


解释一下代码,这是一种同步回合制游戏。两个玩家各有四个操作按钮,结果来自一个数组(0-3),但变量是"1"。如果有帮助的话,"2"可以被指定为任何东西。结果是,0 =两个都不赢,1 = p1赢,2 = p2赢,3 =两个都赢。

public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    if(one == 0 && two == 0) { result = 0; }
    else if(one == 0 && two == 1) { result = 0; }
    else if(one == 0 && two == 2) { result = 1; }
    else if(one == 0 && two == 3) { result = 2; }
    else if(one == 1 && two == 0) { result = 0; }
    else if(one == 1 && two == 1) { result = 0; }
    else if(one == 1 && two == 2) { result = 2; }
    else if(one == 1 && two == 3) { result = 1; }
    else if(one == 2 && two == 0) { result = 2; }
    else if(one == 2 && two == 1) { result = 1; }
    else if(one == 2 && two == 2) { result = 3; }
    else if(one == 2 && two == 3) { result = 3; }
    else if(one == 3 && two == 0) { result = 1; }
    else if(one == 3 && two == 1) { result = 2; }
    else if(one == 3 && two == 2) { result = 3; }
    else if(one == 3 && two == 3) { result = 3; }
    return result;


final int[][] result = new int[][] {
  { 0, 0, 1, 2 },
  { 0, 0, 2, 1 },
  { 2, 1, 3, 3 },
  { 1, 2, 3, 3 }
return result[one][two];


public int fightMath(int one,int two)
   return (int)(0xF9F66090L >> (2*(one*4 + two)))%4;



public int fightMath(int one,int two)
   return (0xF9F66090 >> ((one << 3) | (two << 1))) & 0x3;




同样,你可以在许多答案中看到问题的重述,即1个2位数的以4为基数的数字N(1,2)的映射,其中一个是数字1,两个是数字2,N = 4* 1 + 2;N ={0,1,2,…16个不同的值,这很重要。该函数的输出是一个以1为基数的4位数{0,1,2,3}——4个不同的值,也很重要。

现在,一个1位的以4为基数的数可以表示为2位的以2为基数的数;{0,1,2,3} ={00,01,10,11},所以每个输出只能用2位编码。从上面看,只有16种不同的输出可能,所以16*2 = 32位是编码整个地图所需要的全部;

常数M是映射M的一种编码,其中M(0)用M[0:1]位编码,M(1)用M[2:3]位编码,M (n)用M[n*2:n*2+1]位编码。

剩下的就是索引并返回常量的右边部分,在这种情况下,你可以将M右移2*N次并取2个最低有效位,即(M>> 2*N) &0 x3。表达式(one <<3)和(2)<<1)只是把东西乘出来,同时注意到2*x = x <<1和8*x = x <<3.


const bool t = true;
const bool f = false;
static readonly bool[,] attackResult = {
    { f, f, t, f }, 
    { f, f, f, t },
    { f, t, t, t },
    { t, f, t, t }
[Flags] enum HitResult 
    Neither = 0,
    PlayerOne = 1,
    PlayerTwo = 2,
    Both = PlayerOne | PlayerTwo
static HitResult ResolveAttack(int one, int two)
        (attackResult[one, two] ? HitResult.PlayerOne : HitResult.Neither) | 
        (attackResult[two, one] ? HitResult.PlayerTwo : HitResult.Neither);




int[][] results = {{0, 0, 1, 2}, {0, 0, 2, 1},{2, 1, 3, 3},{2, 1, 3, 3}};


public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
  return this.results[one][two]; 


public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    if (one > 3 || one < 0 || two > 3 || two < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Result is undefined for arguments outside the range [0, 3]");
    if (one <= 1) {
        if (two <= 1) return 0;
        if (two - one == 2) return 1;
        return 2; // two can only be 3 here, no need for an explicit conditional
    // one >= 2
    if (two >= 2) return 3;
    if (two == 1) return 1;
    return 2; // two can only be 0 here


int[][] results = {{0, 0, 1, 2},
                   {0, 0, 2, 1},
                   {2, 1, 3, 3},
                   {2, 1, 3, 3}};


enum MoveType {
enum MoveHeight {
enum Move {
    // Enum members can have properties/attributes/data members of their own
    ATTACK_HIGH(MoveType.ATTACK, MoveHeight.HIGH),
    ATTACK_LOW(MoveType.ATTACK, MoveHeight.LOW),
    BLOCK_HIGH(MoveType.BLOCK, MoveHeight.HIGH),
    BLOCK_LOW(MoveType.BLOCK, MoveHeight.LOW);
    public final MoveType type;
    public final MoveHeight height;
    private Move(MoveType type, MoveHeight height) {
        this.type = type;
        this.height = height;
    /** Makes the attack checks later on simpler. */
    public boolean isAttack() {
        return this.type == MoveType.ATTACK;
enum LandedHit {
LandedHit fightMath(Move one, Move two) {
    // One is an attack, the other is a block
    if (one.type != two.type) {
        // attack at some height gets blocked by block at same height
        if (one.height == two.height) return LandedHit.NEITHER;
        // Either player 1 attacked or player 2 attacked; whoever did
        // lands a hit
        if (one.isAttack()) return LandedHit.PLAYER_ONE;
        return LandedHit.PLAYER_TWO;
    // both attack
    if (one.isAttack()) return LandedHit.BOTH;
    // both block
    return LandedHit.NEITHER;

如果你想添加更多高度的块/攻击,你甚至不需要改变函数本身,只需要枚举;不过,添加其他类型的移动可能需要修改函数。此外,EnumSet s可能比使用额外的枚举作为主枚举的属性更具可扩展性,例如EnumSet<Move> attacks = EnumSet.of(Move.ATTACK_HIGH, Move.ATTACK_LOW, ...);attacks.contains(move)而不是move.type == MoveType.ATTACK,尽管使用EnumSet s可能会比直接检查相等稍微慢一些。


替换if (one.height == two.height) return LandedHit.NEITHER;
if (one.height == two.height) {
    // Successful block results in a counter against the attacker
    if (one.isAttack()) return LandedHit.PLAYER_TWO;
    return LandedHit.PLAYER_ONE;

另外,用三元操作符(boolean_expression ? result_if_true : result_if_false)替换一些if语句可以使代码更紧凑(例如,前面块中的代码将变成return one.isAttack() ? LandedHit.PLAYER_TWO : LandedHit.PLAYER_ONE;),但这可能导致更难阅读的联机程序,因此我不建议在更复杂的分支中使用它。



0 & 0 = 0
0 & 1 = 0
0 & 2 = 1
0 & 3 = 2
1 & 0 = 0
1 & 1 = 0
1 & 2 = 2
1 & 3 = 1
2 & 0 = 2
2 & 1 = 1
2 & 2 = 3
2 & 3 = 3
3 & 0 = 2
3 & 1 = 1
3 & 2 = 3
3 & 3 = 3


00 & 00 = 00
00 & 01 = 00
00 & 10 = 01
00 & 11 = 10
01 & 00 = 00
01 & 01 = 00
01 & 10 = 10
01 & 11 = 01
10 & 00 = 10
10 & 01 = 01
10 & 10 = 11
10 & 11 = 11
11 & 00 = 10
11 & 01 = 01
11 & 10 = 11
11 & 11 = 11


0000 = 00
0001 = 00
0010 = 01
0011 = 10
0100 = 00
0101 = 00
0110 = 10
0111 = 01
1000 = 10
1001 = 01
1010 = 11
1011 = 11
1100 = 10
1101 = 01
1110 = 11
1111 = 11


0 = 0
1 = 0
2 = 1
3 = 2
4 = 0
5 = 0
6 = 2
7 = 1
8 = 2
9 = 1
10 = 3
11 = 3
12 = 2
13 = 1
14 = 3
15 = 3

这个数组就是{0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3},它的索引是1和2的组合。


int[] myIntArray = {0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3};
result = myIntArray[one * 4 + two]; 


这使用了一点bitmagic(你已经通过保存两位信息(low/high &攻击/阻止)在单个整数中):


public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    if(one<2 && two<2){ //both players blocking
        return 0; // nobody hits
    }else if(one>1 && two>1){ //both players attacking
        return 3; // both hit
    }else{ // some of them attack, other one blocks
        int different_height = (one ^ two) & 1; // is 0 if they are both going for the same height - i.e. blocker wins, and 1 if height is different, thus attacker wins
        int attacker = one>1?1:0; // is 1 if one is the attacker, two is the blocker, and 0 if one is the blocker, two is the attacker
        return (attacker ^ different_height) + 1;




else if(one == 3 && two == 3) { result = 3; }


if(one == 0 && two == 0) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 1) { result = 0; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 2) { result = 1; }
else if(one == 0 && two == 3) { result = 2; }


if(one == 0) 
    if(two == 0) { result = 0; }
    else if(two == 1) { result = 0; }
    else if(two == 2) { result = 1; }
    else if(two == 3) { result = 2; }





2:3拍0拍2拍1拍3。这些例子中唯一没有涵盖的情况是0 vs 1和2 vs 3的组合。换句话说,独特的胜利表是这样的:0击败2,1击败3,2击败1,3击败0。



// returns whether we beat our opponent
public boolean doesBeat(int attacker, int defender) {
  int[] beats = {2, 3, 1, 0};
  return defender == beats[attacker];


// returns the overall fight result
// bit 0 = one hits
// bit 1 = two hits
public int fightMath(int one, int two)
  // Check to see whether either has an outright winning combo
  if (doesBeat(one, two))
    return 1;
  if (doesBeat(two, one))
    return 2;
  // If both have 0/1 then its hitless draw but if both have 2/3 then they both hit.
  // We can check this by seeing whether the second bit is set and we need only check
  // one's value as combinations where they don't both have 0/1 or 2/3 have already
  // been dealt with 
  return (one & 2) ? 3 : 0;



顺便说一下,0-3 显然意味着;它们不是任意值,所以给它们命名会有帮助。


public int fightMath (int one, int two)
    int oneHit = ((one == 3 && two != 1) || (one == 2 && two != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
    int twoHit = ((two == 3 && one != 1) || (two == 2 && one != 0)) ? 2 : 0;
    return oneHit+twoHit;



public int fightMath (int one, int two)
    int oneAttack = ((one == 3 && two != 1) || (one == 2 && two != 0)) ? 1 : (one >= 2) ? 2 : 0;
    int twoAttack = ((two == 3 && one != 1) || (two == 2 && one != 0)) ? 2 : (two >= 2) ? 1 : 0;
    return oneAttack | twoAttack;


我会用一个简单的开关。为此,您需要对单个数字求值。然而,在这种情况下,由于0 <= one < 4 <= 90 <= two < 4 <= 9,我们可以通过将one乘以10并加上two将这两个int型转换为简单的int型。然后在得到的数字中使用如下的开关:

public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    // Convert one and two to a single variable in base 10
    int evaluate = one * 10 + two;
    switch(evaluate) {
        // I'd consider a comment in each line here and in the original code
        // for clarity
        case 0: result = 0; break;
        case 1: result = 0; break;
        case 1: result = 0; break;
        case 2: result = 1; break;
        case 3: result = 2; break;
        case 10: result = 0; break;
        case 11: result = 0; break;
        case 12: result = 2; break;
        case 13: result = 1; break;
        case 20: result = 2; break;
        case 21: result = 1; break;
        case 22: result = 3; break;
        case 23: result = 3; break;
        case 30: result = 1; break;
        case 31: result = 2; break;
        case 32: result = 3; break;
        case 33: result = 3; break;
    return result;


public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    // Convert one and two to a single variable in base 4
    int evaluate = one * 4 + two;
    allresults = new int[] { 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3 };
    return allresults[evaluate];


function fightMath($one, $two) {
    // Convert one and two to a single variable in base 4
    $evaluate = $one * 10 + $two;
    $allresults = array(
         0 => 0,  1 => 0,  2 => 1,  3 => 2,
        10 => 0, 11 => 0, 12 => 2, 13 => 1,
        20 => 2, 21 => 1, 22 => 3, 23 => 3,
        30 => 1, 31 => 2, 32 => 3, 33 => 3 );
    return $allresults[$evaluate];


public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    if (one == 0) {
      if (two == 0) { return 0; }
      if (two == 1) { return 0; }
      if (two == 2) { return 1; }
      if (two == 3) { return 2; }
    if (one == 1) {
      if (two == 0) { return 0; }
      if (two == 1) { return 0; }
      if (two == 2) { return 2; }
      if (two == 3) { return 1; }
    if (one == 2) {
      if (two == 0) { return 2; }
      if (two == 1) { return 1; }
      if (two == 2) { return 3; }
      if (two == 3) { return 3; }
    if (one == 3) {
      if (two == 0) { return 1; }
      if (two == 1) { return 2; }
      if (two == 2) { return 3; }
      if (two == 3) { return 3; }
    return DEFAULT_RESULT;

试试与开关外壳。 .


switch (expression)
  case constant:
  [ case constant-2:
        break;  ] ...
  [ default:
        break;  ] ...




Java switch语句多重情况

我想到的第一件事基本上是由Francisco Presencia给出的相同的答案,但有所优化:

public int fightMath(int one, int two)
    switch (one*10 + two)
    case  0:
    case  1:
    case 10:
    case 11:
        return 0;
    case  2:
    case 13:
    case 21:
    case 30:
        return 1;
    case  3:
    case 12:
    case 20:
    case 31:
        return 2;
    case 22:
    case 23:
    case 32:
    case 33:
        return 3;


    //case 22:
    //case 23:
    //case 32:
    //case 33:
        return 3;






检查这个Java switch语句来处理两个变量?


if(one<2 && two <2) result=0; return;




{ 0, 0, 1, 2 },
{ 0, 0, 2, 1 },
{ 2, 1, 3, 3 },
{ 1, 2, 3, 3 }


if(one<2) // left half
    if(two<2) // upper left half
        result = 0; //neither hits
    else // lower left half
        result = 1+(one+two)%2; //p2 hits if sum is even
else // right half
    if(two<2) // upper right half
        result = 1+(one+two+1)%2; //p1 hits if sum is even
    else // lower right half
        return 3; //both hit


if((one<2)&&(two<2)) result = 0; //top left
else if((one>1)&&(two>1)) result = 3; //bottom right
else result = 1+(one+two+((one>1)?1:0))%2; //no idea what that means



static public int fightMath(int one, int two)
    if (one < 2 && two < 2) return 0;
    if (one > 1 && two > 1) return 3;
    int n = (one + two) % 2;
    return one < two ? 1 + n : 2 - n;


static public int fightMath(int one, int two)
    if (one / 2 == two / 2) return (one / 2) * 3;
    return 1 + (one + two + one / 2) % 2;



int result = condition1
    ? result1
    : condition2
    ? result2
    : condition3
    ? result3
    : resultElse;


final int[] result = new int[/*16*/] {
    0, 0, 1, 2,
    0, 0, 2, 1,
    2, 1, 3, 3,
    1, 2, 3, 3
public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    return result[one*4 + two];


one   two   result
section 1: higher bits are equals =>
both result bits are equals to that higher bits
00    00    00
00    01    00
01    00    00
01    01    00
10    10    11
10    11    11
11    10    11
11    11    11
section 2: higher bits are different =>
lower result bit is inverse of lower bit of 'two'
higher result bit is lower bit of 'two'
00    10    01
00    11    10
01    10    10
01    11    01
10    00    10
10    01    01
11    00    01
11    01    10


int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    int b1 = one & 2, b2 = two & 2;
    if (b1 == b2)
        return b1 | (b1 >> 1);
    b1 = two & 1;
    return (b1 << 1) | (~b1);


public enum Result {
  P1Win, P2Win, BothWin, NeitherWin;
public enum Move {
  static final Map<Move, List<Move>> beats = new EnumMap<Move, List<Move>>(
  static {
    beats.put(BLOCK_HIGH, new ArrayList<Move>());
    beats.put(BLOCK_LOW, new ArrayList<Move>());
    beats.put(ATTACK_HIGH, Arrays.asList(ATTACK_LOW, BLOCK_LOW));
    beats.put(ATTACK_LOW, Arrays.asList(ATTACK_HIGH, BLOCK_HIGH));
  public static Result compare(Move p1Move, Move p2Move) {
    boolean p1Wins = beats.get(p1Move).contains(p2Move);
    boolean p2Wins = beats.get(p2Move).contains(p1Move);
    if (p1Wins) {
      return (p2Wins) ? Result.BothWin : Result.P1Win;
    if (p2Wins) {
      return (p1Wins) ? Result.BothWin : Result.P2Win;
    return Result.NeitherWin;


System.out.println(Move.compare(Move.ATTACK_HIGH, Move.BLOCK_LOW));



我会使用Map, HashMap或TreeMap

特别是如果参数不是在0 <= X < N



public class MyMap
    private TreeMap<String,Integer> map;
    public MyMap ()
        map = new TreeMap<String,Integer> ();
    public void put (int key1, int key2, Integer value)
        String key = (key1+":"+key2);
        map.put(key, new Integer(value));
    public Integer get (int key1, int key2)
        String key = (key1+":"+key2);
        return map.get(key);

static int val(int i, int u){ int q = (i & 1) ^ (u & 1); return ((i >> 1) << (1 ^ q))|((u >> 1) << q); }

感谢@Joe Harper,因为我最终使用了他的答案的变体。为了进一步精简,每4个结果中有2个相同,我进一步精简了它。

我可能会在某个时候回到这一点,但如果没有由多个if -语句引起的主要阻力,那么我现在将保留它。我将进一步研究表矩阵和switch语句的解决方案。

public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
  if (one === 0) {
    if (two === 2) { return 1; }
    else if(two === 3) { return 2; }
    else { return 0; }
  } else if (one === 1) {
    if (two === 2) { return 2; }
    else if (two === 3) { return 1; }
    else { return 0; }
  } else if (one === 2) {
    if (two === 0) { return 2; }
    else if (two === 1) { return 1; }
    else { return 3; }
  } else if (one === 3) {
    if (two === 0) { return 1; }
    else if (two === 1) { return 2; }
    else { return 3; }
  1. 使用常量或枚举使代码更具可读性
  2. 尝试将代码拆分为更多的函数
  3. 尝试使用问题的对称性


static final int BLOCK_HIGH = 0;
static final int BLOCK_LOW = 1;
static final int ATTACK_HIGH = 2;
static final int ATTACK_LOW = 3;
public static int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    boolean player1Wins = handleAttack(one, two);
    boolean player2Wins = handleAttack(two, one);
    return encodeResult(player1Wins, player2Wins); 

private static boolean handleAttack(int one, int two) {
     return one == ATTACK_HIGH && two != BLOCK_HIGH
        || one == ATTACK_LOW && two != BLOCK_LOW
        || one == BLOCK_HIGH && two == ATTACK_HIGH
        || one == BLOCK_LOW && two == ATTACK_LOW;
private static int encodeResult(boolean player1Wins, boolean player2Wins) {
    return (player1Wins ? 1 : 0) + (player2Wins ? 2 : 0);


class PlayerMove {
    PlayerMovePosition pos;
    PlayerMoveType type;
enum PlayerMovePosition {
enum PlayerMoveType {
class AttackResult {
    boolean player1Wins;
    boolean player2Wins;
    public AttackResult(boolean player1Wins, boolean player2Wins) {
        this.player1Wins = player1Wins;
        this.player2Wins = player2Wins;
AttackResult fightMath(PlayerMove a, PlayerMove b) {
    return new AttackResult(isWinningMove(a, b), isWinningMove(b, a));
boolean isWinningMove(PlayerMove a, PlayerMove b) {
    return a.type == PlayerMoveType.ATTACK && !successfulBlock(b, a)
            || successfulBlock(a, b);
boolean successfulBlock(PlayerMove a, PlayerMove b) {
    return a.type == PlayerMoveType.BLOCK 
            && b.type == PlayerMoveType.ATTACK 
            && a.pos == b.pos;



   public int fightMath(int one, int two) {
    return Calculate(one,two)

    private int Calculate(int one,int two){
    if (one==0){
     //return value}
    }else if (one==1){
   // return value as per condtiion
