
我正在编写Windows窗体控件扩展,像下面这样从控件的事件中创建observable(使用Rx和Rx- winforms 2.2.2):

''' <summary>
''' Returns an IObservable(Of String) that fires when the TextChanged event fires and the text has actually changed.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>It's useful to follow this with .Throttle if you wish to throttle the events.</remarks>
Public Function ObserveTextChanged(textbox As TextBox) As IObservable(Of String)
    Return Observable _
           .FromEventPattern(Of EventArgs)(textbox, "TextChanged", New ControlScheduler(textbox)) _
           .Select(Function(a) DirectCast(a.Sender, TextBox).Text) _
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns an IObservable(Of Boolean) that fires when the CheckedChanged event fires.
''' </summary>
Public Function ObserveCheckedChanged(radio As RadioButton) As IObservable(Of Boolean)
    Return Observable _
           .FromEventPattern(Of EventArgs)(radio, "CheckedChanged", New ControlScheduler(radio)) _
           .Select(Function(a) DirectCast(a.Sender, RadioButton).Checked)
End Function


Dim myObserver = MyTextBox.ObserveTextChanged.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3))
myObserver.Subscribe(Function(text) DoSomethingWith(text))


  1. 我这样做对吗?那就是:
    1. 是否有人做过类似的事情并遇到线程/处置问题?
    2. 我是否需要ControlScheduler,或者我可以在末尾附加一个。observeon (control),或者我需要两者吗?
    3. 或者,我根本不需要ObserveOn,而应该使用SubscribeOn ?
  • 这已经在WinForms的Rx框架中完成了吗,我只是忽略了它?
  • 更新:


    ''' <summary>
    ''' Returns an IObservable that fires when the TextChanged event fires.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="textbox"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks>It's useful to follow this with .Throttle if you wish to throttle the events.</remarks>
    Public Function ObserveTextChanged(textbox As TextBox) As IObservable(Of Reactive.EventPattern(Of EventArgs))
        Return Observable.FromEventPattern(Of EventArgs)(textbox, "TextChanged")
    End Function
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Returns an IObservable(Of String) that fires when the TextChanged event fires and the text has actually changed.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="textbox"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks>It's useful to follow this with .Throttle if you wish to throttle the events.</remarks>
    Public Function ObserveTextChangedResult(textbox As TextBox) As IObservable(Of String)
        '** May need to inject a .ObserveOn(textbox) just before the .Select if we get threading issues.
        Return textbox.ObserveTextChanged.Select(Function(a) textbox.Text).DistinctUntilChanged
    End Function
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Returns an IObservable that fires when the CheckedChanged event fires.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="radio"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Function ObserveCheckedChanged(radio As RadioButton) As IObservable(Of Reactive.EventPattern(Of EventArgs))
        Return Observable.FromEventPattern(Of EventArgs)(radio, "CheckedChanged")
    End Function
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Returns an IObservable(Of Boolean) that fires when the CheckedChanged event fires.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="radio"></param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Function ObserveCheckedChangedResult(radio As RadioButton) As IObservable(Of Boolean)
        '** May need to inject a .ObserveOn(radio) just before the .Select if we get threading issues.
        Return radio.ObserveCheckedChanged.Select(Function(a) radio.Checked)
    End Function


    Public Function ObserveTextChanged(textbox As TextBox) As IObservable(Of String)
        Return Observable _
            .FromEventPattern(Of EventArgs)(textbox, "TextChanged") _
            .Select(Function(a) textbox.Text) _
    End Function
    Public Function ObserveCheckedChanged(radio As RadioButton) As IObservable(Of Boolean)
        Return Observable _
            .FromEventPattern(Of ItemCheckedEventArgs)(radio, "CheckedChanged") _
            .Select(Function(a) radio.Checked)
    End Function


    Dim myQuery = MyTextBox _
        .ObserveTextChanged() _
    Dim mySubscription = myQuery _
        .ObserveOn(Me) _
        .Subscribe(Function(text) DoSomethingWith(text))



    Dim otherQuery = _
        From text in MyTextBox.ObserveTextChanged() _
        from choices in Observable.Start(Function () GetSpellingChoices(text)) _
        select choices



    另外,在您的扩展方法中,我删除了DirectCast(a.Sender, TextBox)代码。你不需要它,因为textbox已经在作用域中了。

