

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Shake1 : MonoBehaviour {
    int numTimes = 50;
    public Image personajes;
    public Image lugares;
    public Image situaciones;
    public Image emociones;
    public Image objetos;
    public GameObject camShake;

    float accelerometerUpdateInterval;
    // The greater the value of LowPassKernelWidthInSeconds, the slower the filtered value will converge towards current input sample (and vice versa).
    float lowPassKernelWidthInSeconds;
    // This next parameter is initialized to 2.0 per Apple's recommendation, or at least according to Brady! ;)
    float shakeDetectionThreshold ;
    float lowPassFilterFactor;
    Vector3 lowPassValue;
    Vector3 acceleration;
    Vector3 deltaAcceleration;
    void Start () {
        lowPassKernelWidthInSeconds = 1.0f;
        accelerometerUpdateInterval = 1.0f / 60.0f;
        lowPassValue  = Vector3.zero;
        lowPassFilterFactor = accelerometerUpdateInterval / lowPassKernelWidthInSeconds;
    public Vector3 LowPassFilter(Vector3 newSample){
        lowPassValue = Vector3.Lerp (lowPassValue, newSample,lowPassFilterFactor);
        return lowPassValue;    
    void Update () {
        acceleration = Input.acceleration;
        deltaAcceleration = acceleration - LowPassFilter (acceleration);
        if (Mathf.Abs (deltaAcceleration.x) >= 0.2 && Mathf.Abs (deltaAcceleration.y) >= 0.2 && Mathf.Abs (deltaAcceleration.z) >= 0.2) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++) {
                if (personajes.transform.parent.name == "Panel_Superior") {
                    personajes.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite> ("Cartas/pillow-cards-" + Random.Range (2, 13)) as Sprite;
                if (situaciones.transform.parent.name == "Panel_Superior") {
                    situaciones.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite> ("Cartas/pillow-cards-" + Random.Range (28, 39)) as Sprite;
                if (emociones.transform.parent.name == "Panel_Superior") {
                    emociones.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite> ("Cartas/pillow-cards-" + Random.Range (41, 52)) as Sprite;
                if (lugares.transform.parent.name == "Panel_Superior") {
                    lugares.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite> ("Cartas/pillow-cards-" + Random.Range (15, 26)) as Sprite;
                if (objetos.transform.parent.name == "Panel_Superior") {
                    objetos.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite> ("Cartas/pillow-cards-" + Random.Range (54, 68)) as Sprite;


void Update(){
//keep your code you already have and add this:
    if (zeroAcc - accTri > 30) {
        callback ();
        accTri = int.MaxValue; //we don't want to trigger again
