
为了学习Rust,我已经开始实现Project Euler中的一些问题。现在我想进行下一步,创建一个基于控制台的用户界面,它能够运行所有或仅运行特定问题。另一个要求是,用户应该能够只将可选参数传递给特定的问题。

我目前的解决方案是有一个Trait ProjectEulerProblem声明例如run()。我可以这样做:

fn main() {
    let args: Args = Args::docopt().decode().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
    let problems: Vec<Box<problems::ProjectEulerProblem>> = vec![
        box problems::Problem1,
        box problems::Problem2
    match args.flag_problem {
        Some(x) => println!("Result of problem: {} is {}", x, problems[x-1].run()),
        None    => println!("No problem number given.")



macro_rules! problem_vec(
    ($( $prob:tt ),*) => ({
                &concat_idents!(Proble, $prob),
const PROBLEMS: &'static[&'static ProjectEulerProblem] = problem_vec!(m1, m2);


macro_rules! problem_vec(
    ($( $prob:ident ),*) => ({
const PROBLEMS: &'static [&'static problems::ProjectEulerProblem] = problem_vec!(
    Problem1, Problem2


我的 mashup crate允许您定义一种简洁的方法来构建问题数组problems![1, 2]。此方法适用于任何Rust版本>= 1.15.0。

extern crate mashup;
mod problems {
    pub trait ProjectEulerProblem {
        fn run(&self);
    pub struct Problem1;
    impl ProjectEulerProblem for Problem1 {
        fn run(&self) {
            println!("running Project Euler problem 1");
    pub struct Problem2;
    impl ProjectEulerProblem for Problem2 {
        fn run(&self) {
            println!("running Project Euler problem 2");
macro_rules! problems {
    ($($number:tt),*) => {{
        // Use mashup to define a substitution macro `m!` that replaces every
        // occurrence of the tokens `"Problem" $number` in its input with the
        // concatenated identifier `Problem $number`.
        mashup! {
                m["Problem" $number] = Problem $number;
        // Invoke the substitution macro to build a slice of problems. This
        // expands to:
        //     &[
        //         &problems::Problem1 as &problems::ProjectEulerProblem,
        //         &problems::Problem2 as &problems::ProjectEulerProblem,
        //     ]
        m! {
                    &problems::"Problem" $number as &problems::ProjectEulerProblem,
fn main() {
    for p in problems![1, 2] {
