
=item *
The list assumes Jenkins projects are named after the Subversion
project with the branch or trunk tacked on to the end.


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