我需要使用文本文件更新表格。目前,如果我从 txt 文件执行Get-Content
然后运行 SQL 更新查询,我的代码工作正常,但仅限于小数据的情况下。如果文本大小太长或包含一些特殊字符,则会引发如下错误:
Function DatabaseQueries(){ #To connect to the SQL database $Connection = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection $Connection.ConnectionString = "Server=$IPSource ; Database=$DBNameSource ; User ID=$UserIDSource ; Password=$LoginPwdSource;" $Connection.Open() #Query to get the ID of the stored script field from propertyentry $Command1 = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand $Command1.Connection = $Connection $Command1.CommandText = "SELECT [ID] FROM [dbo].[propertyentry] WHERE [PROPERTY_KEY]='com.onresolve.jira.groovy.groovyrunner:customfields' " $Reader = $Command1.ExecuteReader() while ($Reader.Read()) { $ID = $Reader.GetValue($1) } #To get the updated script file $ScriptDir = $ParentDir + 'Script.txt' $ScriptData = Get-Content "$ScriptDir" $Connection.Close() #Query to update the Script in JIRA database $Connection.Open() $Command = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand $Command.Connection = $Connection $Command.CommandText = @" Update [dbo].[propertytext] set [propertyvalue] ='$ScriptData' Where ID=$ID "@ $Reader = $Command.ExecuteReader() $Connection.Close() }
如果未指定文件内容和数据库结构,则很难编写完整的解决方案。您肯定遇到了某种SQL注入。SQL 查询串联被认为是有害的,您应该避免它。使用 ADO.NET 参数传递变量(在您的示例中
)。请参阅以下示例:function Invoke-Sql( $ConnectionString, $Query, $Parameters ) { $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection -ArgumentList $ConnectionString $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand -ArgumentList $Query,$conn $conn.Open() foreach ($arg in $Parameters.GetEnumerator()){ $cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue($arg.Key, $arg.Value) | Out-Null; } $reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader() if ($reader.Read()) { [string[]]$columns = 0..($reader.FieldCount-1) | % { if ($reader.GetName($_)) { $reader.GetName($_) } else { "(no name $_)" } } do { $obj = @{} 0..($reader.FieldCount-1) | % { $obj.Add($columns[$_], $reader[$_]) } New-Object PSObject -Property $obj } while ($reader.Read()) } $reader.Dispose() $cmd.Dispose() $conn.Dispose() } Invoke-Sql ` -ConnectionString "Server=.SQL2014;Database=Test1;Integrated Security=true" ` -Query 'SELECT Name, Id [ObjectId], Id + 3, @arg FROM IdNameTest' ` -Parameters @{arg = 'Some text'''} Invoke-Sql ` -ConnectionString "Server=.SQL2014;Database=Test1;Integrated Security=true" ` -Query 'UPDATE IdNameTest SET Name=@name WHERE Id=@id' ` -Parameters @{name = "'DROP DATABASE Death;! %&@!$"; id=1}
select REPLACE(Cast(propertyvalue AS varchar(Max)), '''', '''''') FROM [dbo].[propertytext] WHERE ID=$ID
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