
所以我一直在这个应用程序上工作一个项目,我的模拟器一直工作得很好,直到今天早些时候,它已经6个小时左右试图解决这个问题,没有办法解决它。我删除了eclipse并重新安装了它,重新安装了android sdk,然后。当我尝试运行我的android应用程序时,我总是得到同样的消息。

[2014-03-18 03:02:56 - Contact_List] Android Launch!
[2014-03-18 03:02:56 - Contact_List] adb is running normally.
[2014-03-18 03:02:56 - Contact_List] Performing com.example.contact_list.MainActivity   activity launch
[2014-03-18 03:02:56 - Contact_List] Automatic Target Mode: using existing emulator 'emulator-5554' running compatible AVD 'tester'
[2014-03-18 03:02:56 - Contact_List] Uploading Contact_List.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2014-03-18 03:02:56 - Contact_List] Installing Contact_List.apk...
[2014-03-18 03:02:59 - Contact_List] Installation error: Unknown failure
[2014-03-18 03:02:59 - Contact_List] Please check logcat output for more details.
[2014-03-18 03:02:59 - Contact_List] Launch canceled!


有办法解决这个问题吗?是新的android adt 22.6版本吗?因为这一切都发生在我的日食做了一些更新之后。

ADT版本22.6.3 java编译器1.7我有同样的问题。但我解出来了。就我而言检查use same device for future launches。尝试在以前的模拟器上运行。所以如果你想要check Always prompt to pick device,就去Run Configuration->Target->uncheck use same device for future launches,这样你就有选择了。


[2014-06-08 16:51:14 - IMS_RMS] ------------------------------
[2014-06-08 16:51:15 - IMS_RMS] Android Launch!
[2014-06-08 16:51:15 - IMS_RMS] adb is running normally.
[2014-06-08 16:51:15 - IMS_RMS] Performing com.example.ims_rms.Splash activity launch
[2014-06-08 16:51:18 - IMS_RMS] Uploading IMS_RMS.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2014-06-08 16:51:20 - IMS_RMS] Installing IMS_RMS.apk...
[2014-06-08 16:51:23 - IMS_RMS] Installation error: Unknown failure
[2014-06-08 16:51:23 - IMS_RMS] Please check logcat output for more details.
[2014-06-08 16:51:24 - IMS_RMS] Launch canceled!
[2014-06-08 16:53:49 - IMS_RMS] ------------------------------
[2014-06-08 16:53:49 - IMS_RMS] Android Launch!
[2014-06-08 16:53:49 - IMS_RMS] adb is running normally.
[2014-06-08 16:53:49 - IMS_RMS] Performing com.example.ims_rms.Splash activity launch
[2014-06-08 16:53:59 - IMS_RMS] Launch canceled!
[2014-06-08 17:01:28 - IMS_RMS] ------------------------------
[2014-06-08 17:01:28 - IMS_RMS] Android Launch!
[2014-06-08 17:01:28 - IMS_RMS] adb is running normally.
[2014-06-08 17:01:29 - IMS_RMS] Performing com.example.ims_rms.Splash activity launch
[2014-06-08 17:01:44 - IMS_RMS] Uploading IMS_RMS.apk onto device 'emulator-5556'
[2014-06-08 17:01:48 - IMS_RMS] Installing IMS_RMS.apk...
[2014-06-08 17:02:35 - IMS_RMS] Success!
[2014-06-08 17:02:41 - IMS_RMS] Starting activity com.example.ims_rms.Splash on device emulator-5556

goto Run as-> Run configure->target在最后找到一个标签"为未来的发射使用相同的设备"去掉复选框的勾号。再次运行application


Run Configurations - Common - Select File In Standard Input And Output - Click

Workspace And Choose Your Project.

