

myApp.factory('User', ['$resource',
function saveDateFactory($resource) {
  var myData = '';
  //this grabs the data we need for the url below
  function getMyData(data) {
    myData = data;
  //this is where we actually capture the data
  return {
    getMyData: getMyData,
    resource: () => $resource(myData, {}, {
      query: {
        method: "GET", params: {}, isArray: true,
        interceptor: {
          response: function (response) {
            //this is the piece we actually need
            return response.data;


您可以在此处检查ES6的IE兼容性。此() =>功能称为ExpressionBodies,不适合IE ....

我建议您不要使用此 ES6 没有解释器的功能,例如 babeljs

myApp.factory('User', ['$resource',
function saveDateFactory($resource) {
  var myData = '';
  //this grabs the data we need for the url below
  function getMyData(data) {
    myData = data;
  //this is where we actually capture the data
  return {
    getMyData: getMyData,
    resource: function(){
        $resource(myData, {}, {
        query: {
          method: "GET", params: {}, isArray: true,
          interceptor: {
            response: function (response) {
              //this is the piece we actually need
              return response.data;
