

Some comment on the 1st line of the file.
processing date:         31.8.2016
amount:                  -1.23
currency:                EUR
balance:                 1234.56
payer reference:         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 1
additional info:         Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY

processing date:         30.8.2016
amount:                  -2.23
currency:                EUR
balance:                 12345.56
payer reference:         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 2
additional info:         Amount: 2.23 EUR 28.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY

processing date:         29.8.2016
amount:                  -3.23
currency:                EUR
balance:                 123456.56
payer reference:         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 2
additional info:         Amount: 2.23 EUR 27.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY

我需要处理文件,所以我将有右边的值,31.8.2016, -1.23, EUR, 1234.56等,存储在MySQL数据库中。




File.foreach('data.txt', "nn") do |li|
  next unless li[/^processing/]
  puts "'#{li.strip}'"



'processing date:         31.8.2016
amount:                  -1.23
currency:                EUR
balance:                 1234.56
payer reference:         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 1
additional info:         Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY'
'processing date:         30.8.2016
amount:                  -2.23
currency:                EUR
balance:                 12345.56
payer reference:         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 2
additional info:         Amount: 2.23 EUR 28.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY'
'processing date:         29.8.2016
amount:                  -3.23
currency:                EUR
balance:                 123456.56
payer reference:         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 2
additional info:         Amount: 2.23 EUR 27.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY'



split(':', 2)是你的朋友:

'processing date:         31.8.2016'.split(':', 2) # => ["processing date", "         31.8.2016"]
'amount:                  -1.23'.split(':', 2) # => ["amount", "                  -1.23"]
'currency:                EUR'.split(':', 2) # => ["currency", "                EUR"]
'balance:                 1234.56'.split(':', 2) # => ["balance", "                 1234.56"]
'payer reference:         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212'.split(':', 2) # => ["payer reference", "         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212"]
'type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 1'.split(':', 2) # => ["type of the transaction", " Some type of the transaction 1"]
'additional info:         Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY'.split(':', 2) # => ["additional info", "         Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY"]


text = 'processing date:         31.8.2016
amount:                  -1.23
currency:                EUR
balance:                 1234.56
payer reference:         /VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212
type of the transaction: Some type of the transaction 1
additional info:         Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY'
text.lines.map{ |li| li.split(':', 2).map(&:strip) }.to_h
# => {"processing date"=>"31.8.2016", "amount"=>"-1.23", "currency"=>"EUR", "balance"=>"1234.56", "payer reference"=>"/VS123456/SS0011223344/KS1212", "type of the transaction"=>"Some type of the transaction 1", "additional info"=>"Amount: 1.23 EUR 29.08.2016 Place: 123456789XY"}

