Scala 解释器找不到我的类?


trait MyOrdered {
  def <(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) < 0
  def >(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) > 0
  def <=(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) < 0 || this == that
  def >=(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) > 0 || this == that
  def compare(that: MyInt): Int
class MyInt(val value: Int) extends MyOrdered {
  def compare(that: MyInt) =
    if (this.value < that.value) -1 
    else if (this.value == that.value) 0
    else 1

object App extends Application{
  val a = new MyInt(2)
  val b = new MyInt(4)
  println(a < b)
  println(a > b)


Loading traits.scala...
<console>:8: error: not found: type MyInt
         def <(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) < 0
<console>:12: error: not found: type MyInt
         def compare(that: MyInt): Int



object Test {
  trait MyOrdered {
def <(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) < 0
def >(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) > 0
def <=(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) < 0 || this == that
def >=(that: MyInt):Boolean = compare(that) > 0 || this == that
def compare(that: MyInt): Int
class MyInt(val value: Int) extends MyOrdered {
  def compare(that: MyInt) =
  if (this.value < that.value) -1 
  else if (this.value == that.value) 0
  else 1

object App extends Application{
  val a = new MyInt(2)
  val b = new MyInt(4)
  println(a < b)
  println(a > b)

现在你可以在:load Test.scalaimport Test._之后随意使用
