


    global gScrollField
local sScrollerID
on openCard
   local tScrollerRect, tContentRect
   // Only create a scroller on a mobile device
   if environment() is not "mobile" then exit openCard
   // Set the area of the scroller
   put the rect of gScrollField into tScrollerRect
   // Set the are of the content to be scrolled
   put 0,0,(the formattedWidth of gScrollField),(the formattedHeight of gScrollField) into  tContentRect 
   // Create the scroller control
   mobileControlCreate "scroller", "loremScroll"
   put the result into sScrollerID
   // Set the properties of the scroller
   mobileControlSet "loremScroll", "rect", tScrollerRect
   mobileControlSet "loremScroll", "contentRect", tContentRect
   mobileControlSet "loremScroll", "visible", true
   mobileControlSet "loremScroll", "scrollingEnabled", true
   mobileControlSet "loremScroll", "vIndicator", true
   mobileControlSet "loremScroll", "vscroll", 0
end openCard
on closeCard
   // Delete the scroller
   if environment() is not "mobile" then exit closeCard
   mobileControlDelete sScrollerID
end closeCard
on scrollerDidScroll hOffset, vOffset
   // When the user scrolls move the displayed content
   set the vScroll of gScrollField to vOffset
end scrollerDidScroll


    global gScrollField
on mouseUp
   put the long name of fld "b" into gScrollField
   hide fld "a"
   hide fld "c"
   show fld "b"
end mouseUp




    global gScrollField
    local sScrollerID
    local sStarted
    on preOpenCard
       local tScrollerRect, tContentRect
       if sStarted <> true then
          put the long id of fld "a" into gScrollField
          hide fld "c"
          hide fld "b"
          show fld "a"
          put true into sStarted
       end if
       // Only create a scroller on a mobile device
       if environment() is not "mobile" then exit preOpenCard


