
我正在尝试将图像写入csv文件。脚本写入了文件,但图像的内容被打乱了。CCD_ 1的长序列。有人能指出我在编码中遗漏了什么吗?或者我应该做其他事情吗?

要测试:mkdir so-38711430; cd so-38711430; npm init -y; npm i -S lodash json2csv;

'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
const json2csv = require('json2csv');
const fs = require('fs');
let rows = [
        'id': 1,
        'name': '12323',
        'id': 2,
        'name': '22323',
        'id': 3,
        'name': '323232',
        'id': 4,
        'name': '24242',
// image path is valid
fs.readFile(`./images/2NTSFr7.jpg`, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
    _.each(rows, (item) => {
        item.image = data;
        'data': rows
    }, (err, csv) => {
        fs.writeFile('file.csv', csv, (err) => {
            if (err) throw err;
            console.log('file saved');


在CSV中,如果您在记事本中打开文档,显然不会看到图像。记事本不会渲染图像,只渲染文本。正如其他人所说,您可以用base64字符串将其写入CSV,例如使用node-base64-image和jQuery CSV:

import {encode, decode} from 'node-base64-image'; // ES6
// Get the image as base64 string
var base64string = encode("path/to/img");
// Create an arrays object, to convert to CSV
// Note this is an array of arrays. E.g.,
//   For an array: 
//     array = [ "a", "b", "c" ], 
//   you get the third element by doing:
//     array[2] ( = "c" )
//   So, for an array of arrays, i.e., 3 arrays containing 3 elements each:
//     arrayOfArrays = [ [ "a", "b", "c" ],[ "d", "e", "f" ], [ "g", "h", "i" ] ]
//   you get the third element by doing (as above):
//     array[2] ( = [ "g", "h", "i" ] )
//   and the third element of the selected array by doing:
//     array[2][2] ( = "i" )
var csvArrays = [
    [ "Image Name",     "Image base64 Data" ], // Example titles row
    [ "name-for-image", base64string ],        // Example data row
// Convert arrays to CSV
var csvData = $.csv.fromArrays(csvArrays); 
// Write the file!
fs.writeFile('csvFile.csv', csvData, (err) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log('It's saved!');


import {encode, decode} from 'node-base64-image'; // ES6
var csvFile = fs.readFile('csvFile.csv');
var csvDataAsArrays = $.csv.toArrays(csvFile);
// Get the second array from the group of arrays, then the second element from that array, hence `[1][1]`
var csvImgAsBase64 = csvDataAsArrays[1][1];
var imgAsData = decode(csvImgAsBase64);
fs.writeFile("img.jpeg", imgData, function() {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log('It's saved!');


    path: './screenshot2.jpeg',
    type: 'picture',
    position: {
        type: 'absoluteAnchor',
        x: '1in',
        y: '2in'


    path: './screenshot1.png',
    type: 'picture',
    position: {
        type: 'twoCellAnchor',
        from: {
            col: 1,
            colOff: 0,
            row: 10,
            rowOff: 0
        to: {
            col: 4,
            colOff: 0,
            row: 13,
            rowOff: 0
