具有 ML.NET 的动态培训/测试类

这是这里问题的后续 动态类/对象 ML.net 的 PredictionMoadel<TInput,> Train((

我的系统在编译时无法使用预定义的类,因此我尝试将动态类输入到如下所示 ML.NET

// field data type
public class Field
public string FieldName { get; set; }
public Type FieldType { get; set; }
// dynamic class helper
public class DynamicClass : DynamicObject
private readonly Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<Type, object>> _fields;
public DynamicClass(List<Field> fields)
_fields = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<Type, object>>();
fields.ForEach(x => _fields.Add(x.FieldName,
new KeyValuePair<Type, object>(x.FieldType, null)));
public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
if (_fields.ContainsKey(binder.Name))
var type = _fields[binder.Name].Key;
if (value.GetType() == type)
_fields[binder.Name] = new KeyValuePair<Type, object>(type, value);
return true;
else throw new Exception("Value " + value + " is not of type " + type.Name);
return false;
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
result = _fields[binder.Name].Value;
return true;
private static void Main(string[] args)
var fields = new List<Field>
new Field {FieldName = "Name", FieldType = typeof(string)},
new Field {FieldName = "Income", FieldType = typeof(float)}
dynamic obj1 = new DynamicClass(fields);
obj1.Name = "John";
obj1.Income = 100f;
dynamic obj2 = new DynamicClass(fields);
obj2.Name = "Alice";
obj2.Income = 200f;
var trainingData = new List<dynamic> {obj1, obj2};
var env = new LocalEnvironment();
var schemaDef = SchemaDefinition.Create(typeof(DynamicClass));
schemaDef.Add(new SchemaDefinition.Column(null, "Name", TextType.Instance));
schemaDef.Add(new SchemaDefinition.Column(null, "Income", NumberType.R4));
var trainDataView = env.CreateStreamingDataView(trainingData, schemaDef);
var pipeline = new CategoricalEstimator(env, "Name")
.Append(new ConcatEstimator(env, "Features", "Name"))
.Append(new FastTreeRegressionTrainer(env, "Income", "Features"));
var model = pipeline.Fit(trainDataView);






var properties = new List<DynamicTypeProperty>()
new DynamicTypeProperty("SepalLength", typeof(float)),
new DynamicTypeProperty("SepalWidth", typeof(float)),
new DynamicTypeProperty("PetalLength", typeof(float)),
new DynamicTypeProperty("PetalWidth", typeof(float)),
// create the new type
var dynamicType = DynamicType.CreateDynamicType(properties);
var schema = SchemaDefinition.Create(dynamicType);

然后,您需要使用所需数据创建列表。 这是按如下方式完成的:

var dynamicList = DynamicType.CreateDynamicList(dynamicType);
// get an action that will add to the list
var addAction = DynamicType.GetAddAction(dynamicList);
// call the action, with an object[] containing parameters in exact order added
addAction.Invoke(new object[] {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4});
// call add action again for each row.

然后,您需要使用数据创建 IDataView,这需要使用反射,否则培训师将无法推断出正确的类型。

var mlContext = new MLContext();
var dataType = mlContext.Data.GetType();
var loadMethodGeneric = dataType.GetMethods().First(method => method.Name =="LoadFromEnumerable" && method.IsGenericMethod);
var loadMethod = loadMethodGeneric.MakeGenericMethod(dynamicType);
var trainData = (IDataView) loadMethod.Invoke(mlContext.Data, new[] {dynamicList, schema});






现在你只完成了一半。若要从动态程序集获取动态类型,需要将其加载到应用程序域中。请参阅此帖子。 加载程序集后,您可以使用"Activator.CreateInstance((",如果它是相同的域或如果您的自定义域,则需要yourDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap()从动态生成的类中创建对象并获取类型使用Assembly.GetType()


其他选项Refelection.Emit()但它需要大量的 IL 级别编码。请参阅此帖子。


public class TrainingSample
public string TextField1;
public string TextField2;
public string TextField3;
public string TextField4;
public string TextField5;
public float FloatField1;
public float FloatField2;
public float FloatField3;
public float FloatField4;
public float FloatField5;
public float FloatField6;
public float FloatField7;
public float FloatField8;
public float FloatField9;
public float FloatField10;
public float FloatField11;
public float FloatField12;
public float FloatField13;
public float FloatField14;
public float FloatField15;
