r语言 - 将字符向量拆分为数据帧中的新行的最快方法


我有 58 个数据帧,每个数据帧都有 ~25,000 行,我从.csv那里得到。它们看起来像这样:

Probe.Id     Gene.Id             Score.d
1418126_at   6352                28.52578
145119_a_at  2192                24.87866
1423477_at   NA                  24.43532
1434193_at   100506144///9204    6.22395

理想情况下,我想在"///"处拆分 Id,并将它们放在新行上。这样:

Probe.Id     Gene.Id             Score.d
1418126_at   6352                28.52578
145119_a_at  2192                24.87866
1423477_at   NA                  24.43532
1434193_at   100506144           6.22395
1434193_at   9204                6.22395

使用 strsplit 可以让我 Gene.Id 作为字符向量列表,但是一旦我有了这个,我不确定最有效的方法是将每个单独的 id 放在自己的行上,并从其他列中获取正确的值。理想情况下,我不想只循环浏览 25,000 行。




而且我不知道连续的最大 id 数是多少。


df <- structure(list(Probe.Id = c("1418126_at", "145119_a_at", "1423477_at", 
        "1434193_at", "100_at"), Gene.Id = c("6352", "2192", NA, 
        "100506144///9204", "100506144///100506146///100506148///100506150"), 
         Score.d = c(28.52578, 24.87866, 24.43532, 6.22395, 6.22395)), 
        .Names = c("Probe.Id", "Gene.Id", "Score.d"), row.names = c(NA, 5L), 
        class = "data.frame")
dt <- data.table(df)
dt.out <- dt[, list(Probe.Id = Probe.Id, 
          Gene.Id = unlist(strsplit(Gene.Id, "///")), 
          Score.d = Score.d), by=1:nrow(dt)]
> dt.out
#    nrow    Probe.Id   Gene.Id  Score.d
# 1:    1  1418126_at      6352 28.52578
# 2:    2 145119_a_at      2192 24.87866
# 3:    3  1423477_at        NA 24.43532
# 4:    4  1434193_at 100506144  6.22395
# 5:    4  1434193_at      9204  6.22395
# 6:    5      100_at 100506144  6.22395
# 7:    5      100_at 100506146  6.22395
# 8:    5      100_at 100506148  6.22395
# 9:    5      100_at 100506150  6.22395

如果strsplit表达式是固定模式,则可以向表达式添加fixed = TRUE以进一步加速///

再次使用data.table替代。考虑到strsplit是一个矢量化操作,并且在整个列上运行它比一次运行 1 行要快得多Gene.Id(即使data.table运行速度非常快,您可以通过将前面的代码拆分为 2 个步骤来获得更多加速:

# first split using strsplit (data.table can hold list in its columns!!)
dt[, Gene.Id_split := strsplit(dt$Gene.Id, "///", fixed=TRUE)]
# then just unlist them
dt.2 <- dt[, list(Probe.Id = Probe.Id, 
                  Gene.Id = unlist(Gene.Id_split), 
                  Score.d = Score.d), by = 1:nrow(dt)]

我只是多次复制此示例中显示的data.table,直到得到295245行。然后我使用 rbenchmark 运行了一个基准测试:

# first function
DT1 <- function() {
    dt.1 <- dt[, list(Probe.Id = Probe.Id, 
             Gene.Id = unlist(strsplit(Gene.Id, "///", fixed = TRUE)), 
             Score.d = Score.d), by=1:nrow(dt)]
# expected to be faster function
DT2 <- function() {
    dt[, Gene.Id_split := strsplit(dt$Gene.Id, "///", fixed=TRUE)]
    # then just unlist them
    dt.2 <- dt[, list(Probe.Id = Probe.Id, Gene.Id = unlist(Gene.Id_split), Score.d = Score.d), by = 1:nrow(dt)]
benchmark(DT1(), DT2(), replications=10, order="elapsed")
#    test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
# 2 DT2()           10  15.708    1.000    14.390    0.391
# 1 DT1()           10  24.957    1.589    23.723    0.436

对于此示例,您的速度大约提高了 1.6 倍。但这取决于带有 /// 的条目数量。希望这有帮助。


一种方法是:1)find the positions这种///发生的位置,2)extract,3)duplicate,4)sub和5)combine它们。

df <- structure(list(Probe.Id = structure(c(1L, 4L, 2L, 3L), 
         .Label = c("1418126_at", "1423477_at", "1434193_at", "145119_a_at"), 
         class = "factor"), Gene.Id = structure(c(3L, 2L, NA, 1L), 
         .Label = c("100506144///9204", "2192", "6352"), class = "factor"), 
         Score.d = c(28.52578, 24.87866, 24.43532, 6.22395)), 
         .Names = c("Probe.Id", "Gene.Id", "Score.d"), 
         class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
# 1) get the positions of "///"
idx <- grepl("[/]{3}", df$Gene.Id)
# 2) create 3 data.frames
df1 <- df[!idx, ] # don't touch this.
df2 <- df[idx, ] # we need to work on this
# 3) duplicate
df3 <- df2 # duplicate it.
4) sub    
df2$Gene.Id <- sub("[/]{3}.*$", "", df2$Gene.Id) # replace the end
df3$Gene.Id <- sub("^.*[/]{3}", "", df3$Gene.Id) # replace the beginning
# 5) combine/put them back
df.out <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
# if necessary sort them here.


dat <- read.table(text ='Probe.Id     Gene.Id             Score.d
1418126_at   6352                28.52578
145119_a_at  2192                24.87866
1423477_at   NA                  24.43532
1434193_at   100506144///9204    6.22395',header=T,stringsAsFactors=F)
dat1 <- dat
xx <- do.call(rbind,strsplit(dat$Gene.Id,split='///'))
dat[which(xx[,1]!=xx[,2]),2]  <- xx[which(xx[,1]!=xx[,2]),1]
dat1[which(xx[,1]!=xx[,2]),2]  <- xx[which(xx[,1]!=xx[,2]),2]
     Probe.Id   Gene.Id  Score.d
1  1418126_at      6352 28.52578
2  1423477_at      <NA> 24.43532
3  1434193_at 100506144  6.22395
4  1434193_at      9204  6.22395
5 145119_a_at      2192 24.87866


        apply(dat, 1, function(x) 
                                    Gene.Id=strsplit(x['Gene.Id'], '///'),
##      Probe.ID   Gene.Id  Score.d
## 1  1418126_at      6352 28.52578
## 2 145119_a_at      2192 24.87866
## 3  1423477_at      <NA> 24.43532
## 4  1434193_at 100506144  6.22395
## 5  1434193_at      9204  6.22395

