阿 乙 C
1 2 3
其中 A 是自变量 (y),B-C 是因变量 (x)。 假设测试集看起来相同,但顺序为
乙 甲
1 2 3
然后,我是否需要在运行之前重新排序测试集以匹配此顺序?(忽略我需要删除已经预测的 y 值 (a) 的事实,所以让我们说 B 和 C 是乱序的......
是的,您需要对它们重新排序。想象一个更简单的情况,线性回归。该算法将计算每个特征的权重,因此例如,如果特征 1 不重要,则会为其分配接近 0 的权重。
elyase是正确的。 scikit-learn
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
model = DecisionTreeClassifier()
x = pd.DataFrame({
'feature_1': [0, 0, 1, 1],
'feature_2': [0, 1, 0, 1]
y = [0, 0, 1, 1]
model.fit(x, y)
# we now have a model that
# (i) predicts 0 when x = [0, 0] or [0, 1], and
# (ii) predicts 1 when x = [1, 0] or [1, 1]
# positive example
http_request_payload = {
'feature_1': 0,
'feature_2': 1
input_features = pd.DataFrame([http_request_payload])
model.predict(input_features) # this returns 0, as expected
# negative example
http_request_payload = {
'feature_2': 1, # notice that the order is jumbled up
'feature_1': 0
input_features = pd.DataFrame([http_request_payload])
model.predict(input_features) # this returns 1, when it should have returned 0.
# scikit-learn doesn't care about the key-value mapping of the features.
# it simply vectorizes the dataframe in whatever order it comes in.
# training
x = pd.DataFrame([...])
column_order = x.columns
model = SomeModel().fit(x, y) # train model
# save the things that we need at prediction time. you can also use pickle if you don't want to pip install joblib
import joblib
joblib.dump(model, 'my_model.joblib')
joblib.dump(column_order, 'column_order.txt')
# load the artifacts from disk
model = joblib.load('linear_model.joblib')
column_order = joblib.load('column_order.txt')
# imaginary http request payload
request_payload = { 'feature_1': ..., 'feature_1': ... }
# create empty dataframe with the right shape and order (using column_order)
input_features = pd.DataFrame([], columns=column_order)
input_features = input_features.append(request_payload, ignore_index=True)
input_features = input_features.fillna(0) # handle any missing data however you like