
我在Project Euler中解决问题75时得到了一个意外的结果。我的代码确实找到了正确的解决方案,但它的行为很奇怪。


(defparameter *barning-matrixes*
   '(#(1 -2  2) #(2 -1  2) #(2 -2  3)
     #(1  2  2) #(2  1  2) #(2  2  3)
     #(-1 2  2) #(-2 1  2) #(-2 2  3)))
(defparameter *lengths* (make-array 1500001 :initial-element 0))
(defun expand-node (n)
"Takes a primitive Pythagorean triple in a vector and traverses subsequent nodes in the the tree of primitives until perimeter > 1,500,000"
   (let ((perimeter (reduce #'+ n)))
   (unless (> perimeter 1500000)
     (let ((next-nodes (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
                                   (reduce #'+ (map 'vector #'* n x))) *barning-matrixes*)))
        (loop for i from perimeter to 1500000 by perimeter
              do (incf (aref *lengths* i)))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 0 3))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 3 6))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 6 9))))))
(expand-node #(3 4 5))  ; Takes too darn long :-(
(count 1 *lengths*)



(defparameter *barning-matrixes*
   '((1 -2  2) (2 -1  2) (2 -2  3)
     (1  2  2) (2  1  2) (2  2  3)
     (-1 2  2) (-2 1  2) (-2 2  3)))

(defparameter *lengths* (make-array 1500001 :initial-element 0))
(defun expand-node (n)
"Takes a primitive Pythagorean triple in a list and traverses subsequent nodes in the the tree of primitives until perimeter > 1,500,000"
   (let ((perimeter (reduce #'+ n)))
   (unless (> perimeter 1500000)
     (let ((next-nodes (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'* n x))) *barning-matrixes*)))
        (loop for i from perimeter to 1500000 by perimeter
              do (incf (aref *lengths* i)))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 0 3))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 3 6))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 6 9))))))
(expand-node '(3 4 5))  ; Much faster, but why?!
(count 1 *lengths*)






但对我来说,在Common Lisp中,列表和长度与新向量相等的向量的MAP的实现可能非常低效。即使考虑到一个有一些开销的新向量,实现也会更快。


(loop with v = (make-array (length n))
      for n1 across n
      for x1 across x
      for i from 0
      do (setf (aref v i) (* n1 x1))
      finally (return v))


(defparameter *barning-matrixes*
  #(#(1 -2  2) #(2 -1  2) #(2 -2  3) #(1  2  2) #(2  1  2) #(2  2  3) #(-1 2  2) #(-2 1  2) #(-2 2  3)))
(defparameter *lengths* (make-array 1500001 :initial-element 0))
(defun expand-node (n)
  "Takes a primitive Pythagorean triple in a vector and traverses subsequent nodes in the the tree of primitives until perimeter > 1,500,000"
  (let ((perimeter (reduce #'+ n)))
    (unless (> perimeter 1500000)
      (let ((next-nodes
             (loop with v = (make-array (length *barning-matrixes*))
                   for e across *barning-matrixes*
                   for i from 0
                   do (setf (aref v i)
                            (reduce #'+
                                    (loop with v = (make-array (length n))
                                          for n1 across n
                                          for x1 across e
                                          for i from 0
                                          do (setf (aref v i) (* n1 x1))
                                          finally (return v))))
                   finally (return v))))
        (loop for i from perimeter to 1500000 by perimeter
              do (incf (aref *lengths* i)))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 0 3))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 3 6))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 6 9))))))
(time (expand-node #(3 4 5)))


(defun expand-node (n)
; here we don't know of which type N is. You call it from the toplevel
; with a vector, but recursive calls call it with a list
  "Takes a primitive Pythagorean triple in a vector and traverses
 subsequent nodes in the the tree of primitives until perimeter > 1,500,000"
  (let ((perimeter (reduce #'+ n)))
    (unless (> perimeter 1500000)
      (let ((next-nodes (mapcar #'(lambda (x)    ; this mapcar creates a list
                                    (reduce #'+
                                            (map 'vector
                                                 n  ; <- list or vector
                                                 x))) ; <- vector
        (loop for i from perimeter to 1500000 by perimeter
              do (incf (aref *lengths* i)))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 0 3))   ; this subseq returns a list most of the times...
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 3 6))
        (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 6 9))))))

所以大多数时候你用一个列表和一个向量来调用MAP。结果向量的大小是多少?MAP必须通过遍历列表或其他方式来找到。结果向量长度是参数序列长度中最短的一个。然后它必须对列表和向量进行迭代。如果MAP现在使用通用序列操作,则对列表的元素访问总是遍历列表。显然,可以编写一个优化的版本,这样做会更快,但Common Lisp实现可能会选择只提供MAP的通用实现。。。

欢迎来到复杂的Common Lisp优化!首先要注意的是由不同的实现执行的不同程序优化策略:我在SBCL中尝试了您的示例,它们在几乎相同的时间内执行得非常高效,而在CCL中,矢量版本的执行速度比列表版本慢得多。我不知道您尝试过哪种实现,但您可以尝试使用不同的实现来查看非常不同的执行时间。


(map 'vector #'* n x)


(mapcar #'* n x)



(defun expand-node (n)
"Takes a primitive Pythagorean triple in a vector and traverses subsequent nodes in the the tree of primitives until perimeter > 1,500,000"
   (let ((perimeter (reduce #'+ n))
         (temp-vector (make-array 3 :initial-element 0)))
     (unless (> perimeter 1500000)
       (let ((next-nodes (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
                                   (reduce #'+ (map-into temp-vector #'* n x))) *barning-matrixes*)))
         (loop for i from perimeter to 1500000 by perimeter
               do (incf (aref *lengths* i)))
         (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 0 3))
         (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 3 6))
         (expand-node (subseq next-nodes 6 9))))))

SBCL上的检查矢量#(1 2 3)给出:

Dimensions: (3)
Element type: T
Total size: 3
Adjustable: NIL
Fill pointer: NIL
0: 1
1: 2
2: 3


(time (expand-node #(3 4 5)))
;; Evaluation took:
;;   2.060 seconds of real time
;;   2.062500 seconds of total run time (1.765625 user, 0.296875 system)
;;   [ Run times consist of 0.186 seconds GC time, and 1.877 seconds non-GC time. ]
;;   100.10% CPU
;;   4,903,137,055 processor cycles
;;   202,276,032 bytes consed
(time (expand-node* '(3 4 5)))
;; Evaluation took:
;;   0.610 seconds of real time
;;   0.609375 seconds of total run time (0.609375 user, 0.000000 system)
;;   [ Run times consist of 0.016 seconds GC time, and 0.594 seconds non-GC time. ]
;;   99.84% CPU
;;   1,432,603,387 processor cycles
;;   80,902,560 bytes consed


(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(declaim (type (simple-array (simple-array fixnum 1) 1) *barning-matrixes*))
(defparameter *barning-matrixes*
  (map '(simple-array (simple-array fixnum 1) 1)
       (lambda (list)
         (make-array 3 :element-type 'fixnum
                       :initial-contents list))
       '((1 -2 2) (2 -1 2) (2 -2 3)
         (1 2 2) (2 1 2) (2 2 3)
         (-1 2 2) (-2 1 2) (-2 2 3))))
(declaim (type (simple-array fixnum 1) *lengths*))
(defparameter *lengths* (make-array 1500001 :element-type 'fixnum
                                            :initial-element 0))
(declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array fixnum 1))) expand-node))
(defun expand-node (n)
  "Takes a primitive Pythagorean triple in a vector and traverses subsequent nodes in the the tree of primitives until perimeter > 1,500,000"
  (loop with list-of-ns = (list n)
        for n = (pop list-of-ns)
        while n
        do (let ((perimeter (let ((result 0))
                              (declare (type fixnum result))
                              (dotimes (i (length n) result)
                                (incf result (aref n i))))))
             (declare (type fixnum perimeter))
             (unless (> perimeter 1500000)
               (let ((next-nodes
                       (let ((result (list)))
                         (dotimes (matrix 9 (nreverse result))
                           (let ((matrix (aref *barning-matrixes* matrix)))
                             (push (let ((result 0))
                                     (declare (type fixnum result))
                                     (dotimes (i 3 result)
                                       (incf result
                                             (the fixnum
                                                  (* (the fixnum (aref matrix i))
                                                     (the fixnum (aref n i)))))))
                 (declare (type list next-nodes))
                 (loop for i from perimeter to 1500000 by perimeter
                       do (incf (aref *lengths* i)))
                 (dotimes (i 3)
                   (push (make-array 3 :element-type 'fixnum
                                       :initial-contents (list (pop next-nodes)
                                                               (pop next-nodes)
                                                               (pop next-nodes)))


CL-USER> (load (compile-file #P"e75.lisp"))
; ...compilation notes...
CL-USER> (time (expand-node (make-array 3 :element-type 'fixnum
                                          :initial-contents '(3 4 5))))
Evaluation took:
  0.274 seconds of real time
  0.264000 seconds of total run time (0.264000 user, 0.000000 system)
  96.35% CPU
  382,768,596 processor cycles
  35,413,600 bytes consed
; No values
CL-USER> (count 1 *lengths*)
161667 (18 bits, #x27783)

