如何在加载应用$rootScope中的所有部分后运行自定义 JavaScript?

我有一个用ng-app="blahApp"指定的应用程序。在应用程序内部,有十个左右的ng-include,每个都根据URL通过HTTP加载模板,例如 ng-include="'/url/to/template.html'" .

如何在应用将所有部件加载到 DOM 后执行单个函数?

我问的原因是因为加载的每个模板都有一些东西,否则(不使用 Angular 时)依赖于对 jQuery 插件的单个调用,该插件启动$(document).ready();页面上的所有项目。但是现在,document.ready不起作用,因为部分直到document.ready之后的一段时间才会加载。

<!-- HTML: -->
        <div id="tabs" ng-app="reportTabsApp" ng-controller="RootController">
            <!-- Load a bunch of partials here with ng-include -->

<!-- my Angular code: -->
    var reportTabsApp = angular.module("reportTabsApp", []);
    reportTabsApp.controller('RootController', function($scope, $rootScope) {
        console.log($scope); // this works
        console.log($rootScope); // this works
        $scope.$on("$viewContentLoaded", function() {
            console.log(" -- VIEW CONTENT LOADED!!"); // This never happens.
        $rootScope.$on("$viewContentLoaded", function() {
            console.log(" -- VIEW CONTENT LOADED!!"); // This also never happens.

正如 Eliran 在评论中建议的那样,答案是任意决定何时完成所有部分的加载。我想出了这个:

    var yourApp = angular.module("yourApp", []);
    yourApp.controller('YourController', function($scope) {
        $scope.includeCounter = 0;
        $scope.partials = [
            // etc...
        // in your html you use ng-repeat to repeat an element, and on each of
        // those elements you have ng-include to load the above partials.
        $scope.$on("$includeContentLoaded", function() {
            if ($scope.includeCounter == $scope.partials.length) { // if all partials loaded.
                 console.log(" -- ALL PARTIALS LOADED!!");
                 // do what you need now that all partials are loaded.
