可以使用命令行参数运行。存在函数defaultMain :: [Test] -> IO ()
,但也存在作为的函数defaultMainWithOpts :: [Test] -> RunnerOptions -> IO ()
我找不到关于如何传递命令行参数的文档,未识别选项的错误消息只显示"未识别选项"。因此,我的问题是,当运行cabal test
Usage: cc-test [OPTIONS]
--help show this help message
-j NUMBER --threads=NUMBER number of threads to use to run tests
--test-seed=NUMBER|random default seed for test random number generator
-a NUMBER --maximum-generated-tests=NUMBER how many automated tests something like QuickCheck should try, by default
--maximum-unsuitable-generated-tests=NUMBER how many unsuitable candidate tests something like QuickCheck should endure before giving up, by default
-s NUMBER --maximum-test-size=NUMBER to what size something like QuickCheck should test the properties, by default
-d NUMBER --maximum-test-depth=NUMBER to what depth something like SmallCheck should test the properties, by default
-o NUMBER --timeout=NUMBER how many seconds a test should be run for before giving up, by default
--no-timeout specifies that tests should be run without a timeout, by default
-l --list-tests list available tests but don't run any; useful to guide subsequent --select-tests
-t TEST-PATTERN --select-tests=TEST-PATTERN only tests that match at least one glob pattern given by an instance of this argument will be run
--jxml=FILE write a JUnit XML summary of the output to FILE
--jxml-nested use nested testsuites to represent groups in JUnit XML (not standards compliant)
--plain do not use any ANSI terminal features to display the test run
--color use ANSI terminal features to display the test run
--hide-successes hide sucessful tests, and only show failures