Laravel 5-清洁代码,保留业务逻辑的位置(控制器示例)

以下我的控制器admin/Movie Controller的'Store'方法的示例。它似乎已经很大了,"更新"方法将更大。


  1. 在CreateMoviereQuest中验证请求数据并创建新电影所有可填充字段。
  2. 上传海报
  3. 填充并保存所有重要的字段(元标题,元描述..)
  4. 然后有4个代码块,并与电影,演员,董事,国家/地区有关。
  5. 使用第三方API的IMDB评级请求


  • 我应该将所有这些代码移动以建模并将其分为较小的方法,例如:emovergenres($ id),addgenres(请求$ request),...
  • 有一些最佳实践吗?我说的不是MVC,而是Laravel的功能。目前,要保留我只使用验证请求的场景后面的逻辑。

    public function store(CreateMovieRequest $request) {
    $movie = Movies::create($request->except('poster'));
    /* Uploading poster */
    if ($request->hasFile('poster')) {
        $poster = Image::make($request->file('poster'));
        $poster->fit(250, 360, function ($constraint) {
        $path = storage_path() . '/images/movies/'.$movie->id.'/';
        if(! File::exists($path)) {
        $filename = time() . '.' . $request->file('poster')->getClientOriginalExtension();
        $poster->save($path . $filename);
        $movie->poster = $filename;
    /* If 'Meta Title' is empty, then fill it with the name of the movie */
    if ( empty($movie->seo_title) ) {
        $movie->seo_title = $movie->title;
    /* If 'Meta Description' is empty, then fill it with the description of the movie */
    if ( empty($movie->seo_description) ) {
        $movie->seo_description = $movie->description;
    // Apply all changes
    /* Parsing comma separated string of genres
     * and attaching them to movie */
    if (!empty($request->input('genres'))) {
        $genres = explode(',', $request->input('genres'));
        foreach($genres as $item) {
            $name = mb_strtolower(trim($item), 'UTF-8');
            $genre = Genre::where('name', $name)->first();
            /* If such genre doesn't exists in 'genres' table
             * then we create a new one */
            if ( empty($genre) ) {
                $genre = new Genre();
                $genre->fill(['name' => $name])->save();
    /* Parsing comma separated string of countries
     * and attaching them to movie */
    if (!empty($request->input('countries'))) {
        $countries = explode(',', $request->input('countries'));
        foreach($countries as $item) {
            $name = mb_strtolower(trim($item), 'UTF-8');
            $country = Country::where('name', $name)->first();
            if ( empty($country) ) {
                $country = new Country();
                $country->fill(['name' => $name])->save();
    /* Parsing comma separated string of directors
     * and attaching them to movie */
    if (!empty($request->input('directors'))) {
        $directors = explode(',', $request->input('directors'));
        foreach($directors as $item) {
            $name = mb_strtolower(trim($item), 'UTF-8');
            // Actors and Directors stored in the same table 'actors'
            $director = Actor::where('fullname', trim($name))->first();
            if ( empty($director) ) {
                $director = new Actor();
                $director->fill(['fullname' => $name])->save();
            // Save this relation to 'movie_director' table
    /* Parsing comma separated string of actors
     * and attaching them to movie */
    if (!empty($request->input('actors'))) {
        $actors = explode(',', $request->input('actors'));
        foreach($actors as $item) {
            $name = mb_strtolower(trim($item), 'UTF-8');
            $actor = Actor::where('fullname', $name)->first();
            if ( empty($actor) ) {
                $actor = new Actor();
                $actor->fill(['fullname' => $name])->save();
            // Save this relation to 'movie_actor' table
    // Updating IMDB and Kinopoisk ratings
    if (!empty($movie->kinopoisk_id)) {
        $content = Curl::get(''.$movie->kinopoisk_id.'.xml');
        $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content[0]->getContent());
        $movie->rating_kinopoisk = (double) $xml->kp_rating;
        $movie->rating_imdb = (double) $xml->imdb_rating;
        $movie->num_votes_kinopoisk = (int) $xml->kp_rating['num_vote'];
        $movie->num_votes_imdb = (int) $xml->imdb_rating['num_vote'];
    return redirect('/admin/movies');



  • 管理如何设置属性的方式
  • 在功能中创建不错的功能包括/管理关系的数据


class Movie{
    public function __construct(){
        //If 'Meta Title' is empty, then fill it with the name of the movie
        $this->seo_title = empty($movie->seo_title)
            ? $movie->title 
            : $otherValue;
        //If 'Meta Description' is empty, 
        //then fill it with the description of the movie
        $movie->seo_description = empty($movie->seo_description)
            ? $movie->description 
            : $anotherValue;
    * Parsing comma separated string of countries and attaching them to movie 
    public function attachCountries($countries){
        foreach($countries as $item) {
            $name = mb_strtolower(trim($item), 'UTF-8');
            $country = Country::where('name', $name)->first();
            if ( empty($country) ) {
                $country = new Country();
                $country->fill(['name' => $name])->save();
     * Update Kinopoisk information
     public function updateKinopoisk(){}
     * Directors
     public function attachDirectors($directors){ ... }
      * Actores
      public function attachActors($actors){ ... }
       * Genders
       public function attachActors($actors){ ... }


public class PosterManager{
    public static function upload($file, $movie){
        $poster = Image::make($file);
        $poster->fit(250, 360, function ($constraint) {
         $path = config('app.images') . $movie->id.'/';
         if(! File::exists($path)) {
        $filename = time() . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
        $poster->save($path . $filename);
        return $poster;


'images' => storage_path() . '/images/movies/';

现在,您可以在全球范围内致电$path = config('app.images');。如果需要更改路径,则需要设置配置文件。


public function store(CreateMovieRequest $request) {
    $movie = Movies::create($request->except('poster'));
    /* Uploading poster */
    if ($request->hasFile('poster')) {
        $file = $request->file('poster');
        $poster = PosterManager::upload($file, $movie);
        $movie->poster = $poster->filename;
    if (!empty($request->input('genres'))) {
        $genres = explode(',', $request->input('genres'));
    // movie->attachDirectors();
    // movie->attachCountries();
    // Apply all changes
    return redirect('/admin/movies');
