
  • 本文关键字:等价关系 Isabelle isabelle
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假设我有一个简单的编程语言和一个Hoare逻辑在它上面。假设我们有if, while和序列运算。同样,我们有denotation,它给出了一个程序的表示,还有hoare P c Q。下面是Isabelle/HOL的签名示例:

(* A simple language and Hoare logic *)
typedecl program
typedecl memory
  seq :: "program ⇒ program ⇒ program" (infixl ";" 10) (* c;d: run c, then run d *)
  ifthen :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ program" (* ifthen e c: run c if e(current_mem)=true *)
  while :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ program" (* while e c: run c while e(current_mem)=true *)
  denotation :: "program ⇒ memory ⇒ memory"  (* denotation c m: memory after running c, when starting with memory m *)
  hoare :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ (memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool" 
      (* hoare P c Q: if P(current_mem), then after running c, we have Q(current_mem) *)

现在不成立(a;b);c = a;(b;c)(这两个是不同的程序),但它确实认为它们在意义上是等价的,即denotation ((a;b);c)) = denotation (a;(b;c))


lemma "hoare P (while e (a;b;c)) Q ==> hoare P (while e (a;(b;c))) Q"

仅使用简化器(by simp),给定合适的简化规则。

lemma "denotation (a;(b;c)) = denotation ((a;b);c)"
lemma "denotation a = denotation b ==> hoare P a Q = hoare P b Q"
lemma "denotation a = denotation b ==> denotation (while e a) = denotation (while e b)"
lemma "denotation a = denotation b ==> denotation (ifthen e a) = denotation (ifthen e b)"
lemma "denotation a = denotation a' ==> denotation b = denotation b' ==> denotation (a;b) = denotation (a';b')"





编写一个simproc,以hoare P c Q的形式触发。在调用时,它设置一个形式为hoare P c Q == ?rhs和的目标应用一条规则,声明%c. hoare P c Q只关心其实参的等价类,而不关心具体元素。然后,将重写规则作为引入规则应用,直到所述目标得到解决。这应该已经将?rhs实例化为hoare P c' Q的形式。测试cc'是否相等。如果是,则simproc使用NONE失败,否则返回已证明的方程。


definition fun_equiv :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
where "fun_equiv f x y ⟷ f x = f y"
lemma fun_equiv_refl: "fun_equiv f x x" by(simp add: fun_equiv_def)
lemma hoare_cong_start: (* start rule *)
  "fun_equiv denotation c c' ⟹ hoare P c Q == hoare P' c' Q'"
lemma while_cong: "fun_equiv denotation c c' ⟹ fun_equiv denotation (while b c) (while b c')" sorry
lemma seq_cong: "⟦ fun_equiv denotation a a'; fun_equiv denotation b b' ⟧ ⟹ fun_equiv denotation (a ; b) (a' ; b')" sorry
lemma if_cong: "fun_equiv denotation c c' ⟹ fun_equiv denotation (ifthen b c) (ifthen b c')" sorry
lemma seq_assoc: "fun_equiv denotation (a ; (b ; c)) (a; b; c)" sorry
lemma ifthen_true: "fun_equiv denotation (ifthen (λm. True) c) c" sorry
lemmas hoare_intros =
  -- ‹rewrites come first, congruences later, reflexivity last›
  ifthen_true seq_assoc
  while_cong if_cong seq_cong

由于这是简化器中的一个simproc,因此您可以假设调用中的命令已经是普通形式,而不是简单集。在您的示例中,测试%m. m = m已经简化为%_. True。因此,simproc可以专注于实现对hoare规则的重写。


schematic_lemma "hoare (λm. P x) (while P (c;(d;e);ifthen (λm. True) (f;g;c))) (λm. True) == ?c"
by(rule hoare_cong_start)(rule hoare_intros)+


如果你想支持条件重写规则,而不是表意等价,rule hoare_intros应该被替换为检查子目标格式的东西。如果不是fun_equiv denotation _ _的形式,那么simproc应该递归地调用简化器(或您选择的任何其他证明方法),而不是尝试hoare_intros的另一个规则应用程序。



lemma l1 [cong]: "f a = f b ==> g a = g b"


lemma l2 [simp]: "f a = f b ==> g a = g b"

,当Isabelle应用简化规则时,b将被一个原理图变量替换,简化器将重写"f a = f ?b",它将用b的简化实例化?b。


lemma l3 [simp]: "f_simp a = f_done b ==> g_simp a = g_done b"



问题是:-这是一个黑客。我不知道在什么情况下它会崩溃或者与其他东西不相容- apply simp可能部分重写,所以你必须再次调用它来完成重写。(见理论的最后一个引理)

theory Test
imports Main
section "Minimal Hoare logic"
(* A simple language and Hoare logic *)
typedecl program
typedecl memory
  seq :: "program ⇒ program ⇒ program" (infixl ";" 10) (* c;d: run c, then run d *)
  ifthen :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ program" (* ifthen e c: run c if e(current_mem)=true *)
  while :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ program" (* while e c: run c while e(current_mem)=true *)
  denotation :: "program ⇒ memory ⇒ memory"  (* denotation c m: memory after running c, when starting with memory m *)
  hoare :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ (memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool" 
  (* hoare P c Q: if P(current_mem), then after running c, we have Q(current_mem) *)
(* seq is associative modulo denotational equivalence.
  Thus we should be able to rewrite "a;(b;c)" to "a;b;c"
  within a hoare triple. E.g., the following should be solved with simp: *)
  assumes "hoare P (while e (a;b;c)) Q"
  shows "hoare P (while e (a;(b;c))) Q"
using assms
oops (* by simp *)
section "A failed attempt"
experiment begin
(* Here a natural approach first which, however, fails. *)
(* A congruence rule for the simplifier. 
   To rewrite a hoare triple "hoare P c Q", 
   we need to rewrite "denotation c". *)
lemma enter [cong]:
  assumes "P==P'" and "Q==Q'"
  assumes "denotation c == denotation c'"
  shows "hoare P c Q == hoare P' c' Q'"
(* To descend further into subterms, we need a congruence-rule for while. *)
lemma while [cong]: 
  assumes "e=e'"
  and "denotation c == denotation c'"
  shows "denotation (while e c) ≡ denotation (while e' c')"
(* And we give a simplification rule for the associativity of seq *)
lemma assoc [simp]:
  "denotation (a;(b;c)) = denotation (a;b;c)"
(* Now we can simplify the lemma from above *)
  assumes "hoare P (while e (a;b;c)) Q"
  shows "hoare P (while e (a;(b;c))) Q"
using assms by simp
(* Unfortunately, this does not work any more once we add more congruence rules. *)
(* To descend further into subterms, we need a congruence-rule for while. *)
lemma ifthen [cong]: 
  assumes "e=e'"
  and "denotation c == denotation c'"
  shows "denotation (ifthen e c) ≡ denotation (ifthen e' c')"
(* Warning: Overwriting congruence rule for "Test.denotation" *)
(* Simplifier doesn't work any more because the congruence rule for while was overwritten *)
  assumes "hoare P (while e (a;b;c)) Q"
  shows "hoare P (while e (a;(b;c))) Q"
using assms 
oops (* by simp *)
section {* A working attempt *}
(* Define copies of the denotation-constant, to control the simplifier *)
definition "denotation_simp == denotation"
definition "denotation_done == denotation"
(* A congruence rule for the simplifier. 
   To rewrite a hoare triple "hoare P c Q", 
   we need to rewrite "denotation c".
   This means, the congruence rule should have an assumption
   "denotation c == denotation c'"
   However, to avoid infinite loops with the rewrite rules below,
   we use the logically equivalent assumption
   "denotation_simp c == denotation_done c'"
   This means that we need to configure the rules below rewrite
   "denotation_simp c" into "denotation_done c'" where c' is 
   the simplication of c (module denotational equivalence).
lemma enter [cong]:
  assumes "P==P'" and "Q==Q'"
  assumes "denotation_simp c == denotation_done c'"
  shows "hoare P c Q == hoare P' c' Q'"
(* A similar congruence rule for simplifying expressions
  of the form "denotation c". *)
lemma denot [cong]:
  assumes "denotation_simp c == denotation_done c'"
  shows "denotation c == denotation c'"
(* Now we add a congruence-rule for while.
  Since we saw above that we cannot use several congruence-rules
  with "denotation" as their head,
  we simulate a congruence rule using a simp-rule.
  To rewrite "denotation_simp (while e c)", we need to rewrite
  "denotation_simp c".
  We put denotation_done on the rhs instead of denotation_simp 
  to avoid infinite loops.
lemma while [simp]: 
  assumes "e=e'"
  and "denotation_simp c == denotation_done c'"
  shows "denotation_simp (while e c) ≡ denotation_done (while e' c')"
(* A pseudo-congruence rule for ifthen *)
lemma ifthen [simp]:
  assumes "e=e'"
  and "denotation_simp c == denotation_done c'"
  shows "denotation_simp (ifthen e c) == denotation_done (ifthen e' c')"
(* A pseudo-congruence rule for seq *)
lemma seq [simp]:
  assumes "denotation_simp c == denotation_done c'"
  and "denotation_simp d == denotation_done d'"
  shows "denotation_simp (c;d) == denotation_done (c';d')"
(* Finally, we can state associativity of seq. *)
lemma assoc [simp]:
  "denotation_simp (a;(b;c)) = denotation_simp (a;b;c)"
(* Finally, since our congruence-rules expect the rewriting to rewrite
  "denotation_simp c" into "denotation_done c'", 
  we need to translate any non-rewritten "denotation_simp" into
  However, a rule "denotation_simp c == denotation_done c" does not work,
  because it could be triggered too early, and block the pseudo-congruence rules above.
  So we only trigger the rule when the current term would not match
  any of the pseudo congruence rules *)
lemma finish [simp]: 
  assumes "NO_MATCH (while e1 c1) a"
  assumes "NO_MATCH (ifthen e2 c2) a"
  assumes "NO_MATCH (c3;d3) a"
  shows "denotation_simp a = denotation_done a"
(* Testing the simplifier rules *)
  assumes "hoare P (while e (a;b;c)) Q"
  shows "hoare P (while e (a;(b;c))) Q"
using assms 
by simp

(* Some more complex test *)
lemma iftrue [simp]: "denotation_simp (ifthen (λm. True) c) == denotation_simp c" sorry
  assumes "⋀x. Q x"
  assumes "hoare (λm. P x ∧ Q x) (while P (c;(d;e);(f;g);c)) (λm. m=m)"
  shows "hoare (λm. P x) (while P (c;(d;e);ifthen (λm. m=m) (f;g;c))) (λm. True)"
using assms
apply simp (* Hmm. Only partially simplified... The assoc rule is not applied to the result of the iftrue rule *)
by simp (* Rerunning simp solves the goal *)
(* By the way: "using assms by auto" solves the goal in one go *)

以下是我对Andreas Lochbihler建议的实施。第一部分是一个泛型实现(适用于除表意等价之外的其他等价),下面是我的示例Hoare逻辑的实例化。

(* Written by Dominique Unruh *)
theory Test2
imports Main
section "Implementation of modulo-simplifier"

definition fun_equiv :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where "fun_equiv f x y == f x = f y"
lemma fun_equiv_refl: "fun_equiv f x x" by(simp add: fun_equiv_def)
ML {*
(* Call as: hoare_simproc_tac (simplifications@congruences) context/simpset *)
fun fun_equiv_simproc_tac intros ctxt =
  SUBGOAL (fn (goal,i) =>
    case goal of
      Const(@{const_name Trueprop},_) $ (Const(@{const_name fun_equiv},_)$_$_$_) => 
        (resolve0_tac intros THEN_ALL_NEW fun_equiv_simproc_tac intros ctxt) i
        ORELSE (rtac @{thm fun_equiv_refl} i)
    | _ => 
        SOLVED' (simp_tac ctxt) i)
fun fun_equiv_simproc start intros _ ctxt (t:cterm) = 
  let val fresh_var = Var(("x",Term.maxidx_of_term (Thm.term_of t)+1),Thm.typ_of_cterm t)
      val goal = Logic.mk_equals (Thm.term_of t,fresh_var)
      val thm = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal 
                (fn {context,...} => resolve0_tac start 1 THEN ALLGOALS (fun_equiv_simproc_tac intros context))
    if (Thm.rhs_of thm) aconvc t then NONE else SOME thm
  handle ERROR msg => (warning ("fun_equiv_simproc failednTerm was:n"^(@{make_string} t)^"nError: "^msg); NONE)
fun fun_equiv_simproc_named start cong simp morph ctxt =
  fun_equiv_simproc (Named_Theorems.get ctxt start) (Named_Theorems.get ctxt simp @ Named_Theorems.get ctxt cong) morph ctxt
section "Minimal Hoare logic"
(* A simple language and Hoare logic *)
typedecl program
typedecl memory
  seq :: "program ⇒ program ⇒ program" (infixl ";" 100) (* c;d: run c, then run d *)
  ifthen :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ program" (* ifthen e c: run c if e(current_mem)=true *)
  while :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ program" (* while e c: run c while e(current_mem)=true *)
  denotation :: "program ⇒ memory ⇒ memory"  (* denotation c m: memory after running c, when starting with memory m *)
  hoare :: "(memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ program ⇒ (memory ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool" 
      (* hoare P c Q: if P(current_mem), then after running c, we have Q(current_mem) *)
section "Instantiating the simplifier"
named_theorems denot_simp_start
named_theorems denot_simp
named_theorems denot_cong
lemma hoare_cong_start [denot_simp_start]: "fun_equiv denotation c c' ⟹ hoare P c Q == hoare P c' Q" sorry
lemma while_cong [denot_cong]: "fun_equiv denotation c c' ⟹ fun_equiv denotation (while b c) (while b c')" sorry
lemma seq_cong [denot_cong]: "fun_equiv denotation a a' ⟹ fun_equiv denotation b b' ⟹ fun_equiv denotation (a ; b) (a' ; b')" sorry
lemma if_cong [denot_cong]: "fun_equiv denotation c c' ⟹ fun_equiv denotation (ifthen b c) (ifthen b c')" sorry
lemma seq_assoc [denot_simp]: "fun_equiv denotation (a ; (b ; c)) (a; b; c)" sorry
lemma ifthen_true [denot_simp]: "(⋀m. e m) ⟹ fun_equiv denotation (ifthen e c) c" sorry
lemma double_while [denot_simp]: "(⋀m. e m = e' m) ⟹ fun_equiv denotation c d ⟹ fun_equiv denotation (seq (while e c) (while e' d)) (while e c)" sorry
(* -- "If the set of simplification theorems is fixed, we can use the following setup"
  lemmas hoare_congruences = while_cong if_cong seq_cong
  lemmas hoare_simps = ifthen_true seq_assoc double_while
  simproc_setup hoare_simproc ("hoare P c Q") = {* fun_equiv_simproc @{thms hoare_cong_start} @{thms hoare_simps hoare_congruences} *}

(* To make use of dynamic lists of theorems, we use the following setup *)
simproc_setup hoare_simproc ("hoare P c Q") = {* 
  fun_equiv_simproc_named @{named_theorems denot_simp_start}
                          @{named_theorems denot_cong}
                          @{named_theorems denot_simp}
section "Tests"
(* Testing the simplifier rules *)
  assumes "hoare P (while e (a;b;c)) Q"
  shows "hoare P (while e (a;(b;c))) Q ∧ True"
using assms 
by simp
  assumes "hoare P (while P (c;d;e)) Q"
  assumes "⋀x. P x = R x"
  shows "hoare P ((while P (c;(d;e))); (while R ((c;d);e))) Q"
using assms by simp
  assumes "⋀x. Q x"
  assumes "hoare (λm. P x ∧ Q x) (while P (c;(d;e);(f;g);c)) (λm. m=m)"
  shows "hoare (λm. P x) (while P (c;(d;e);ifthen (λm. m=m) (f;g;c))) (λm. True)"
using assms by simp
(* Test: Disabling the simproc *)
  assumes "hoare P (a;(b;c)) Q"
  shows   "hoare P (a;(b;c)) Q ∧ True"
using[[simproc del: hoare_simproc]] -- "Without this, proof fails"
apply simp
by (fact assms)
