

 class StateCityComparator implements Comparator<Customer>{
   * Comapre method that compares Customers by state and city
   * @param first, second which are the numbers of the customer which needs to be compared
 public int compare(Customer first, Customer second){      
  // Getting the state
  String fir = first.getState();
  String sec = second.getState();
  int state = fir.compareTo(sec);
  int city =  first.getCity().compareTo(second.getCity());             
  // Comparing the state
  if (state < 0)
     return -1;
  if ( state == 0  ){      /* The problem is here */
     return city;
  return state;
}// End of compareStateCity
} // end StateCityComparator


Sorted by State and City:
3 Mapleview Drive              Huntsville             AL 358030000
2421 West Industrial Way       Berkeley               CA 947100000
2421 West Industrial Way       Berkeley               CA 947100000
4223 Halster Way               Berkeley               CA 947101234
4223 Halster Way               Berkeley               CA 947104321
4 Rocky Way                    Colorado Springs       CO 809410000
4 Rocky Way                    Colorado Springs       CO 809410000
5665 MassPike Circle           Sandy Hook             CT 064820000
45A Sturgeon Dr., Bldg. 5      Ft. Pierce             FL 349510000
45A Sturgeon Dr., Bldg. 5      Ft. Pierce             FL 349510000
6665 Peachtree Lane            Atlanta                GA 303280000
1 Washington Complex           Boston                 MA 021010000
45521 Pilgrim Circle           Nantucket              MA 025540000


public static final Comparator<Customer> STATE_CITY_COMPARATOR =


class StateCityComparator implements Comparator<Customer> {
     * Compare method that compares Customers by state and city
     * @param first, second which are the numbers of the customer which needs to be compared
    public int compare(Customer first, Customer second){
        // Getting the state
        String fir = first.getState();
        String sec = second.getState();
        int state = fir.compareTo(sec);
        int city =  first.getCity().compareTo(second.getCity());
        // Compare the state, and the city if the states are equal
        return (state == 0)? city : state;
    }// End of compareStateCity
} //


class StateCityComparator implements Comparator<Customer> {
     * Compare method that compares Customers by state and city
     * @param first, second which are the numbers of the customer which needs to be compared
    public int compare(Customer first, Customer second){
        int state = first.getState().compareTo(second.getState());
        return (state != 0)? state : first.getCity().compareTo(second.getCity());
    }// End of compareStateCity
} //
