


  • 如果过去一秒内没有RSSI(信号强度)样本,信标的精度值有时为-1。如果您依赖于自动排序,则会得到不正确的结果。

  • 如果在最后一秒没有检测到信标,有时信标会从列表中退出。

  • 在嘈杂的蓝牙环境和不频繁传输信标时,这是一个常见的问题。



let expirationTimeSecs = 5.0
public var closestBeacon: CLBeacon? = nil
var trackedBeacons: Dictionary<String, CLBeacon>
var trackedBeaconTimes: Dictionary<String, NSDate>
override init() {
  trackedBeacons = Dictionary<String, CLBeacon>()
  trackedBeaconTimes = Dictionary<String, NSDate>()
public func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager, didRangeBeacons beacons: [CLBeacon], inRegion region: CLBeaconRegion) {
  let now = NSDate()
  for beacon in beacons {
    let key = keyForBeacon(beacon)
    if beacon.accuracy < 0 {
      NSLog("Ignoring beacon with negative distance")
    else {
      trackedBeacons[key] = beacon
      if (trackedBeaconTimes[key] != nil) {
        trackedBeaconTimes[key] = now
      else {
        trackedBeaconTimes[key] = now
func calculateClosestBeacon() {
  var changed = false
    // Initialize cloestBeaconCandidate to the latest tracked instance of current closest beacon
    var closestBeaconCandidate: CLBeacon?
    if closestBeacon != nil {
      let closestBeaconKey = keyForBeacon(closestBeacon!)
      for key in trackedBeacons.keys {
        if key == closestBeaconKey {
          closestBeaconCandidate = trackedBeacons[key]
    for key in trackedBeacons.keys {
      var closer = false
      let beacon = trackedBeacons[key]
      if (beacon != closestBeaconCandidate) {
        if beacon!.accuracy > 0 {
          if closestBeaconCandidate == nil {
            closer = true
          else if beacon!.accuracy < closestBeaconCandidate!.accuracy {
            closer = true
        if closer {
          closestBeaconCandidate = beacon
          changed = true
    if (changed) {
      closestBeacon = closestBeaconCandidate
func keyForBeacon(beacon: CLBeacon) -> String {
  return "(beacon.proximityUUID.UUIDString) (beacon.major) (beacon.minor)"
func purgeExpiredBeacons() {
  let now = NSDate()
  var changed = false
  var newTrackedBeacons = Dictionary<String, CLBeacon>()
  var newTrackedBeaconTimes = Dictionary<String, NSDate>()
  for key in trackedBeacons.keys {
    let beacon = trackedBeacons[key]
    let lastSeenTime = trackedBeaconTimes[key]!
    if now.timeIntervalSinceDate(lastSeenTime) > expirationTimeSecs {
      NSLog("******* Expired seeing beacon: (key) time interval is (now.timeIntervalSinceDate(lastSeenTime))")
      changed = true
    else {
      newTrackedBeacons[key] = beacon!
      newTrackedBeaconTimes[key] = lastSeenTime
  if changed {
    trackedBeacons = newTrackedBeacons
    trackedBeaconTimes = newTrackedBeaconTimes

一旦检测到信标,为了查看最接近的信标,您需要在locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didRangeBeacons:(NSArray *)beacons inRegion:(CLBeaconRegion *)region回调中遍历信标数组,并比较每个信标的精度属性。精度值最低的信标距离最近。

