Android Braintree SDK 集成在当前应用程序的活动中

我想将Braintree API集成到我的android应用程序中。我参考了Braintree页面,我想到了如何将其集成到应用程序中。但我有一个问题,当我想显示Drop-In UI下面我目前显示活动的布局。但在演示中,它将启动新的活动


Braintree.setup ( this, CLIENT_TOKEN_FROM_SERVER, new Braintree.BraintreeSetupFinishedListener () {
 public void onBraintreeSetupFinished ( boolean setupSuccessful, Braintree braintree, String errorMessage, Exception exception ) {
    if ( setupSuccessful ) {
        // braintree is now setup and available for use
    } else {
        // Braintree could not be initialized, check errors and try again
        // This is usually a result of a network connectivity error
 }} );


我被Braintree API卡住了。

您是正确的,您的用例不适合Drop-in UI。


Braintree.setup (this, CLIENT_TOKEN_FROM_SERVER, new Braintree.BraintreeSetupFinishedListener () {
    public void onBraintreeSetupFinished ( boolean setupSuccessful, Braintree braintree, String errorMessage, Exception exception) {
        if (setupSuccessful) {
            // braintree is now setup and available for use
            braintree.addListener(new Braintree.PaymentMethodNonceListener() {
                public void onPaymentMethodNonce(String paymentMethodNonce) {
                    // Communicate the nonce to your server
        } else {
            // Braintree could not be initialized, check errors and try again
            // This is usually a result of a network connectivity error
