
我认为我的问题从简单的代码中很容易理解,但另一方面,我不确定答案!直观地说,我想做的是给出一个类型 [*] 和一些依赖类型 Foo 的列表,生成类型 [Foo *]。也就是说,我想将依赖类型"映射"到基类型上。


{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators,DataKinds,GADTs,TypeFamilies #-}


class Distribution m where
    type SampleSpace m :: *


data PDistribution (ms :: [*]) where
    DNil :: PDistribution ('[])
    (:*:) :: Distribution m => m -> (PDistribution ms) -> PDistribution (m ': ms)


data PSampleSpace (m :: [*]) where
    SSNil :: PSampleSpace ('[])
    (:+:) :: Distribution m => SampleSpace m -> (PSampleSpace ms) -> PSampleSpace (m ': ms)


instance Distribution (PDistribution ms) where
    type SampleSpace (PDistribution ms) = PSampleSpace ms

现在这一切都相当不错,除了PSampleSpace的类型会导致一些问题。特别是,如果我们想直接构建一个 PSampleSpace,例如

ss = True :+: 3.0 :+: SNil

我们必须显式地给它一组分布来生成它或遇到单态限制。此外,由于两个分布当然可以共享一个 SampleSpace(正态和指数都描述了双精度),因此选择一个分布来修复类型似乎很愚蠢。我真正想定义的是定义一个简单的异构列表

data HList (xs :: [*]) where
    Nil :: HList ('[])
    (:+:) :: x -> (HList xs) -> HList (x ': xs)


instance Distribution (PDistribution (m ': ms)) where
    type SampleSpace (PDistribution (m ': ms)) = HList (SampleSpace m ': mxs)

其中 mxs 以某种方式转换为我想要的样本空间列表。当然,最后一点代码不起作用,我不知道如何修复它。干杯!



class Distribution m => Generative m where
    generate :: m -> Rand (SampleSpace m)


instance Generative (HList '[]) where
    generate Nil = return Nil
instance (Generative m, Generative (HList ms)) => Generative (HList (m ': ms)) where
    generate (m :+: ms) = do
        x <- generate m
        (x :+:) <$> generate ms

没有。 GHC抱怨它

Could not deduce (SampleSpace (HList xs) ~ HList (SampleSpaces xs))

现在我可以使用我的 PDistribution GADT 来工作,因为我在子发行版上强制使用所需的类型类。




{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators,TypeFamilies #-}
class Distribution m where
    type SampleSpace m :: *
data (:+:) a b = ProductSampleSpaceWhatever
    deriving (Show)
instance (Distribution m1, Distribution m2) => Distribution (m1, m2) where
    type SampleSpace (m1, m2) = SampleSpace m1 :+: SampleSpace m2
data NormalDistribution = NormalDistributionWhatever
instance Distribution NormalDistribution where
    type SampleSpace NormalDistribution = Doubles
data ExponentialDistribution = ExponentialDistributionWhatever
instance Distribution ExponentialDistribution where
    type SampleSpace ExponentialDistribution = Doubles
data Doubles = DoublesSampleSpaceWhatever
example :: SampleSpace (NormalDistribution, ExponentialDistribution)
example = ProductSampleSpaceWhatever
example' :: Doubles :+: Doubles
example' = example
-- Just to prove it works:
main = print example'

组树和列表之间的区别在于,元组树是岩浆状的(有一个二元运算符),而列表是幺半群的(有一个二元运算符,一个恒等式,运算符是关联的)。因此,没有单一的,挑出的DNil是身份,类型不会迫使我们放弃(NormalDistribution :*: ExponentialDistribution) :*: BinaryDistributionNormalDistribution :*: (ExponentialDistribution :*: BinaryDistribution)之间的区别。


下面的代码使类型列表具有关联运算符 TypeListConcat 和标识 TypeListNil 。除了提供的两种类型之外,没有什么可以保证不会有其他TypeList实例。我无法让TypeOperators语法适用于我想要的一切。

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies,MultiParamTypeClasses,FlexibleInstances,TypeOperators #-}
-- Lists of types
-- The class of things where the end of them can be replaced with something
-- The extra parameter t combined with FlexibleInstances lets us get away with essentially
--  type TypeListConcat :: * -> *
-- And instances with a free variable for the first argument
class TypeList l a where
    type TypeListConcat    l    a :: * 
    typeListConcat      :: l -> a -> TypeListConcat l a
-- An identity for a list of types. Nothing guarantees it is unique
data TypeListNil = TypeListNil
    deriving (Show)
instance TypeList TypeListNil a where
    type TypeListConcat TypeListNil a = a
    typeListConcat      TypeListNil a = a
-- Cons for a list of types, nothing guarantees it is unique.
data (:::) h t = (:::) h t
    deriving (Show)
infixr 5 :::
instance (TypeList t a) => TypeList (h ::: t) a where
    type TypeListConcat (h ::: t) a = h ::: (TypeListConcat t a)
    typeListConcat      (h ::: t) a = h ::: (typeListConcat t a)
-- A Distribution instance for lists of types
class Distribution m where
    type SampleSpace m :: *
instance Distribution TypeListNil where
    type SampleSpace TypeListNil = TypeListNil
instance (Distribution m1, Distribution m2) => Distribution (m1 ::: m2) where
    type SampleSpace (m1 ::: m2) = SampleSpace m1 ::: SampleSpace m2
-- Some types and values to play with
data NormalDistribution = NormalDistributionWhatever
instance Distribution NormalDistribution where
    type SampleSpace NormalDistribution = Doubles
data ExponentialDistribution = ExponentialDistributionWhatever
instance Distribution ExponentialDistribution where
    type SampleSpace ExponentialDistribution = Doubles
data BinaryDistribution = BinaryDistributionWhatever
instance Distribution BinaryDistribution where
    type SampleSpace BinaryDistribution = Bools
data Doubles = DoublesSampleSpaceWhatever
    deriving (Show)
data Bools = BoolSampleSpaceWhatever
    deriving (Show)
-- Play with them
example1 :: TypeListConcat (Doubles ::: TypeListNil) (Doubles ::: Bools ::: TypeListNil)
example1 = (DoublesSampleSpaceWhatever ::: TypeListNil) `typeListConcat` (DoublesSampleSpaceWhatever ::: BoolSampleSpaceWhatever ::: TypeListNil)
example2 :: TypeListConcat (Doubles ::: Doubles ::: TypeListNil) (Bools ::: TypeListNil)
example2 = example2
example3 :: Doubles ::: Doubles ::: Bools ::: TypeListNil
example3 = example1
example4 :: SampleSpace (NormalDistribution ::: ExponentialDistribution ::: BinaryDistribution ::: TypeListNil)
example4 = example3
main = print example4

编辑 - 使用 TypeList s 的代码


-- Distributions with sampling
class Distribution m => Generative m where
    generate :: m -> StdGen -> (SampleSpace m, StdGen)
instance Generative TypeListNil where
    generate TypeListNil g = (TypeListNil, g)
instance (Generative m1, Generative m2) => Generative (m1 ::: m2) where
    generate (m ::: ms) g =
            (x, g') = generate m g
            (xs, g'') = generate ms g'
        in (x ::: xs, g'')
-- Distributions with modes
class Distribution m => Modal m where
    modes :: m -> [SampleSpace m]
instance Modal TypeListNil where
    modes TypeListNil = [TypeListNil]
instance (Modal m1, Modal m2) => Modal (m1 ::: m2) where
    modes (m ::: ms) = [ x ::: xs | x <- modes m, xs <- modes ms] 


{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators,DataKinds,GADTs,TypeFamilies,FlexibleInstances,FlexibleContexts #-}


class Distribution m where
    type SampleSpace m :: *


type family   TypeMap (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) :: [*]
type instance TypeMap t             '[]         =  '[]
type instance TypeMap t             (x ': xs)   =  t x ': TypeMap t xs

在类型列表中,我们希望能够TypeMap SampleSpace .遗憾的是,我们无法部分应用类型族中的类型,因此我们将专门针对SampleSpace TypeMap。这里的想法是SampleSpaces = TypeMap SampleSpace

type family   SampleSpaces (xs :: [*]) :: [*]
type instance SampleSpaces '[]         =  '[]
type instance SampleSpaces (x ': xs)   =  SampleSpace x ': SampleSpaces xs


data HList (xs :: [*]) where
    Nil   ::                  HList '[]
    (:+:) :: x -> HList xs -> HList (x ': xs)
infixr 5 :+:
instance (Show x, Show (HList xs)) => Show (HList (x ': xs)) where
    showsPrec p (x :+: xs) = showParen (p > plus_prec) $
            showsPrec (plus_prec+1) x       .
            showString              " :+: " .
            showsPrec (plus_prec) xs
        where plus_prec = 5
instance Show (HList '[]) where
    show _ = "Nil"

现在我们都准备好为异构Distribution列表派生实例。 请注意':右侧的类型如何使用我们上面定义的SampleSpaces

instance (Distribution m, Distribution (HList ms)) => Distribution (HList (m ': ms)) where
    type SampleSpace (HList (m ': ms)) = HList (SampleSpace m ': SampleSpaces ms)
instance Distribution (HList '[]) where
    type SampleSpace (HList '[]) = HList '[]


-- Some types and values to play with
data NormalDistribution = NormalDistributionWhatever
instance Distribution NormalDistribution where
    type SampleSpace NormalDistribution = Doubles
data ExponentialDistribution = ExponentialDistributionWhatever
instance Distribution ExponentialDistribution where
    type SampleSpace ExponentialDistribution = Doubles
data BinaryDistribution = BinaryDistributionWhatever
instance Distribution BinaryDistribution where
    type SampleSpace BinaryDistribution = Bools
data Doubles = DoublesSampleSpaceWhatever
    deriving (Show)
data Bools = BoolSampleSpaceWhatever
    deriving (Show)
-- Play with them
example1 :: HList [Doubles, Doubles, Bools]
example1 = DoublesSampleSpaceWhatever :+: DoublesSampleSpaceWhatever :+: BoolSampleSpaceWhatever :+: Nil
example2 :: SampleSpace (HList [NormalDistribution, ExponentialDistribution, BinaryDistribution])
example2 = example1
example3 :: SampleSpace (HList [ExponentialDistribution, NormalDistribution, BinaryDistribution])
example3 = example2
main = print example3
