使用 for 循环 c++ 确定与数组中特定频率匹配的值的函数

对于任何明显的错误,请提前道歉,我在编程方面不是很熟练。我正在编写一个程序来确定数组中以用户搜索的确切频率出现的值的数量。例如,如果数据集包含数字 5,6,6,7,7,8,9,9,并且用户在数组中搜索频率为 2,因为数字 6、7 和 9 都恰好出现 2 次,它们与频率 2 匹配,因此程序将输出数组中有 3 个数字与频率 2 匹配, 并将列出与频率匹配的所有值一次。下面是我的程序中应该执行此计算的函数,但每次运行程序时,我都会得到一个值 0,用于与应该出现值的频率匹配的值。两个 for 循环是我的函数的要求,所以我需要它们正常工作,而不是使用不同的方法。我相信某些循环可能需要包含在其他循环中,但我无法完全适应它。任何帮助修复此功能将不胜感激。

short countOfFrequency (long data[], short dsize, long FreqNumbers[ ], short 
short i, j;
short count = 0;
short Value;
/*search above loop
(loop searches above each element in the array, if an element of the same 
value is found above the element, the loop terminates)*/ 
for (i=0; i<dsize; i++)
Value = data[i]; //the variable 'Value' is assigned to each element
for (j=0; j<i; j++)
/*search below + count loop
(loop searches below each element in the array, if an element is found with 
the same value, the variable 'count' is increased by one)*/
for (j=i+1; j<dsize; j++)
if (Value==data[i])
/*(If the count of a value matches the users desired frequency, that value
is stored in the FreqNumbers array)*/ 
if (count==Frequency)
FreqNumbers[dsize++] = Value;
return FreqNumbers[dsize];

首先,你应该使用向量而不是数组。 其次,如果您想获取数字列表,则应传递 FreqNumbers 作为参考。

void countOfFrequency(std::vector<long> &data, std::vector<long> &FreqNumbers, short Frequency)
short count = 0;
short Value;
int dsize = data.size();
std::map<long, long > mapFreq; // first: for store each value of vector data, second for store it's counter
mapFreq.insert(std::pair<long, long>(data[0], 1));
for(int i = 1; i < dsize; i++)
auto &it = mapFreq.find(data[i]);
if(it != mapFreq.end())
mapFreq.insert(std::pair<long, long>(data[i], 1));
for(auto it : mapFreq)
if(it.second == Frequency)

int main()
std::vector<long> data = { 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9 };
std::vector<long> FreqNumbers;
countOfFrequency(data, FreqNumbers, 2);
for(auto number : FreqNumbers)
std::cout << number << ", ";


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int countfreq (int *data, int dsize, int *freqvals, int freq)
int last = *data,   /* set last to first value in data */
idx = 0,        /* index for freqvals to return */
seq = 1;        /* sequential values count */
if (freq <= 0 || freq > dsize)  /* is requested freq valid? */
return 0;
for (int i = 1; i < dsize; i++) {   /* loop 2nd value to end */
if (last == data[i])            /* if last == current */
seq++;                      /* increment sequential count */
else {  /* otherwise */
if (seq == freq)            /* sequential count == freq? */
freqvals[idx++] = last; /* add last value to freqvals */
seq = 1;                    /* reset sequential count 1 */
last = data[i];                 /* set last = current */
if (seq == freq)                    /* handle last value in data */
freqvals[idx++] = last;
return idx;     /* return freqvals index */
/* simple insertion sort */
void inssort (int *arr, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {
int tmp = arr[j];
arr[j] = arr[j + 1];
arr[j + 1] = tmp;
int main (void) {
int data[] = { 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 9 },    /* unsorted data */
dsize  = sizeof data / sizeof *data,    /* number of elements */
*freqvals = new int[dsize],             /* allocate for freqvals */
freq  = 0,      /* frequency from user  */
nfreq = 0;      /* return from function */
for (int i = 0; i < dsize; i++)         /* zero the freqvals array */
freqvals[i] = 0;
inssort (data, dsize);                  /* sort data */
cout << "enter requested frequency: ";  /* prompt for frequency input */
if (!(cin >> freq)) {
cerr << "error: invalid input.n";
return 1;
/* call function saving return in nfreq */
if ((nfreq = countfreq (data, dsize, freqvals, freq))) {
cout << "the values matching requested frequency were: ";
for (int i = 0; i < nfreq; i++)     /* output csv */
if (i)
cout << ", " << freqvals[i];
cout << freqvals[i];
cout << "n";
else    /* otherwise, no values matched requested frequency */
cout << "no values appear with the requested frequency.n";
delete[] freqvals;  /* free allocated memory */



#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<int> countfreq (vector<int>& data, int freq)
vector<int> freqvals;       /* vector to return */
int dsize = data.size(),    /* size of initial check */
last = data.front(),    /* first value in data */
count = 0,              /* count flag for range loop */
seq = 1;                /* sequential values counted */
if (freq <= 0 || freq > dsize)  /* is freq valid? */
return freqvals;
for (auto& i : data) {      /* loop over data */
if (!count) {           /* if first iter, set flag continue */
if (last == i)          /* if current equals last */
seq++;              /* increment sequential count */
else {  /* otherwise */
if (seq == freq)    /* if sequential count == freq */
freqvals.push_back(last);   /* add value to vector */
seq = 1;            /* reset sequential count = 1 */
last = i;               /* update last */
if (seq == freq)            /* handle last value in data */
return freqvals;            /* return vector */
int main (void) {
vector<int> data = { 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 9 };  /* unsorted data */
int freq;   /* the frequency of values to find */
sort (data.begin(), data.end());    /* sort data */
cout << "enter requested frequency: ";  /* prompt for freq input */
if (!(cin >> freq)) {
cerr << "error: invalid input.n";
return 1;
vector<int> frequency = countfreq (data, freq); /* call function */
if (frequency.size()) {             /* does return have elements? */
int count = 0;                  /* flag for output control */
cout << "the values matching requested frequency were: ";
for (auto& i : frequency)       /* loop over values in return */
if (count)
cout << ", " << i;      /* output as csv */
else {
cout << i;
count = 1;
cout << "n";
else    /* otherwise, handle no values returned */
cout << "no values appear with the requested frequency.n";




$ ./bin/frequency
enter requested frequency: 0
no values appear with the requested frequency.
$ ./bin/frequency
enter requested frequency: 1
the values matching requested frequency were: 5, 8
$ ./bin/frequency
enter requested frequency: 2
the values matching requested frequency were: 6, 7, 9
$ ./bin/frequency
enter requested frequency: 3
no values appear with the requested frequency.

