如何在 R 中读取不同的.txt文件,但不将它们连接到同一个 data.frame 中

我需要从一个文件夹中将许多.txt文件读取到数据帧中。.txt文件名的形式为 angles_*_dat.result(例如 angles_1_dat.resultangles_2_dat.result)。


data1 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_1.dat.results.dat.", quote=""", comment.char="")
data2 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_2.dat.results.dat.", quote=""", comment.char="")
data3 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_3.dat.results.dat.", quote=""", comment.char="")
data4 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_4.dat.results.dat.", quote=""", comment.char="")
data5 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_5.dat.results.dat.", quote=""", comment.char="")
data6 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_6.dat.results.dat", quote=""", comment.char="")
data7 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_7.dat.results.dat", quote=""", comment.char="")
data8 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_8.dat.results.dat", quote=""", comment.char="")
data9 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_9.dat.results.dat", quote=""", comment.char="")
data10 <- read.table("~/data/angles_medias_10.dat.results.dat", quote=""", comment.char="")




V1  V2  V3  V4  V5  V6  V7   V8  V9  
100 0   100 100 0   100 100 100 100  
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

使用 lapply

allTextFiles <- list.files(pattern = ".txt")
alldfs <- lapply(allTextFiles, function(x) { 
          textfiles <- read.table(x, quote=""", comment.char="")
alldfs <- lapply(x = alldfs, seq_along(alldfs), function(x, i) {
          assign(paste0("data", i), x[[i]], envir=.GlobalEnv)


files <- dir(directory, pattern = ".txt")  # directory is the path to the directory containing the files
dframes <- lapply(files, read.table, quote=""", comment.char="")

然后,您可以访问列表中的数据帧,例如 dframes[[1]]第一个 df。如果您更喜欢$访问语法:

names(dframes) <- sapply(as.character(1:length(files)), function(i) paste("df", i, sep=""))



files_to_read <- dir(pattern = ".txt") # make sure only the files you want to read are in this dir
n <- 0
for(i in 1:length(files_to_read)){
  assign(paste("df",n,sep=""), read.table(files_to_read[i], quote=""", comment.char=""))
  n <- n+1

