如何使用 ETag 对 Azure 表存储实体进行条件更新

如果 ETag 未更改,如何使用 Azure 表存储实体的 ETag 更新实体?


   var query = (from ent in cloudservicetable.CreateQuery<CloudServiceTableEntity>()
               where ent.PartitionKey == "test"
               && ent.Status == "creating"
               && ent.Counter> 0
               select ent).AsTableQuery();

    var candidates = query.OrderByDescending(s=>s.Counter).ToList();
    bool found = false;
    while (!found && candidates.Any())
        //Find best candidate
        var candidate = candidates.First();
        //If we can decrement the count with out the entity have been changed
        //it is a acceptable candidate.
        var opr = TableOperation.Merge(candidate);
       // cloudservicetable.ExecuteAsync(opr) 
       // How do I only do the merge if the etag have not changed?
       //TODO If changed remove/update the candidate list
    // if found we have a candidate

对于条件合并,您无需执行任何操作。如果在合并操作期间ETag不匹配,您的代码将引发错误(PreCondition失败 - Http Status Code 412)。所以你上面的代码将完美地工作。

对于无条件合并,您需要手动将实体的 ETag 属性设置为 *


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