Java基准测试与Ellipticgroup / Brent Boyer



import bb.util.Benchmark;
public class ShortIndexesLoop {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Callable<Integer> task = 
            new Callable<Integer>() { public Integer call() { return fibonacci(35); } };
            System.out.println("fibonacci(35): " + new Benchmark(task));
    protected static int fibonacci(int n) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n = " + n + " < 0");
        if (n <= 1) return n;
        return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);


2015-6-13下午01:45:37 StringUtil警告:字符串的行为不符合预期;查看原因

java.lang.Exception: substring does NOT share the same underlying char[] with its parent String
    at bb.util.StringUtil.inspectStringConstructor(
    at bb.util.StringUtil.<clinit>(
    at bb.util.Benchmark.sendUserMsg(
    at bb.util.Benchmark.osSpecificPreparation(
    at bb.util.Benchmark.perform(
    at bb.util.Benchmark.<init>(
    at bb.util.Benchmark.<init>(
    at ShortIndexesLoop.main(

似乎对基准测试的任何调用最终都会在 StringUtil 中使用以下方法

private static final boolean stringContructorTrimsGarbage = inspectStringConstructor();
private static boolean inspectStringConstructor() {
    try {
            // first prove that substring shares the same underlying char[] as the parent String:
        String s1 = "abc123def";
        String s2 = s1.substring(3, 6);
        char[] value1 = (char[]) ReflectUtil.get(s1, "value");
        char[] value2 = (char[]) ReflectUtil.get(s2, "value");
        if (value1 != value2) throw new Exception("substring does NOT share the same underlying char[] with its parent String");
        if (value2.length != s1.length()) throw new Exception("value2.length = " + value2.length + " != s1.length() = " + s1.length());
            // second prove that the String(String) constructor trims garbage chars:
        String s3 = new String(s2);
        char[] value3 = (char[]) ReflectUtil.get(s3, "value");
        if (value3 == value2) throw new Exception("new String shares the same underlying char[] with its String arg");
        if (!(value3.length < value2.length)) throw new Exception("value3.length = " + value3.length + " is not < value2.length = " + value2.length);
        return true;
    catch (Exception e) {
        LogUtil.getLogger2().logp(Level.WARNING, "StringUtil", "<clinit>", "String does not behave as expected; see cause", e);
        return false;

我真的不介意例外,因为基准测试库确实给出了结果。但是,尝试将此代码编译为 jar 并将其作为 jar 运行是一个问题。由于异常,其余代码将不会在终端中执行



这是一个老问题,但是mabye我的解决方案对其他人也很有用:在这个基准框架的StringUtil类的源代码中,记录了为什么要进行此检查。基于此,如果您有一个 JDK,其中 substring 创建了底层 char 数组相关部分的副本,您可以简单地注释 stringContructorTrimsGarbage 标志,而在 newString 方法中,您只需返回 s。