将数字从.txt文件读取到 2D 数组中并在控制台上打印


3 5 
2 3 4 5 10
4 5 2 3 7
-3 -1 0 1 5

并将它们存储到 2D 数组中并在控制台上打印,我从控制台得到的很好,但只缺少第一行 3 5,我不知道我的代码出了什么问题,让它忽略了第一行。我现在得到的输出:

2  3  4  5 10 
4  5  2  3  7
-3 -1  0  1  5 

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Driver0 {
    public static int[][] array;
    public static int dimension1, dimension2;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Welcome to Project 0.");
        System.out.println("What is the name of the data file? ");
        String file = input.nextLine();
    public static void readFile(String file) {
        try {
            Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File(file));
            dimension1 = sc.nextInt();
            dimension2 = sc.nextInt();
            array = new int[dimension1][dimension2];
            while (sc.hasNext()) {
                for (int row = 0; row < dimension1; row++) {
                    for (int column = 0; column < dimension2; column++) {
                        array[row][column] = sc.nextInt();
                        System.out.printf("%2d ", array[row][column]);
        catch (Exception e) {
            .println("Error: file not found or insufficient     requirements.");


dimension1 = sc.nextInt();
dimension2 = sc.nextInt();

因此,dimension1 获取值 3,dimension2 获取值 5,但您没有将它们保存到数组中。


import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Proj4 {
    public static int rows, cols;
    public static int[][] cells;
     * main reads the file and starts
     * the graphical display
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
        String file = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter the input file name: ");
        Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new File(file));
        rows = Integer.parseInt(inFile.nextLine());
        cols = Integer.parseInt(inFile.nextLine());
        cells = new int[rows][cols];
                //this is were I need help
        for(int i=0; i < rows; i++) 
            String line = inFile.nextLine();
            line = line.substring(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {

您可以使用 Stream API 轻松完成此操作

public static Integer[][] readFile(String path) throws IOException {
    return Files.lines(Paths.get(path)) // 1
            .filter(line -> !line.trim().isEmpty()) // 2
            .map(line -> Arrays.stream(line.split("[\s]+")) // 3
                    .map(Integer::parseInt) // 4
                    .toArray(Integer[]::new)) // 5
            .toArray(Integer[][]::new); // 6
  1. 将文件读取为行流
  2. 忽略空行
  3. 用空格分隔每行
  4. 分析拆分的字符串值以获取整数值
  5. 创建整数值数组
  6. 将其收集在 2D 阵列中

前两个值被保存到 dimension1 和 dimension2 变量中,因此当稍后调用 sc.nextInt 时,它已经读取了前两个数字并移动到下一行。所以那些第一个整数不会进入数组。


  1. 你想使用整个文件,所以我会用Files.readAllLines()一次阅读整个文件。 此函数返回一个List<String>,其中包含文件的所有行。 如果有任何空行,请删除它们,现在您就有了要为 2d 数组声明的行数。
  2. 每行都是空格分隔的,因此List<String>中每行的简单String.split()将为您提供每行应具有的列数。
  3. 拆分每行并将它们转换为整数可以使用嵌套的 for 循环来完成,这对于处理 2d 数组是正常的。


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Read the entire file in
    List<String> myFileLines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("MyFile.txt"));
    // Remove any blank lines
    for (int i = myFileLines.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (myFileLines.get(i).isEmpty()) {
    // Declare you 2d array with the amount of lines that were read from the file
    int[][] intArray = new int[myFileLines.size()][];
    // Iterate through each row to determine the number of columns
    for (int i = 0; i < myFileLines.size(); i++) {
        // Split the line by spaces
        String[] splitLine = myFileLines.get(i).split("\s");
        // Declare the number of columns in the row from the split
        intArray[i] = new int[splitLine.length]; 
        for (int j = 0; j < splitLine.length; j++) {
            // Convert each String element to an integer
            intArray[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[j]);
    // Print the integer array
    for (int[] row : intArray) {
        for (int col : row) {
            System.out.printf("%5d ", col);


    3     5 
    2     3     4     5    10 
    4     5     2     3     7 
   -3    -1     0     1     5


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