我在学校为一个练习任务编写了一个GUI计算器,大部分都是从书上抄来的。每个"数字按钮"都已创建,点击时显示。我不知道如何让显示器一次显示多个数字,当单击不同的数字时,计算器会替换显示器上的数字。代码如下:(Python 3.3)
from tkinter import *
def quit():
def clearall():
def buttonclick(event):
global calcvalue
global savedvalue
if event.x >10 and event.x <70 and event.y >50 and event.y <110 : pressed = "7"
if event.x >90 and event.x <150 and event.y >50 and event.y <110 : pressed = "8"
if event.x >170 and event.x <230 and event.y >50 and event.y <110 : pressed = "9"
if event.x >250 and event.x <310 and event.y >50 and event.y <110 : pressed = "/"
#Upper Middle Row
if event.x >10 and event.x <70 and event.y >120 and event.y <180 : pressed = "4"
if event.x >90 and event.x <150 and event.y >120 and event.y <180 : pressed = "5"
if event.x >170 and event.x <230 and event.y >120 and event.y <180 : pressed = "6"
if event.x >250 and event.x <310 and event.y >120 and event.y <180 : pressed = "*"
#Lower Middle Row
if event.x >10 and event.x <70 and event.y >190 and event.y <250 : pressed = "1"
if event.x >90 and event.x <150 and event.y >190 and event.y <250 : pressed = "2"
if event.x >170 and event.x <230 and event.y >190 and event.y <250 : pressed = "3"
if event.x >250 and event.x <310 and event.y >190 and event.y <250 : pressed = "-"
#Bottom Row
if event.x >10 and event.x <70 and event.y >260 and event.y <320 : pressed = "0"
if event.x >90 and event.x <150 and event.y >260 and event.y <320 : pressed = "="
if event.x >170 and event.x <230 and event.y >260 and event.y <320 : pressed = "C"
if event.x >250 and event.x <310 and event.y >260 and event.y <320 : pressed = "+"
def displayupdate():
canvas.create_rectangle(10,10,310,40, fill="white", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(290,25, text=calcvalue,font="Times 20 bold",anchor=E)
def main():
global window
global tkinter
global canvas
window = Tk()
window.title("Simple Calculator")
Button(window, text="Quit", width=5, command=quit).pack()
canvas = Canvas(window, width=320, height=340, bg = 'beige')
canvas.bind("<Button-1>", buttonclick)
global calcvalue
canvas.create_rectangle(10,10,310,40, fill="white", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(290,25, text="0",font="Times 20 bold")
#Add the numbers
#Top Row
canvas.create_rectangle(10,50,70,110, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(40,80,text="7",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(150,50,90,110, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(120,80,text="8",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(230,50,170,110, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(200,80,text="9",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(310,50,250,110, fill="powder blue", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(280,80,text="/",font="Times 30 bold")
#Upper Middle Row
canvas.create_rectangle(10,180,70,120, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(40,150,text="4",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(90,180,150,120, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(120,150,text="5",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(170,180,230,120, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(200,150,text="6",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(250,180,310,120, fill="powder blue", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(280,150,text="*",font="Times 30 bold")
#Lower Middle Row
canvas.create_rectangle(10,250,70,190, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(40,220,text="1",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(90,250,150,190, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(120,220,text="2",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(170,250,230,190, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(200,220,text="3",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(250,250,310,190, fill="powder blue", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(280,220,text="-",font="Times 30 bold")
#Bottom Row
canvas.create_rectangle(10,320,70,260, fill="yellow", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(40,290,text="0",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(90,320,150,260, fill="darkgreen", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(120,290,text="=",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(170,320,230,260, fill="darkgreen", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(200,290,text="C",font="Times 30 bold")
canvas.create_rectangle(250,320,310,260, fill="powder blue", outline="black")
canvas.create_text(280,290,text="+",font="Times 30 bold")
calcvalue += " " + pressed