


Cust Id  Email 
Tom      Email 1
Ben      Email 1
Tom      Email 2
Tom      Email 2
Jason    Email 3
Ben      Email 2


Select count(cust_id)
from WORK_TBLS_LOADS.aw_fpq_ajm_current
Where Email = 'Email 2' 
and Email = 'Email 3'
Select count(cust_id), touch
from WORK_TBLS_LOADS.aw_fpq_ajm_current
having count(email)
group by 1
Where email = 'Email 1' 
and email = 'Email 2'
Select cust_id, count(email)
from WORK_TBLS_LOADS.aw_fpq_ajm_current
Where email = 'Email 2' 
and email = 'Email 3'
group by 1




您现有的查询不起作用,因为电子邮件的值不能同时为同一行中的"电子邮件1"one_answers"电子邮件2"。您正在寻找的是关系划分,可以使用条件聚合来实现。但根据GROUP BY,这将导致2(客户收到这些电子邮件组合(。基于窗口聚合的相同逻辑返回行数:

with cte as 
( select t.*
-- flag rows matching a single mail
,max(case when email = 'Email 1' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by cust_id) as flag_1
,max(case when email = 'Email 2' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by cust_id) as flag_2
,max(case when email = 'Email 3' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by cust_id) as flag_3
from WORK_TBLS_LOADS.aw_fpq_ajm_current AS t
-- filter emails to be matched
where email in ('Email 1','Email 2','Email 3')
-- filter for customers with combinations of emails
qualify flag_1 + flag_2 = 2
or flag_2 + flag_3 = 2
or flag_1 + flag_3 = 2
select count(*)
from cte

编辑,根据您的评论如果我想要一个不同的客户数量,我会::select count(distinct cust_id(吗

是的,这是可行的,但与传统的GROUP BY方法相比,它的开销更大。相同的逻辑,但在CTE:中为每个匹配的客户返回一行

with cte as 
( select cust_id
,max(case when email = 'Email 1' then 1 else 0 end) as flag_1
,max(case when email = 'Email 2' then 1 else 0 end) as flag_2
from WORK_TBLS_LOADS.aw_fpq_ajm_current AS t
where email in ('Email 1','Email 2')
group by 1
having flag_1 + flag_2 = 2
select count(*)
from cte


select count(*)
from t
where exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.custid = t.custid and email = 'Email 1') and
exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.custid = t.custid and email = 'Email 2') ;


with cte as
-- conditional aggregation by Cust_ID 
( select Cust_ID,
,sum(case when email = 'Email 1' then 1 else 0 end) as email_1_count
,sum(case when email = 'Email 2' then 1 else 0 end) as email_2_count
,sum(case when email = 'Email 3' then 1 else 0 end) as email_3_count
from WORK_TBLS_LOADS.aw_fpq_ajm_current
group by Cust_ID
-- summarize to just total counts
select count(*) as cust_count, sum(email_1_count+email_2_count) as row_count
from cte
where email_1_count > 0 and email_2_count > 0

我不知道一般情况。通过附加更多的union all查询,您可以很容易地添加到其中。


with data as (
select count(*) as c
from WORK_TBLS_LOADS.aw_fpq_ajm_current
where Email in ('Email 1' ,'Email 2')
group by Cust_Id
having count(distinct Email) = 2 -- because there are two emails in this match
union all
select count(*) as c
from WORK_TBLS_LOADS.aw_fpq_ajm_current
where Email in ('Email 2' ,'Email 3')
group by Cust_Id
having count(distinct Email) = 2
select sum(c) from data


select count(distinct id) as num_customer, 
count(*) as num_emails
from t a
where exists (select 1 from t b
where b.id=a.id
and email in ('Email 1', 'Email 2') 
group by id
having count(distinct email)=2);

