两个 Sub 过程,为什么这个函数在运行两次后会导致对象变量错误


我能够毫无问题地运行子 1 然后运行子

2,然后当我尝试重新运行子 1 时,我在子 1 中的这一行上收到一个object variable not set错误:

        cName = "Current Price"
        cG = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column

"当前价格"拼写正确,是每个工作表上的列标题作为参数传递,并且Sub 1第一次运行良好,这可能是公开声明的问题吗?该错误归因于以下IsInArray函数

子 1

Sub Example(ws_string As String)
LR = Range("a1000").End(xlUp).Row
LC = Range("zz1").End(xlToLeft).Column

        cName = "Fund ID"
        cA = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column
        cName = "BBH ID"
        cB = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column
        cName = "Description"
        cC = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column
        cName = "Security Type"
        cD = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column
        cName = "Price Date"
        cF = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column
        cName = "Current Price"
        cG = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column
        cName = "Prior Price"
    cH = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column

子 2

Set aSelection = Range("C2:C1500")
Set aSelect_Recon = Sheets("Recon").Range("L2:C1500")
For Each cell In aSelection
  If IsInRange(cell.Value, aSelect_Recon) Then
    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 10
  End If
Next cell

Function IsInRange(stringToBeFound As String, ByVal rng As Range) As Boolean
    Dim r As Range
    Set r = rng.Find(What:=stringToBeFound, _
        MatchCase:=True, _
        LookIn:=xlValues, _
        Lookat:=xlPart) 'partial match to have the same behaviour as the filter version
    If Not r Is Nothing Then IsInRange = True
End Function

编辑更新此外,我三次调用Sub 1,通过不同的工作表,如下所示:

Example "ETF"
Example "MAV"
Example "Main"

但是,如果我注释掉 ETF 和 MAV 调用,则 Main 过程调用工作正常。


Set rngTest = ActiveSheet.Rows.Find(What:=UCase(cName), Lookat:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
if Not rngTest is Nothing then
    cA= rngTest.Column
end if 

建议:开始使用Option Explicit,这将有助于避免此类错误。

我认为这就是问题所在:Find方法的选项被保存。(它们与 excel 中的查找窗口中相同)。运行IsInRange函数后,选项 MatchCase 设置为 True 。在您的示例 sub 中,您正在寻找UCase(cName)因此您在IsInRange后运行它时正在寻找"CURRENT PRICE",当找不到它时它会抛出Object not set错误。


编辑:遵循 cyboashu 关于Option Explicit的建议并首先检查对象,即使这现在解决了问题!



