
当在场景中创建PF源节点时,我可以在maxscript中选择该系统,并使用for循环和PF . particleindex


然而,当我使用maxscript在场景中循环几何体并为每个对象生成PF源时,PF . numparticles()返回0,PF . particleindex = I的PF . particleposition返回0 0 0对于坐标.x, .y和。z

geo = #()
for OBJ in Geometry do (
    append geo OBJ
for OBJ in geo do ( 
    with undo off (
        -- define color for current object
        r = random 128 192
        g = random 128 192
        b = random 128 192
        -- create a particle system
        pf = PF_Source() 
        pf.Quantity_Viewport = 100
        -- enable render
        rp = RenderParticles()
        pf.AppendAction rp
        -- create birth
        a1 = Birth()
        a1.Amount = random 1000 2000
        a1.Emit_Start = 0
        a1.Emit_Stop = 0
        -- position to surface of current object
        a2 = Position_Object()
        a2.Location = 3
        a2.Emitter_Objects = #(OBJ)
        -- show in viewport
        a3 = DisplayParticles()
        a3.type = 2
        a3.color = (color r g b)
        -- add the event to the flow
        e1 = Event()
        e1.AppendAction a1
        e1.AppendAction a2
        e1.AppendAction a3
        -- create the "complete" particle system
        pf.appendInitialActionList e1
        -- get particle coordinates
        particleAmount = pf.NumParticles()
        print particleAmount
        for i = 1 to particleAmount do (
            pf.particleIndex = i
            coord = pf.particlePosition
            print coord
-- garbage collection



geo = geometry as array
for OBJ in geo do
    -- create a particle system
    local pf = PF_Source Quantity_Viewport:100
    -- save its identifier for later
    local handle = pf.iNode.handle
    local particleAmount = random 1000 2000
    -- enable render
    pf.AppendAction (RenderParticles())
    -- add the event to the flow
    local e1 = Event()
    -- create birth
    e1.AppendAction (Birth Amount:particleAmount Emit_Start:0 Emit_Stop:0)
    -- position to surface of current object
    e1.AppendAction (Position_Object Location:3 Emitter_Objects:#(OBJ))
    -- show in viewport
    e1.AppendAction (DisplayParticles type:2 color:(random [128,128,128] [192,192,192]))
    -- create the "complete" particle system
    pf.appendInitialActionList e1
    -- force particle flow to update particles
    fetchMaxFile quiet:true
    -- get the particle flow node again
    pf = maxOps.getNodeByHandle handle
    -- get particle coordinates
    for i = 1 to particleAmount do
        pf.particleID = i
        coord = pf.particlePosition
        format "index: %, pos: %n" pf.particleIndex coord


geo = geometry as array
for OBJ in geo do
    local particleAmount = random 1000 2000
    local pa = PArray emitter:obj formation:0 speed:0 Birth_Rate:particleAmount viewPercent:100 
        Emitter_Start:0f Emitter_Stop:0f wirecolor:(random [128,128,128] [192,192,192])
    for i = 1 to particleAmount do
        format "index: %, pos: %n" i (particlePos pa i)


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