
  • 本文关键字:平均值 计算 存在 参数 r
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假设我有一个函数y=f(x1, x2, v1),其中x1x2是连续变量,v101。例如:

myfunc <- function(x1, x2, v1){
  e <- exp(0.1*x1+0.2*x2+v1)



df <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(100, 2, 1), x2= rnorm(100, 4, 1),
                 v1=sample(x = c(0,1), size = 100, replace = T))
numDeriv::grad(myfunc, x=mean(df$x1), x2=mean(df$x2), v1=0)



  • CCD_ 12是用户输入功能
  • dx是一个长度为1的字符向量,赋予变量名称(偏)导数是关于(w.r.t)的
  • dat是一个数据帧,给出了我们想要评估导数的所有值
  • opt默认为NULL;但如果给定,则必须是一个列表



h(myfunc, "x1", df)
h(myfunc, "x1", df, list(v1 = 1))
h(myfunc, "x1", df, list(x2 = 2, v1 = 0))
h(myfunc, "x2", df, list(x1 = 1.2))


h <- function(FUN, dx, dat, opt = NULL) {
  ## check arguments of h
  if (missing(FUN)) stop("No given function: FUN")
  if (!is.function(FUN)) stop("arguments 'FUN' is not a function!")
  if (missing(dx)) stop("No given variable to evaluate partial derivatives: dx")
  if (!is.character(dx)) stop("arguments 'dx' must be a character!")
  if (length(dx) > 1) stop("arguments 'dx' must be of length 1")
  if (missing(dat)) stop("No data provided: dat")
  if (!is.data.frame(dat)) stop("arguments 'dat' must be a data frame!")
  OPT <- !is.null(opt); if (OPT && !is.list(opt)) stop("optional arguments must be provided as a list!")
  ## get arguments of FUN
  FUN_args <- formalArgs(FUN)
  ## get column vars of dat
  dat_vars <- colnames(dat)
  ## get names of optional arguments
  if (OPT) opt_vars <- names(opt)
  ## need to ensure dx is both inside dat and a function argument of FUN
  if (!dx %in% FUN_args) stop(paste("unknown function argumens of FUN:", dx))
  if (!dx %in% dat_vars) stop(paste("variable", dx, "is not in `dat`!"))
  ## now, let's take care of other arguments of FUN, if there are any
  n <- length(FUN_args <- FUN_args[-match(dx, FUN_args)])
  if (n > 0) {
    ## are there optional arguments?
    if (OPT) {
      ## extract optional arguments that are in FUN_args (refining opt)
      opt_vars <- FUN_args[FUN_args %in% opt_vars]
      opt <- opt[opt_vars]
      ## excluce opt_vars from dat_vars
      FUN_args <- FUN_args[-match(opt_vars, FUN_args)]
    ## now, all remaining FUN_args must be found inside dat_vars
    missing_vars <- FUN_args[!FUN_args %in% dat_vars]
    if (length(missing_vars)) stop(paste("Those variables are not found from `dat` or `opt`:", missing_vars))
    ## now, there are no missing vars, so we compute column mean from dat for FUN_args
    tmp <- lapply(dat[FUN_args], FUN = mean)
    ## combine tmp and opt
    opt <- c(opt, tmp)
  ## prepare function call!
  text <- "numDeriv::grad(FUN, x = dat[[dx]]"
  FUN_args <- names(opt)
  for (i in 1:length(opt)) {
    expr <- paste0("opt[['", FUN_args[i], "']]")
    expr <- paste(FUN_args[i], expr, sep = " = ")
    text <- paste(text, expr, sep = ", ")
  expr <- paste0(text,")")
  ## evaluate partial derivatives
  eval(parse(text = expr))


  • 对于任何i in 1:length(opt)opt[[i]]是长度为1的数字矢量
  • 用CCD_ 23进行适当处理




             x1       x2 v1
1    1.79741154 6.484015  0
2    1.59461279 3.655893  1
3    1.59738477 4.053226  1
4    3.41523605 4.079614  0
5    3.84462359 2.871799  1
.             .        .  .
.             .        .  .


      x1       x2       v1 
1.921273 4.026466 0.500000


  • 对于opt列表中没有可选参数的函数调用h(myfunc, "x1", df),它返回以下点的偏导数:

                 x1       x2        v1
    1    1.79741154 4.026466  0.500000
    2    1.59461279 4.026466  0.500000
    3    1.59738477 4.026466  0.500000
    4    3.41523605 4.026466  0.500000
    5    3.84462359 4.026466  0.500000
    .             .        .         .
    .             .        .         .


  • 对于函数调用h(myfunc, "x1", df, opt = list(v1 = 1)),它返回以下点的偏导数:

                 x1       x2 v1
    1    1.79741154 4.026466  1
    2    1.59461279 4.026466  1
    3    1.59738477 4.026466  1
    4    3.41523605 4.026466  1
    5    3.84462359 4.026466  1
    .             .        .  .
    .             .        .  .

    它取df[["x1"]]的所有值,但复制列意味着mean(df[["x2"]])和提供的值v1 = 1

  • 对于函数调用h(myfunc, "x1", df, opt = list(x2 = 2, v1 = 1)),它返回以下点的偏导数:

                 x1 x2 v1
    1    1.79741154  2  1
    2    1.59461279  2  1
    3    1.59738477  2  1
    4    3.41523605  2  1
    5    3.84462359  2  1
    .             .  .  .
    .             .  .  .

    其取df[["x1"]]的所有值但复制可选值x2 = 2v1 = 1

  • 对于函数调用h(myfunc, "x2", df, list(x1 = 1.2)),它返回以下点的偏导数:

          x1       x2   v1
    1    1.2 6.484015  0.5
    2    1.2 3.655893  0.5
    3    1.2 4.053226  0.5
    4    1.2 4.079614  0.5
    5    1.2 2.871799  0.5
    .      .        .    .
    .      .        .    .

    它取df[["x2"]]的所有值,但复制列平均值mean(df[["v1"]]) = 0.5和可选值x1 = 1.2

  • 对于函数调用h(myfunc, "x1", df, opt = list(x1 = 1))将具有与h(myfunc, "x1", df)相同的效果,即h将忽略x1 = 1,因为您将"x1"传递给dx


  ## prepare function call!
  text <- "numDeriv::grad(FUN, x = dat[[dx]]"


  ## prepare function call!
  text <- "numDeriv::grad(FUN, x = mean(dat[[dx]])"

