
我最近一直在做一本我一直在读的书中的练习。任务是编写一个程序,打印出1-256之间的所有数字,分别是二进制、八进制和十六进制。我们只应该使用到目前为止在书中所学到的方法,这意味着只使用for, while和do. while循环,if和else if语句,将整数转换为等效的ASCII和一些更基本的东西(例如cmath和iomanip)。


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int decimalValue, binaryValue, octalValue, hexadecimalValue, numberOfDigits;
cout << "DecimalttBinaryttOctalttHexadecimalnn";
for (int i = 1; i <= 256; i++)
    binaryValue = 0;
    octalValue = 0;
    hexadecimalValue = 0;
    if (i != 0) 
    int x, j, e, c, r = i, tempBinary, powOfTwo, tempOctal, tempDecimal;
    for (j = 0; j <=8; j++) //Starts to convert to binary equivalent
        x = pow(2.0, j);
        if (x == i)
              powOfTwo = 1;
              binaryValue = pow(10.0, j);
        else if (x > i)
              powOfTwo = 0;
              x /= 2;
    if (powOfTwo == 0)
    for (int k = j-1; k >= 0; k--)
        if ((r-x)>=0)
           r -= x;
           tempBinary = pow(10.0, k);
           x /= 2;
        else if ((r-x)<0)
           tempBinary = 0;
           x /= 2;
        binaryValue += tempBinary;
    } //Finished converting
    int counter = ceil(log10(binaryValue+1)); //Starts on octal equivalent
    int iter;
    if (counter%3 == 0)
       iter = counter/3;
    else if (counter%3 != 0)
       iter = (counter/3)+1; 
    c = binaryValue;
    for (int h = 0; h < iter; h++)
        tempOctal = c%1000;
        int count = ceil(log10(tempOctal+1));
        tempDecimal = 0;
        for (int counterr = 0; counterr < count; counterr++)
            if (tempOctal%10 != 0)
                 e = pow(2.0, counterr);
                 tempDecimal += e;
            tempOctal /= 10;
        octalValue += (tempDecimal * pow(10.0, h));
        c /= 1000;
    }//Finished Octal conversion
    cout << i << "tt" << binaryValue << setw(21-counter) << octalValue << "tt";
    int c1, tempHex, tempDecimal1, e1, powOf;
    char letter;
    if (counter%4 == 0)//Hexadecimal equivalent
       iter = counter/4;
    else if (counter%4 != 0)
       iter = (counter/4)+1;
    c1 = binaryValue;
    for (int h = 0, g = iter-1; h < iter; h++, g--)
        powOf = g*4;
        if (h == 0)
              tempHex = c1 / pow(10.0, powOf);
        else if (h > 0)
             tempHex = c1 / pow(10.0, powOf);
             tempHex %= 10000;
        int count = ceil(log10(tempHex+1));
        tempDecimal1 = 0;
        for (int counterr = 0; counterr < count; counterr++)
            if (tempHex%10 != 0)
                 e1 = pow(2.0, counterr);
                 tempDecimal1 += e1;
            tempHex /= 10;
        if (tempDecimal1 <= 9)
        cout << tempDecimal1;
        else if (tempDecimal1 > 9)
        cout << char(tempDecimal1+55); //ASCII's numerical value for A is 65. Since 10-15 are supposed to be letters you just add 55
    cout << endl;
return 0;

您已经介绍了' ioomanip ',这意味着您已经介绍了'iostream'。


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int x = 250;
cout << dec << x << " " 
     << oct << x << " "
     << hex << x << "n"
     << x << "n";       // This will still be in HEX


for (int i = 1; i <= 256; ++i)

根本的问题是,这么长的函数需要重构以使其更加模块化。想象一下,您正在编写供其他人使用的代码。他们怎么能叫你的main ?他们如何理解每一段代码在做什么?他们不能。如果你把每一段有特定工作要做的代码作为一个函数来调用,那么就更容易理解它的意图,并在以后重用。


将非负数转换为通用基数很简单…你只需要计算number % base并得到最低有效数字,然后将number除以base并重复得到其他数字…

std::string converted_number;
do {
    int digit = number % base;
    converted_number = digits[digit] + converted_number;
    number = number / base;
} while (number != 0);

一旦你有一个通用的转换函数,那么解决你的问题很容易…只需使用base= 2,8和16调用它,即可获得所需的字符串结果。


 printf ("%u %o %x n", value, value, value);




int flag = 256
if (flag && value)
print "1"
print "0"
flag = flag >> 1 // aka divide by two, if my memory serves well
} while flag > 1



for (int i = 1; i <= 256; ++i)
    std::cout << std::dec << i << "t" << std::oct << i << "t" << std::hex << i << std::endl;


using namespace std;
template <typename T>
inline void ShiftMask(T& mask) {
    mask = (mask >> 1) & ~mask;
template < typename T >
std::ostream& bin(T& value, std::ostream &o)
    T mask = 1 << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
    while (!(value & mask) && (mask != 0)) ShiftMask(mask);
    while (mask) {
        o << (value & mask ? '1' : '0');
    return o;
int main(void) {
  for (int i=0; i<256;i++) {
    bin(a, std::cout);
    cout << " " << oct << i;
    cout << " " << dec << i;
    cout << " " << hex << i;
    cout << ""


#include "stdio.h"
int main(){
    char Chars[16]= {48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,65,66,67,68,69,70};
    for(int n = 1;n != 256; n++)
            printf("%it", n); 
            char L, R;
            R = (n & 0x0F) >> 0;
            L = (n & 0xF0) >> 4;
            printf("%c%ct", Chars[L], Chars[R]);
            char L, M, R;
            R = (n & 0x07) >> 0;
            M = (n & 0x38) >> 3;
            L = (n & 0xC0) >> 6;
            printf("%c%c%ct", Chars[L], Chars[M], Chars[R]);
            char B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7;
            B0 = (n & 0x01) >> 0;
            B1 = (n & 0x02) >> 1;
            B2 = (n & 0x04) >> 2;
            B3 = (n & 0x08) >> 3;
            B4 = (n & 0x10) >> 4;
            B5 = (n & 0x20) >> 5;
            B6 = (n & 0x40) >> 6;
            B7 = (n & 0x80) >> 7;
            printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cn", Chars[B0], Chars[B1], Chars[B2], Chars[B3], Chars[B4], Chars[B5], Chars[B6], Chars[B7]);
