当我尝试通过服务窗口将 oracle 10g 与 netbeans7.2 连接时,我收到错误


无法使用 oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver 建立与 jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl 的连接(io 例外:网络适配器无法建立连接(

并指导我做什么,因为我需要在我的 Web 项目中使用它。


1. If the network port is not open, or it is blocked by a firewall, you can try TELNET.
2. If DB listener is not running or is binding to a different network interface, you can try either TELNET or else use Oracle client tools to connect.
3. If again the problem persists, you may please start the listener through command prompt (lsnrctl start)
